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Full Version: To the Zoner groups
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- Location: UMM factory, New Safland, Planet Erie -
- Sender: Aristides Sousa Mendes, Director of UMM -

Greetings fellow Zoners

If you are looking for one high quality land atmospheric vehicle, that isn't Libertonian or Rheinlander and it is a Zoner made, you can find then here.

Any questions you may have please contact us.

Best Regards

Aristides de Sousa Mendes

- Transmission ends -
::: Incoming Transmission :::
::: Location - Omicron-Kappa :::
::: ID - Dankien Moebus :::

Dear Aristides de Sousa Mendes

It is great news that we have now our own vehicles made with zoner technology. The Phoenix would like to buy a fleet of such vehicles (value of 100 000 000 credits) that we would offer to The Order. Could you build an assortment of different type of this vehicles for us? We would then transport it periodically to The Order home system.

Best regards,
Dankien Moebus
::: End of Transmission :::
[Image: 13431885.png]
*Message to Dankien Moebus yes only*

- Location: UMM factory, New Safland, Planet Erie -
- Sender: Aristides Sousa Mendes, Director of UMM -

Greetings Mr Moebus

First let me say that is a honor to speak with you! We never met but i heard a lot about you.

Mr. Moebus ... ahhh ... we have a legitimate business here on Erie, and has you may know ... Erie is under the ... "protection" of Liberty. I must say that that i'm a bit confused because, we have news that the Order lost the only planet that had, Toledo, but know i see you requesting land vehicles to they, but that doen't matter! What matters is, like i said, we have a legitimate business and to avoid any trouble with Liberty we don't suplly their enemies. Please don't get me wrong, we have a great appreciation for the Order, mainly our boss Marius, but ... you know how are this House Goverment, mainly to Zoners. So we can't supply the Order but we can suplly you, and what you do with these vehicles is not our concern.

Mr. Moebus i also must say that the number you showed is a very good number but, i need to know what kind of vehicles you want. Let me remind you that we are not a mass production factory, and the numbers are very limited, so a big order can take some time to get it done. Also we delivery all our vehicles ready to use, and that means that they occupy a lot of room, so we can't delivery too many on each delivery (//in RP i don't agree taht a military vehicle just takes 5 cargo units, i can't imagine eleven trucks on one Osprey).

Also about our productin line, only the Alter is a full develop UMM product, the others are old designs that we upgraded with our new technology. We also can build specific for our custumers needs. For example we are bulding patrols boats and we are preparing to build a a big sea ship. Yes Mr Moebus, not all Erie's riches are in land, and also it will also be use to explore the deep sea. We know more about the deep space than our planets deep sea.

So Mr. Moebus, i can say that we are please that you have chosen us, and i assure you that we will suplly you the vehicles you need. Please look to our current line and choose what are the vehicles that you whant, but if you need other type of vehicles, please, say for what you need, what type of terrain they will be operating and for what purpose, and we will get you what you want.

Best regards

Aristides Sousa Mendes