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[Image: KusariDragon.png]

Ishikawa Hideaki,

Forgive me for contacting you outside of the regular Naval Forces neural node. I do believe however the situation leaves me little choice.

I received some intel lately pointing out we could be facing an infiltration within our ranks.
Yet, the way i came to know those informations is peculiar, at best. I must ensure veracity of those.

You probably know the Admiral Nagata and the Commander Sanada participated to a classified operation in Tohoku system.
They may have returned... Changed.

The officer Sanada isn't anymore in hospital, nor at home, as it seems.
As it appears you are sustaining good relations with her, I will ask you to tell me where she is right now.

Please understand this. I do not want to make any steps to find her officially, in order to avoid any uneeded attention. However, i must have her interrogated and checked as soon as possible.

Furthermore, I will also most likely need you for another task... That may sound rather strange.
I do know you are a loyal individual. Do not disclose anything you could come to learn concerning this.

Shall you remain true to your ideals.

Sakamoto Ryoma,
New Tokyo.


A weird message indeed..
So, I'm not sure what to think, but I'm inclined to believe you.
I never was told any details about that mission in Tohoku and I can't even guess what might have happened to them.

However, Commander Sanada did not show any sort of strange behaviour after the incident and she still seems to be just like before.
I have taken personal care of her recovery as she can be quite difficult to work with sometimes..

I'm afraid I would not like you to interrogate her right now as she still only just got out of hospital. Rest assured I have an eye on her and will act if I notice anything strange.

About the other task.. Well, I'll try to help you as good as I can.

Hideaki Ishikawa.
[Image: RyomaMon.png]

Captain Ishikawa,
It wasn't a request. It was an order.

Nagata-san lead an operation in Tohoku.

The arch was taken over from us by aliens, long ago. The operation's goal was to take it back, however it didn't end well; many were the men and women who lost their lives.

Aliens are vicious creatures. It is known they have the means to control individuals in order to infiltrate mankind.
Sanada participated to that operation. I was hoping the data gathered during her hospitalization would allow me to know if she came to become someone else. Yet, that data was classified, which is suspicious.

This whole affair is bigger than you, Sanada-san or i. No matter what kind of relations you may have with your fellow officers, remember your loyalty should first go to the people of Kusari.

They are the ones we are fighting for.

I must find out what happened exactly during this operation, and i must know if the officer Sanada is a threat to Kusari.

Do not under estimate the gravity of this situation. Provide me with her location and arrest her if it is necessary.

Sakamoto Ryoma,
New Tokyo.

Alright. I'm on my way to New Tokyo together with her.
I would suggest we get this over with as fast as we can.
I'd also like some more information. Tell me what you can in person.

Tell me where we should meet you and I'll be there.
And I hope you know what you're doing.

Hideaki Ishikawa.
[Image: RyomaMon.png]

I would like you to land on the old spaceport located in Arakawa district. If you are using a transportation mean that isn't letting you the choice regarding your point of arrival, please let me know.

I will have two of my subordinates wait for you.
Incidentally, i see nothing preventing us to have a discussion concerning the last events.
You deserve to know.

Lastly, if you are concerned by the way i will treat your wingmate, you are free to attend.

Sakamoto Ryoma,
New Tokyo.

This will do.
Expect us there shortly.

Hideaki Ishikawa.
[Image: RyomaMon.png]

Ishikawa Hideaki,

I do hope you encountered no difficulty during your journey to Java station.

You do have all the elements concerning your task since our last discussion on New Tokyo.
The tool you will need was moved to Java by one of my trusted men. You should find it registered as a Kishiro security vessel callsign'd 'Karasu tengu Go-Roku-San'.

I believe i don't need to remind you to keep a low profile during your stay.
You will find in this message the details concerning a fake identity, if you ever come to need it.

I fear the situation might escalate quickly.
Strike swiftly and do not hesitate; Kusari people security is at stake.

Shall you return with the proofs my fears were baseless.

Sakamoto Ryoma,
New Tokyo.

It's done. I made it back to safety just fine.
I attached the data for your evaluation.
For saftey reasons I'll just leave the bomber on Java. They might be looking for it.
Good luck if your little rebellion is really necessary. It will be for the best of Kusari.
Safe skies.

Hideaki Ishikawa.
[Image: RyomaMon.png]


I'm rather surprised by the tone of your last transmission, but given what you've been through, i can hardly hold it against you.
I understand having to act the way you did, undercover, and against the ones we consider as our sisters and brothers can be extremely difficult.

If there would have been another way, we would have taken it.

That said, it appears you did a very good job. The reports i could get a hand on state you succeeded to disable Admiral Nagata's ship right near Yokohama shipyard, before escaping from one of our fighters wings.
However, a detail is peculiar. A report state two ships attacked the flagship 'Hashibirokou'.

Did you actually hire someone to support you? I believe i don't have to remind you this is a violation of your orders. I only hope that pilot wasn't aware of your mission objectives.

That said, we will be fixed concerning the need for my 'little rebellion' very soon. I urge you to return to Kusari using the same anonymous method you did to move to Java Station.

Please take a few days to rest in order to expel the stress caused by this special mission. I'm very sorry i had to put this on your shoulders.
I will contact you back once you did so, so that we can have a proper debriefing.

Whatever happens next, rest assured i will take full responsibility for what happened. You shall not suffer the consequences from my actions.

For Kusari people.

Sakamoto Ryoma,
Heavy unit Nagumo.