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Personal File

Name: Barrick Mane
Age: 23
Birthplace: Dublin
Current occupation: Freelance Mercenary
Faction Status: None

Physical Attributes

Height: 6’1
Weight: 12 stone
Hair features: Shaved head
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Bright blue
Body Attributes: Slim but well built
Other physical appearances: Small scar on the right eyebrow, approximately 2cm wide

Past History

Being raised on the Graves station is not what you would call an easy upbringing. At least, to Barrick, it wasn’t. Confined in his quarters, with limited space and not much to do, all Barrick could do was dream of the outside world. His parents where working the mines for the Bretonia governing forces while he was left on Graves to contemplate the future, dreamily gazing out into the abysses that is the Dublin system. He wasn’t sure what to make of it all… after all; he was only 13 at the time and luckily for him, political tensions and agenda’s was not an issue for him. For his parent’s however, it was a different story. They had a future in mind for Barrick; they didn’t want him working on Graves for the rest of his life. They knew he hated it, they knew that he didn’t like to play with the other children, and sooner or later, Barrick would do something to get out. Something that might get him killed.

They weren’t being held against their will, not exactly, but they weren’t offered much choice to do anything else except working within the confines of Graves’s station and in the dreaded fields for gold. They applied to work within New London itself, but it was blatantly refused, simply because of their family history and the fact that they could not to be trusted. So the gold mines were the only option for work these days in Dublin. It wasn’t much but it was enough to put food on the table. Most importantly, it kept Barrick healthy; sometimes they would sacrifice some of their rations so that Barrick could sleep on a full stomach. Barrick was all they could think about, day and night. His future was very important to them. Breon and Sarah where proud parents, with Barrick being their only child, they took great care to see to the majority of his needs. There was only one problem though. One need that wasn’t fulfilled, a need that Breon could see every time he looked into his sons eyes as he gazed out the star window…Freedom. A precious commodity that no merchant can buy… perhaps bribe, yes…. Breon and Sarah Mane had a plan, it was risky but it was better than being cooped up in the Dublin system, which was all about work, hard labor and abusing the rights of its employee’s… or slaves, as Breon would state.

“30 thousand credits plus some gold for good measure, and I’ll see it done”, the mercenary captain stated.
“30 thousand credits!” Replied Breon who shouted, causing a few eyes to steer themselves in his direction.
“… 20 thousand and you can have a crate full of gold bars, it means I’ll have to pull some strings but it can be done.”… Breon said.
“Very well, don't forget i'm putting my own neck on the line here, so you better do your part, prober and efficient... It’s a deal I suppose. Have them here in two days and...”, Breon was losing his patience as he cut the merc off in mid-sentence...
“Two days? Tomorrow evening, you can’t expect me to hold a crate full of gold bars for two days do you?”. Mercenaries are never easy to deal with, he thought to himself. At least this one was fairly smart, at least by what Breon could tell from the body language and tone.
“Two days, end of story. Its not open for further discussion, take it or leave it...", there was a slight pause and a sigh from Breon, then he said "fine, i've no other option anyhow".

As the Mercenary was about to leave the confines of the Grave's bar, he turned to Breon and said, "What you going to do when they notice him missing?”
“Not sure…”
One Week Later

If you dont eat up youll remain scrawny and weak, fragile and puny Now, you dont want that do you?
Good, so eat your slime and do as youre told, the captain will be down later to have a quick word with yar

The grunt closed the door behind him as he left, leaving Barrick in a dimly lit room, with only an enclosed window into space for company. The room itself was fairly tight, cramped and had a strange odor about it. The marks upon the door, which could be clearly seen within the light of the stars, hinted at what the captain might have used this room for, from time to time. There was barely a spot of paintwork left upon the darkened frame.

Barrick didnt know what to make off it all, far as he was concerned, this would all be over. Hed wake up and it turn out to be a bad dream he was having, greet his parents and tell them how much he missed them. Deep down, however, he somehow had an idea that this wasnt a dream, that all he had was a stringent of hope that he would see his parents again. There was something else though A flurry of emotions stirred within Barrick, he wasnt sure what it was, but he was angry and he didnt know why.

Barrick moved He went over to sit in the darkest patch available within the room, there, he sat, gazing out at the window from afar, contemplating where he was going and why. Its been nearly a week now, he thought, and it was time he asked some important questions. Questions that he needed answers too, yet he felt sick at what the answers might be, he wasnt going to get his hopes up.
“Your parent’s are gone…”

That sentence, those words, they struck Barrick with a flurry off emotions. His eyes welled up, he tried to fight them back, and for a brief moment, he did. The captain didn’t like the fact that he was going to be the bearer off bad news. He was paid to do a job, and he did, although he only managed to get half off the credits owed to him. He felt a tinge of guilt about what happened to Mane’s parents, that he could’ve done more to save them, but self-worth and the mercenary way of life kicked in…

Barrick knew, deep down, what had happened to his parents, that they where killed during the escape off Graves. He tried to imagine that it wasn’t true, that it was a figment off his imagination, but he wanted to hear those words, despite the pain that would follow.
“Don’t keep the tear’s in, let it out, otherwise it will eat you inside”, the captain said.
“No,” Barrick replied, while wiping the faint tear’s away, “I’ve done enough crying… I want to live now, I want to become a pilot just like you”…
The Captain’s expression was that off bemusement, he expected an emotional screwed up kid with problems, screaming and kicking for his daddy and mommy, that didn’t happen.
“What makes you think I’m a pilot, hey?” The captain asked.
“If your not a pilot then what do you do?” he asked.
“By Sirius, your dad never told you did he? What exactly did he say was going to happen?”…
“He told me that we would be going on a vacation and that they would meet up with me later on, on Freeport… Not sure, can’t remember?” said Barrick.
“I see, well, you should know then that I’m a mercenary, and if you don’t know what that is, it means I get paid to do jobs for other people, like your dad and your mom, who paid me to do a job…”

The captain stood up from where he was sitting, across the room from where Barrick was. He walked to the mid-sized panned window that was in the room, and motioned towards a distant station that was coming into view.
“Is that a Freeport station?” queried Barrick.
“Afraid not, its Sheffield station, I need to stop off and get some supplies, any case, your staying in this room for the duration off the stop, then we’ll find a place for you somewhere…”
Captain quickly made his way towards the room’s door, when Barrick stood up, and asked “What’s going to happen to me then? Where am I going…?”
“There’s a good orphanage that I know off on California Minor, you’ll be safe there.” The captain replied.
“What! My dad paid you to look after me, I know that for sure, he told me so, and now you’re ditching me on some planet!” Barrick shouted out with anger in his voice that echoed through the thin walls.
“Don’t get snappy with me, brute, I was never able to get the full payment for our deal with your parents, so I’m not about baby-sit without getting paid in full”…
“That’s a blatant lie!” Barrick cried, with new found diplomatic ability as well, “You’re a mercenary right? And you’re supposed to honor payments and such? My parents are dead! But they never cheated you out off your money…” “Shut your trap!” the captain shouted, interrupting Barrick, it did little good, “No I won’t! They didn’t cheat you, and you never got the amount because of what happened, you still have a pledge, a pledge to me!” Barrick stated, shouting across the room.
“Ha-ha, a pledge to a thirteen year old who I’d rather throw in the airlock, if you keep this up…”
Captain turned and opened the door, just as he did, a small gushing sound was heard, he turned, and was confronted with a sudden splash of… spit, right in the face. He was furious.
“Right, that’s it, forget Minor, you’re getting off at Sheffield, and I’m done with this child minding crap”, the captain made this clear in a stern manner, while wiping away the spit.
“You should be ashamed to call yourself a Merc…” Barrick said, in a quieter tone.
The captain smirked, or rather, managed a faint smile.
“You’ve got guts, perhaps even guile, I’ll give you that… Sheffield might not be a bad spot for someone such as you, never know, might make a good bounty hunter, or even a Merc… but watch that spitting habit you have on Sheffield, trust me, there are meaner and nastier people than myself on Sheffield…”
“So you expect me to survive on this station, on my own?”
“Tell you what, your right, I do have a pledge, and I intend to honor it, I’ll put you in touch with Elena, she’ll look after you, she’s good with kids, although I think you’ll be a handful, ha!” the captain walked out off the room, shaking his head, possibly wondering how he’s about to dump a kid on someone he barely knows.

The Door was left open… and Barrick stepped out.

Edit Note*(This was actually done in word, and layout is kinda weird once pasted in, but cba to sort it out)