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Full Version: LNRV Challenger Biography
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On the bridge of the Challenger; just for its maiden voyage.

A man, in casual clothes, looking at an infocard, approached the captain of the ship, who was talking to a female figure next to him.

"Captain, all personnel accounted for and on board. This is quite an exceptional crew you've put together sir. Every man and women you provided didn't even seem to hesitate in answering the request to be apart of this vessel." The man interrupted as he handed the infocard to the captain.

The Captain, Gage Rhodes, looked over the infocard and nodded.

"Very good, that'll be all Joker." Joker nodded but before leaving he raised a hand to ask a question.
"Sir, if you don't mind me asking. Where did we get the funds for this project?"
Gage smiled at Joker's question before replying simply with,
"Classified, Joker." Nodding again Joker turned around and ran off.

The female figure next to Gage looked over his shoulder at the infocard.
"Where did we get the funds?" She asked.
He turned and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"Kelsie Wilcox from Interspace Commerce. Remember her?"
"Oh yeah! Wow, don't you think she should be here with us then?"
A subtle nod.
"She is, not sure where she is at the moment but she's on the ship somewhere."
"Alright Mirera, time for the speech. I'll meet you down in the hangar, doctor." He said to her with a smile. She smiled back as she headed off.

Gage pushed a button on the console in front of him that overlooked the entire bridge. A low static sound was heard for a moment before clearing up.

"Hello everyone, this is your captain speaking. You have all met me or someone on board this vessel at some point in your life. You understand that by being on this ship now, there is no going back. This is a large step for you all to take. Sacrifices will be made, friends and family will be forgotten, but its all for a greater purpose. In just a moment I'll be giving the command for us to depart from Juneau Shipyard. This will be the Challengers maiden voyage. All of you are apart of this amazing feat, which we have Kelsie to thank for. Our mission is of the utmost secrecy. We will leave no trace of our existence once we leave this station. We, the entire crew of this ship, no longer exist. We are now only memories, but before this is all said and done we will be legends! I put this crew together knowing I got the best of the best. You all have the skills needed for this ship to operate at one hundred and ten percent! I ask of nothing less. Now, lets show the galaxy what the Challenger can achieve! Prepare for departure!" Gage pushed the button again on the console as cheers and celebration erupted all around the ship.

He looked down at a man just below his console, Joker. He nodded to him and Joker's console came to life all around him. The sound of engines powering up was heard throughout the entire ship. Then the sound died...

"Ummm Joker... What just happened?" Gage said as he tried to listen for the engine sound once more.
"Erm one moment sir....Oh there we go!" Joker pushed a few more buttons and the ship jolted suddenly, causing Gage to stumble into his seat. Then the sound of the engines was heard once more. This time they powered up all the way til a low humming was heard.
"Sorry, the engine caps were still in place." Joker said feeling somewhat embarrassed.
"Nice Joker." Gage replied.

The two main engines fired up with a large cyan blue flame. Bordering the lower corners of the engines were four smaller ones, 2 on both sides. All engines were lit up. The humming put a smile on everyone's face. Challenger had past her first test.

"Alright Joker lets take her out nice and slow."

A tarp like fabric was sitting on the nose of the ship, as it slowly moved forward the tarp slid off. Revealing an Eagle similar to that of most Liberty ships, and the name of the ship below it. A light shined on the image to give it a more dramatic feel. The Challenger has successfully departed from the station.