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Full Version: Transmission to GMG
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Incoming Transmission
Location: Sigma 13
Comm ID: Eugene Debs, La Villa Strangiato

Good evening, honorable Guild Masters. My name is Eugene Debs, Captain of the... "Free Trade" vessel La Villa Strangiato. We specialize in the interdiction of certain high-value commodities among key strategic lines of supply. Simply put, we're pirates, beholden to no faction or flag. And I like it that way, as does my crew.

Recently, we came onto a rather interesting piece of technology: a cloaking device. It fits snugly in the hold, and makes a nice humming noise when we flip it on, but nothing else.

Its fuel requirements are vastly greater than we can supply alone.

Certainly, we could steal the fuel we need... but that's problematic, and takes time, and that method hardly offers a steady supply of fuel. We have a few different fuel options, the hungry thing will eat just about anything. The most logical solution to start, however, is to see about setting up a business proposition with the GMG. Because when we get down to it, you're businessmen, and I'm a businessman, and I think we can both respect that.

Obviously, in return for a steady supply of H-Fuel we'll pay hard cash. And of course, we'll stay our guns against GMG ships and interests. If you're also interested, we can pay *ahem*... "special" attention to your competition, or corporations you don't much care for.

Our cargo hold can store up to 120 units of H-Fuel at a time, when all is said and done. I'll leave you to consider the proposition, and see where you want to go from there -- if you even want to build a business relationship.

Sincerely yours,
Captain Eugene Debs

Your message has been received by the GMG Executive Offices on Niigata Station, and is scheduled to be reviewed during the next board meeting. Subsequently, one of the Guild Masters will provide an official response in this channel.

Arigato, for your patience.

Sore Dewa,
The Board