Discovery Gaming Community

Full Version: ::single packet transfer - test 1 - ping::
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::Checking signal modules::

::Hack&Slash wave encypt "Check"::
::DoubleBack protection filter "Check"::
::TripleBack Black Box protection dampener "Check"::
::Vulgarity protection filter "Check"::
::Active protection level "absolute"::
::transmitting to address: kairi136@navyserv.lib.nn
::sending packet::
::sent... awaiting return::

>>Checking signal<<

::FlowerPetalEncryption Activated::
::Flytrap Filter...Check::
::Black Box Firewall Ghost Orchid Enabled::
>>|Profanity Filter Enabled|<<

Connecting to:
<|Downloading Packet|>
<|Download Complete|>


::Packet recieved::
::All signal wave protection set to maximum::

::Line is 100% secure::

::Clear to proceed::
Ohayo Rika-chan.. Cly spent a bit a time to make sure that its safe to talk, we dont want to make any trouble with people so she said it was better to be safe rather than sorry ne?

Mm, how have you been, did you manage to find the place you wanted to go to yet?

We had to do a long convoy today! there was lots of Bowex ships, and we had to go all the way to help Stoat-sama and the bounty hunters because they were in trouble! so we went to.. tooo.. um, cly what was it called.. ::Omicron Delta:: oh, hai! thats right.. we had to go there and it was scary! but we have been there before with Ojisan and that time th..there was aliens! *shivers* they were... strange.. and they tried to get us.. it was very scary.. but me and cly smacked them all on the head and they all went away! hyahaha..

We will wait for a message from you, we hope you are still all okay!

::message encrypted and sent::

[Image: jersmall.png]
CommID: Rika Hunter
Location: Order|CV-Destiny's Embrace
Encryption: Flowers. What now.

Heya Kiriko!
I'm ok, I managed to get to Leeds just fine. Managed to get to Magellan and back to Liberty. The people give me varying responses sadly. *she sighs* No one knows how to get to Pizza Hut either.

As for Delta...I don't trust the Hunters. It's more then their wsr with the Order; something is wrong. I won't ask you to not supply them, careful...

And nice! I should take lessons from you in smacking them. *she grins*

Thanks for your message Kiriko. It's nice to hesr from you.

Rika Out!
