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Full Version: [SLA] Sirius Liberation Army
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//First off this is not an official faction creation request, i just want the community's feedback, both in the RP ill/members will be posting in the forums and how we act in game. i want to see how well the SLA will interact with the community before i invest the credits in an official request.

Name: Sirius Liberation Army = [SLA]-"payer name'
Tag: Bundschuh
ID: Pirate ID

Starblazer(recruit +)
Hawk (recruit +)
Griffin (recruit +)
Falcon (sergeant +)
Crow (sergeant +)
Eagle (sergeant +)
Civilian Bomber (Colonel +)
Viper MKI (Colonel +)
Taiiden Bomber (Colonel +)

(//those are the ships untill alliances/RP development are made if they are)

Usable Bases:
not sure right now

(//again for now until alliances/ RP development are made if they are)


Flight Commodore:
Wing Commander:

About the Sirius Liberation Army:

The [SLA] is a Anarcho-Communist Terrorist group, Determined to bring down the House Governments, through revolution be it peaceful of violent, They will not fight alone tho, Their goal is to unite the people of Sirius under one cause and flag.
Our main weapons are the Traditional use taticks of "Propaganda of the deed" and "Strategy of Tension". We will hack and flood their news groups, broadcast over every system, both public and secure frequencies, we will hang posters, kidnap, well will do what is need for our message to be heard. Aside from those proven tactics we will perform numerous strikes raids on the oppressive house governments and their greedy corporations through out Sirius!

We fly under a Black and Red flag
[Image: Fr-fulr1.gif]

The red-and-black flag is the symbol of the anarcho-communist movements. Black is the traditional color of anarchism, and red is the traditional color of socialism. The red-and-black flag combines the two colors in equal parts, with a simple diagonal split. This symbolizes the co-existence of anarchist and socialist ideals within the anarcho-communist movement, and to symbolize the more socialistic means of the movement leading to a more anarchistic end.

Quote:Propaganda of the deed (or propaganda by the deed, from the French propagande par le fait) is a concept of anarchist origin, which appeared towards the end of the 19th century, that promoted physical violence against political enemies as a way of inspiring the masses and catalyzing revolution.

Quote:A strategy of tension (Italian: strategia della tensione) is an alleged way to control and manipulate public opinion using fear, propaganda, disinformation, psychological warfare, agents provocateurs, as well as false flag terrorist actions. According to historian Daniele Ganser, "It is a tactic which consists in committing bombings and attributing them to others. By the term 'tension' one refers to emotional tension, to what creates a sentiment of fear. By the term 'strategy' one refers to what feeds the fear of the people towards one particular group".
source: Wikipedia


\\Now that is the basic idea, im still working on the exact history of the the group, like how they came to be and so on...i will post that hopefully later today.

Any and All comments, criticisms and questions are brutally honest please.
no offense will be taken at all. i here to learn.

i have started recruiting a bit and will make a topic soon, if anyone is interested please have a look
' Wrote:...
The [SLA] is a Anarcho-Communist Terrorist group, Determined to bring down the House Governments, through revolution be it peaceful of violent, They will not fight alone tho, Their goal is to unite the people of Sirius under one cause and flag.
strikes raids on the oppressive house governments and their greedy corporations through out Sirius!
be brutally honest please.
Sirius-wide terrorism? That doesn't really resemble the Xenos activities. Not to mention that: broad area + unchecked terrorist activities = frowned upon by everyone around here.

First tip: Pick a stricter Zone of Interest and act there.

Second tip: Jump start from the original agenda of the NPC faction you're using (As far as I'm concerned, Xenos aren't worried about peoples other than the Libertonians, but I'm sure the guys from the Xeno Alliance can tell you about them much better than myself). If that faction doesn't make sense with the agenda you're attempting to portray, then perhaps you should choose another or go generic (paramilitary ID).

Third tip: There's wisdom there, take a careful look at it.
Looks like the SCRA.

needs to have its own niche, being Xeno would limit it to liberty, which is not your goal.

how is this different to the SCRA, if it is, it could be another faction for coalition ID.

It reminds me of the Phantoms actually. You want to take down the house governments, that's your prime goal and it's exactly the same as theirs.

First glance it looks like a more universal (systemversal?) version of the current (while unofficial) BU faction, a group with much more emphasis placed on the chatbox and spreading a bit of the good word than pulling the trigger.

If you were looking to fly as the coalition, that might be a bit tricky to say the least. Though if you were looking to fly as full fledged Xenos and stick to Liberty, could be this might warrant a bit more of a chat to see if there might be some manner of potential between us.

I'll be watching this to see where the idea develops over the course of time.
sounds like the coalition... except the SCRA is probably more "communist" than "anarchist"...
Quote:This symbolizes the co-existence of anarchist and socialist ideals within the anarcho-communist movement, and to symbolize the more socialistic means of the movement leading to a more anarchistic end.

this is the part i want to emphasize.

our main goal is to unite sirius...hence the anarchy part. anarchy =unity and peace
but implementing the commnnist ideals and means.

were mostly going to me a propaganda machine..with some pvp events..heavly baked with RP

EDIT: @ Dusty: well i im running with the idea that the people that started this group, have xeno origins, if not were/are xenos
uhu, but remember the Xeno as blunt showed me a few weeks ago seems mostly fascist, and actually have as a basic ideal, a strong hatred for strangers, so they wouldn't want Sirius Unity, more like a Sirius wide Liberty
i would also suggest using the coalition ID. i agree, you should find a very unique niche for your RP, because as it stands now, there isn't much difference between this and the SCRA.

my play times are random so i rarely see any SCRA online, so maybe this could breathe fresh air into the commies.
thats where i see the SLA and SRCA differ. their goal is to put sirius under a communist dictatorship. where the SLA are using commi(origonal marxist) aspects and ideals to eventually establish an anarchic union.
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