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Full Version: Its time for change.
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I have spent a couple Years in Pennsylvania, watching what Liberty does to this space. First discovered by Zoners in 764 A.S. the system was inhabited on Planet Erie by Zoners. Due to the lack of strength in the Zoner way, a group of high council fell to bribes from liberty, to Patrol the system because they disliked the idea of an independent system "Next door". Yet to let them in, they had to make the Xenos and Rogues look like monsters. My family was part of this, Zoners who didn't believe this was true. My father, a engineer for the Zoner weaponry knew it was a load of baloney and he wasn't the only one to know this. There were revolts to the idea, but since Liberty thought it was a good place to make money they Let us live are way but under there control. And it is time to take the Zoner name back. We may be neutral to all, but to be neutral is to be not forced by a group to do what they want us to. We were never there chess peaces in there game. What is it to be a Zoner? Zoners left house space to be free, to live away from laws and live off them self's, to explore, to be some thing they want to be and not forced to be. A hard life true, they knew this, but, not at the cost to have them hovered over by liberty law.

I don't want to go directly to war, but, there is a reason why we created ships of large scales. Mainly for exploration, but, there was the war side they were never used for and If need be, it is time to use the work of are ancestors to what they meant for them to mean. Protection of Zoners all over for the freedom of laws. Liberty brought the fight, and we have been sitting here taking it.

Through this, I hope to gain followers, not people who want the Zoner name to be lost through liberty power, or any other faction out there to depress us. I don't want to reunite the system under Zoner control, and if and only if it takes Zoners to do it it will have to be. I promise not to let this go till the system is a Independent system. And for many other sakes, The system is in a cup connected to liberty. The gate was not built till after they found the jump whole.

I am looking for any one who will follow me, into this cause. Thank you for your time.

>Show your support by signing your name below and by Answering the poll. i will hit this topic till either it is done, or i am done with the game.<

(plus, being a Zoner, Its hard when your neutral with every one. Some things need to be done to keep the game alive)

The poll will go for 150 days.

COMM ID: Captain Alan Polstari
TARGET ID: Original Sender
SUBJECT: Pennsylvania System

Greetings, whoever you are.

This may surprise you, but I'm a native of the Pennsylvania system, born on Planet Erie itself. My family still lives and works there running a small shipping business. I would like to think that some small part of me still claims that "Zoner heritage" you speak of. If anything, I joined the Liberty Navy so that Pennsylvania would remain independent and safe from the very real threats that exist, including those Liberty Rogues and Xenos you so casually dismiss as non-threatening.

While it's true that space is patrolled by Liberty forces, the great majority of life in Pennsylvania is left to the control of the people who live there. If those people disagree with the way things are run, they're more than welcome to say what they want and get their leaders to act accordingly. Many people have already made their voices heard with the sound of their feet. Perhaps you missed how Omicron Supplies Industries helped move a group who felt as you do out to Gran Canaria not too long ago?

As for you, you sound more like a revolutionary than a Zoner. Stirring up trouble, making demands, implying that you'll use force if your goals aren't met. You have more in common with the Xeno Alliance or the Mollies than any Zoner I know of if those are your methods.

I won't say this but once. Don't you dare attempt anything that turns Pennsylvania into a warzone. You will not threaten my family's home in an effort to claim your goals. I won't tolerate it.

Captain Polstari, signing off.