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Full Version: [OWL] Leadership
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To [OWL] leadership,

It's seems one of your ships has been making repeated attempts to smuggle artifacts into Bretonia, these many attempts have been recorded by officers of the law and other forces that have passed along this information. Not only has this captain refused the orders of the officers and resisted arrest, his most recent action was to open fire on an officer attempting to stop him.
Due to the fact that he is flying under the colors of your group you're being held responsible for his actions and therefor are required to pay the fine that your captain has managed to accumulate.
An amount of 20,000,000 credits is to be set to the BPA)Anvil within 24 hours or ALL [OWL] ships will be declared to be an illegal entity within Bretonia, your ships in Bretonia boarded, their cargo seized, fined and their ships removed from Bretonian space. Your access to planets, bases and stations under the authority of Bretonia will be revoked.

His list of crimes and the relevant fines are as listed:
- 2x confirmed cases of smuggling artifacts; equalling a fine of 4,000,000 credits
- Resisting arrest; equalling a fine of 2,000,000 credits
- Attacking an officer of the law; equalling a fine of 4,000,000 credits
- Repeating offender, the captain previously has been caught and fined for smuggling; Fine is increased by 2x

Lady Kensington,
Deputy Commissioner, Bretonian Police Authority.

As he stands on the bridge of his flagship, lord Cleaver, master of the OWL clan watches the Bretonian message on his monitor and ponders.

Ruffling his beard he thinks about the proper answer to give.

1 second later he presses the reply button and writes the answer to the bretonian police.
