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Full Version: What would YOU do?
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Stand in front of Erie's docking rings and wait for starflyers to undock.

What would you do if you had guns without a spyglass?
Fly around in a Starflea and tell people that I had big guns.

What would you do if you found yourself in Omicron 99 with a Shire.
I would smoke synthetic marijuana and I'd look at Ravine.

What would you do if you're ganked and you have 5fps?
I'd up my lag over 200 so that it's balanced again.

What would you do if you became a petstore?
I'd sell jellyfish to Order and BHG.

What would you do if you were a slave on Planet Malta?
I'd meta-game and call a buddy to take me away.

What would you do if you were the only Phantom around?
Wreck havoc and destruction like no other! I would embrace evil Wink

What would you do if you caught someone F1?
I'd screm on system chat:'You F1, me report you'.

What would you do if you we the captain of a Venator battleship?
I would trade it for a Persephone

What would you do if the devs deleted your favorite faction?
Take initiative and try to revive it so I can be the leader of my favorite faction (sun)

What would you do if all the zoners vanished?
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