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Full Version: To ze Rheinland Military and/or RFP|
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***Incomming Transmission***

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}-+---Hack succesful, uploading data---+-{

>>>Comm ID: Vin Chenzo
>>>Representation Authority: 101st, Ghosts.
>>>Signal Strength: Medium
>>>Signal Source: Classified
>>>Subject: You'll see.

_Chenzo apears on screen, his eyes glowing a deep orange, visable though his shades_


One is afraid One knows not whom exactly One is adressing, given your current political climate.

This transmission is to be kept within your peers for your own security.

As alerted to a couple of your units previously, I am extending some of my personal operations within Rheinland space.

The nature of what I'm going to be doing is classified, but One can assure you it is not against your people in any way shape or form.

You may ask why I'm telling you?

I don't want anyone pannicing, is all, a couple of my previous expeditions went through a few of your patrols and I thought it best to warn before hand.

You may take this message as hostile, but One assures your people it's not suppost to be taken so.

If you have any conditions you'd like me to follow whilst passing through your space, One shall do Ones best to comply, but can't prommise anything.

All previos contact between -Yourse- and -Ours- has been pleasant and both parties have bennifitted, I see no reason for this to change.

Yourse must understand, such personal missions must happen with or without your concent, so this transmission is not me asking for passage, meerly imforming your people. Conditions are open for disscussion.

You do not need to respond.

Long life and good luck to both of our Great Nations,

Yourse faithfully, Senor Vin Chenzo.

***Signal Lost***