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Location: Omicron Gamma, Planet Crete
Sender: Trueno Benitez
Recipent: The Omicron Supply Industries

[Image: normal_(bmw)devil13.jpg]

Buenos Dias Señores,

i am afraid this is no buisness talk about supplies and passing rights this time. We have a problem...maybe it is more correct to state that YOU have a problem!

Look at the attached files Señores and watch closely

Attachment 1
Attachment 2

Si...believe your eyes as it even gets worse...seems like our beloved brethren not only came into possession of one of your carriers- it even has hightech equipment onboard to evade detection, too!

So...we all know fully well that a complete carrier does not go missing without anybody noticing it and without a trained crew no one is even able to fly such a ship if he can somehow come into possession of it.

This leads to only one conclusion for me senores...the Outcasts were willingly given this ship. This is felonía !
You senores have the shipyards capable of building and maintaining under your control...and you sure can count the number of ships as good as you count your pesetos.

Señores...i need an explanation why you spit in the face of the Empire by handing out advanced and high tech war material to the Outcasts and risk to fall off from the pin head you try to balance on in the Omicrons. What did they pay you to make it worth it?

Respond to this channel and make sure you stay confidential with these scans - currently i am the only one with sound guncam and scan images of that battle as all other ships where destroyed and sadly hd their records we can still work something out how you can restore you honor and repay the Empire del Corsario without having the independent families manning their Legates and Praefects in order to cash in a blood price, si?

Hasta la vista,
[Image: trueno.png]
[Image: outh.png]
[Image: williamcross.png]
Greetings Senor Trueno

You bring troubeling news, senor. Another of Livadia's children found not in the hands of those she was built to protect. With cloaking technology to boot.

This, however, is not our doing. Shortly after the sudden departure of the Omicroners to gods knows where, my brother dispatched a team to secure Livadia. He then followed them. The base was also occupied by the remeaning Omicroners who have since taken to calling themselves the Phoenix.

It was my brother's intention to have OSI move its entire operation into Omicron-74, but the board decided to move to Omega-49 instead. The remaining personnel we have in Omicron-74 reside on Freeport 15.

It would seem under the watch of the Omicroners much of our technology was handed out like party favors or stolen out from under their noses. While I have no love for the Omicroners they were not complete idiots; it is more likely that they sold our technology for their own profit.

While my brother would wish to reclaim the vessel, I'm more of the mind to have it destroyed out right; as it is no doubt fully contaminated with the Outcast's drug. Until such a time as we find a way to destroy it, I'll inquire with the station administrators and councils and ensure it finds no safe harbor on our stations.
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Location: Omicron Gamma, Planet Crete
Sender: Trueno Benitez
Recipent: The Omicron Supply Industries

[Image: normal_(bmw)devil13.jpg]

Buenos Dias Señor Cross,
lo siento for having you waiting for so long - but i had pressing business to attend to. Now, we still have to decide what to do on the matter of your ship in the hands of the Empires enemies. I am deeply shocked to hear of the betrayal you insinuate the Omicroners performed!
How could this happen? Si, i know you Zoner señores love the freedom of space and the freedom of action - but handing out warships? This is not the freedom a group balancing on a knives edge should take - this is locco and a war-like act itself!
How could those Omicroners hand out such technology for simple pesetos? Don't you Zoners honor and pride your technology, too?
This was a move i thought not possible, even for the Omicroners...and their suspected not so neutral neutrality....
Señor Cross - while i am still deeply shocked and on the verve of an explosión de rabia over this issue, we two are businessmen after all, si? I am afraid the Zoner community will have to pay for the crimes of the Omicroners against the Empire del Corsario - we need reparations, si? If there are none i am the first one to be hung by the independent families, before they come knocking at your door, which would sadden me deeply.
So...we need to talk how we can make this ugly mess forgotten and restore the balance in the Omicrons!

Personally i would like it muy bueno to be paid in kind, that is in technology...but i am sure we could settle for un poquito less then a warship, which would be madness to even accept after all.
So Señor i think while you are having your dinner tonight you might have to ponder which poison to pick - do you want to sell out a bit of your knowledge in weapons engineering or do you prefer an approach with a pinch of irony and more risk by helping us getting some insights in the technology our brethren procure.

Now i fully hope that you understand that we are doing business here, consider it as customer care if it fits you señor, i am sure we will find an arrangement, si?

Hasta la vista,
[Image: trueno.png]
[Image: outh.png]
Retransmitting Message
[Image: vcrosstrans.png]
Hola senor Trueno, I'll be taking things over from here. William was merely filling in for me while I was busy with other affairs.

As I am sure you are aware, the Omicroners didn't particularly act like the rest of us. They held no love for your Empire, nor respect for it. I don't think it too hard to believe that they sold weaponry and vessels to aid in the fight against those they hated and could not themselves best in battle.

Senor, I don't remember OSI asking for reparations for the damage caused by some of your more chaotic brethren when the Omicroners felt the need to incite the Empire last. My company was targetted by them, even though we had a long history of supporting the Empire. We continued to support the Empire once our transports stopped being targetted.

No, senor, this is a clear attempt at black mail; something I would not expect from a Corsair. A Rheinlander? Sure. Hessian? They try every chance they get.

My company has long supported the Empire, but we will not be black mailed or bullied into handing over any of our technology. That is a slippy slop we will not take. First the Empire; next the Hessian's would be making demands. While the Omicroners might have been war profiteers, my company is not. Fight your wars, with your weapons.

If you wish to do business, leave the black mail attempts at the door.
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Location: Omicron Gamma, Planet Crete
Sender: Trueno Benitez
Recipent: The Omicron Supply Industries

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Señor Cross!

now i wonder...the elder or the younger hermano? Anyways, obviously the hermano in charge and with no tast for long evasive discussions -muy bueno.
Still, you do me wrong - and dearly so. All i asked for was a friendly turn, like the one i provided myself. After all...did you see a raving horde of Corsairs on your doorstep demandaing explanations, revenge and whatnot?

I have no intentions to stain our relationship, señor Cross - quite the contrary actually, a friendship even if it is mostly for buisness only is a stream of giving and taking. I gave you a little something, and i asked for something in return. Your reaction and the allegation of blackmail shows you don't consider the value equal. Bueno, that's why we are businessmen and gifted with speach and reason, si?

Let me....rephrase my last message a bit, it seems not all went through properly- and of course i want to refurbish it a bit, too. I would love to see the irony happen that we gain knowlege, understanding and a graspable advantage over over brethren by integrating some of their solutions into our own concepts in weapon design. Look at the whole thing from my point : The Outcasts stole or illegaly aquired some of your can't take much action to my understanding...but with your help, maybe the Empire could deliver a bit of sweet revenge for you without anyone else knowing. At least to me, this leaves me with a warm feeling in my barriga!

Still, i promised to sweeten the deal even more for you, so how about this: If you do aquire some functioning high end figthercraft weapons from the Outcast and deliver them to my familia.... i offer you an exclusive contract to supply us with high end laboratory and engineering equipment for our project. You could, here and now eliminate your competition on this contract and gain la gatitud you sureley deserve.
Let me know what you think on this proposition señor!

Hasta la vista,
[Image: trueno.png]
[Image: outh.png]
[Image: vcrosstrans.png]
Senor, I mean no disrespect, but what exactly is it that you've given us? If you're referring to restraining some of your brethren; that is what is expected of the Empire in return for our continued assistance with supplies.

Irregardless of that, it doesn't seem like you're interested in our technology which seemed to be the case. Understandabe, as our weapons technology doens't compare to that of your own and that of the Outcasts. We've no desire for revenge on the Outcasts for their use of our technology. Our desire would be to see the vessel destroyed out right. If your brethren wish to be the tools used to see that end; I think we can compensate them for their work. How does 10 million credits to the pilot or crew of any Corsair vessel who cripples the [WoL]-Vengeance.Angel sound? 100 million credit pot.

I'll see what I can do to acquire some Outcast weaponry for you senor. Exactly what are you looking for and in what numbers?
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Location: Omicron Gamma, Planet Crete
Sender: Trueno Benitez
Recipent: The Omicron Supply Industries

[Image: 189428-4.jpg]

A pleasure to speak to you again Señor Cross,

first let me try to resolve your question of what i have done for you - some might say not much, you might even be of that opinion, si? But i did take great care to keep the incident with the Outcast Aquilon behind closed flight records on the ship were found...who might know why? No outburst of rage was heard in the cantinas after the battle...again, why? The situation was handled as it was because of your continued and valued friendship and support. The incident was only discussed with my fellow Benitez elders and our exchange here is between us two only. So i did my protect your interests señor and i will continue to do so evidentmente!

You do surprise me have no urge for venganza? This must be the reason you are called Zoners then, muy bueno! But of course the WOL-Vengeance Angel will be put out of order no matter what - i will finish the business i started personally, it will not escape one more time. Also i will give instructions to the soldatos of the familia, too. When it is done i will send the figurehead your way.

Concerning the is a miracle to our scientists how the outcasts are able to propell the superheated particles of the Kraken Guns at such a high velocity while keeping up a steady refire rate. Their guns should melt according to our we certainly miss a technical finesse either in the cooling or the propulsion systems. We need to know how this is possible. According to our chief research engineer we would need a set of 6 Kraken Type II guns to dismantle and analyze. If you can get hold of those we would be very thankful señor Cross - we will not forget this!

Perdón me for inquiring again - are you interested in the contract i proposed? We need the equipment and it would be just fair to offer the contract to you first. I still need the details from our science staff, but we are talking about small volume - high priced deliveries. Basically everything you need for a ship bound research and engineering laboratory. Just let me know if the OSI is up to it and i will open a new channel as soon as all needed items are identified.

Señor, congratulations on this turn of events - maybe if you find the time to visit the familia at Crete i will have to show you our new distillery - degustacion included, of course!

Hasta la vista,
[Image: trueno.png]
[Image: outh.png]
[Image: vcrosstrans.png]
*bows before the camera*

Gracias senor. Your handeling of the situation will not be forgotten. I must ask that you forgive my tone, but as of late we've had any and everyone demanding something of us. It has taken its toll on me. Perhaps I will take you up on the offer of a visit to your distillery.

We are indeed interested in a contract to supply your base; we'd of course need further details in order to see if our current transport fleet can make it possible. Our fleet has lost a number of vessels as of late, seems many of our kind have either taken extended vacations, lost themselves in the stars, or perished. I rather hope it is one of the former and not the latter.
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Location: Omicron Gamma, Planet Crete
Sender: Trueno Benitez
Recipent: The Omicron Supply Industries

[Image: 189428-4.jpg]

Buenos dias Señor Cross,
perdón the delay again, but i had to trim the shopping list of our lovely researchers down to realistic levels.
Actually the familia doesn't need to supply a base- we need high tech equipment for a research facility. I might have been a bit vague on my transmission the last time- sadly secrecy is always a must in research.

It all boils down to a rather small list of rather exquisite goods, all neccessary for a space based weapon research facility. The most urgent itmes are as follows:
Quote:500 Units of lightweight,high security wall plating and construction materials (//ship hull panels)

300 Units of precision remote controllable fabrication arms suitable for manual manufacturing (//robotics)

200 Units of rapid prototyping high temperature resistant polymer (// plastics)

200 Units sturdy, adjustable stands, sized for spaceship weapons - complete with trigger controls (//robotics)

100 Units of cramped quarters cooling devices, ready for heavy duty (//cryocubes)

100 Units of top notch fire and particle resistance air filter systems with high thoroughput (// Xenobiotic Filters)

50 Units High energy efficient burst-charge batteries (//Nanocapacitators)

50 Units Minimum loss optical cables (//Optronics)

50 Wire drums of superconducting cable (//Superconductors)

50 wave length tunable, high powered emitting crystals - completly mounted with cooling systems (//optical chips)

20 cascade- connectable long lasting portable reactors (//nuclear devices)

1 "licenced" distribution of " Ouch-O-Meter, calculate impact, penetration and efficiency 3.2 "
1 "licenced" distribution of "Automated aiming in safe research 0.7"
1 "licenced" distribution of "Charging ma lazers - handbook of applied energy beam research"
1 "licenced" distribution of "Heat and energy distribution for the applied weapon engineer - hands on edition"
1 "licenced" distribution of "Focussing beams of all styles into beams of doom - with video tutorial 2.0"
(//all Counterfeit software)

This would be it - i know many of those items are hard to get, but actually i trust on your ressourcefullness. Bueno- we should talk about the pesetos now. If you have the capacities to deliver us with the needed equipment within a reasonable time i am eliged to offer you 50 milion sirius credits.
This contract has some additional requirements though - it is absolutely neccessary that no information on it leaks out at any time, thus all evidence and proof has to be destroyed after fulfillment.
Additionally we need the deliveries to our own shipyard, located in Omicron 94 - if you are up to the contract details to the location will be given.

What do you think Señor Cross? Is OSI once again the supplier of my choice or am i forced to look for a substituto?

On a more personal note - the distillery visit might become real rather sooner than later, i attached a small invitation for you and your entourage... so join in, si?

Hasta la vista,
[Image: trueno.png]
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