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Pete had been sitting at home at his apartment on planet LA, simply waiting for the time to pass. And when the time was there he moved with his Guardian to the given location in the Virginia system where Normandie would be waiting with Commander Hartman.

Thirty two clicks beyond Battleship James, Normandie hovered in space, as agreed. Even from a distance, the enormous warship dominated Levine's vision. Larger, even, then a Dreadnought, the former Gallic warship was the heaviest line battleship in the Liberty Navy. As his Guardian powered into visual range, his comms array coughed.

"Unknown Contact, this is Normandie. You have entered restricted space. Identify yourself, over." The voice carried a distinctly Gallic accent.
"Lieutenant Pete Levine reporting in for a meeting with Commander Jane Hartman, transmitting you the required data." Pete reported back to Normandie, keeping a steady approach.
"Oui, Lieutenant. Received." Normandie's icon flicked to green on Levine's HUD. "Proceed to docking bay one."

Pete watched Normandie carefully, reminding him of his times in the Taus. He steered his craft to the appointed hangar and carefully set his ship down to leave the cockpit right after.

Technicians swarmed over the Guardian as it touched down, connecting fuel lines, checking static ports, and generally getting in the way. They moved in an exhausted daze, eyes unfocused. One of them moved to unhook Levine's cockpit, levering the heavy canopy open. Once Levine was safely out of the cockpit, the man retreated down the ramp in position next to the Guardian's nose, bellowing commands at his crew to do the same.

Beyond them stood a woman in full blue ceremonial uniform, Commander's stripes on her shoulders. Far more striking; however, were the pale lines of scar tissue etched across her face, stretching from ear to the other, over the bridge of her nose. It was almost impossible not to stare. Her eyes had the same exhausted glaze as the technicians. The woman raised a hand in greeting.

"Lieutenant Levine." She spoke in a long drawl, characteristic of Houston natives. "Welcome aboard Normandie. Hope the trip didn't bounce you around too much."
"Was quiet, Commander." He in a simple way when he approached her. Him wearing his main uniform of the Navy an also having a somewhat tired expression on him as his recent nights had barely given him any sleep.

She nodded, glancing around the hangar bay as the last of the technicians gathered their equipment and slunk off to their bunks. "Glad to hear it. The pirates have been making a mess of central space lately." Hartman turned, gesturing for him to follow her. "We can discuss the..." She hesitated, evidently unaccustomed to subterfuge. "Issue, in my stateroom."
He gave a silent nod and glanced a through the hangar briefly before actually following her, letting the Commander take the lead.

Normandie was enormous. Even the corridors were far wider than the equivalent passages on a Libertonian warship, veering off at odd angles and elevations - probably to avoid the spine-mounted antimatter cannon running the length of the ship. The hallways were strangely devoid of sailors, and those Levine did see wore a confusing blend of Gallic and Libertonian insignia on their uniforms.

Eventually, after what felt like a marathon's worth of walking, Hartman stopped at a single door, the first they had passed in some time. Evidently this part of the ship didn't carry a dense population. Hartman fished a card from her uniform, and the door hissed open.

The room within had once been grand. Unforgivably huge, even by the standards of most liners. A pile of furniture squatted, heaped in the far corner, topped by what looked to be a chandelier. The rest of the room was bare, save a single bed pushed against the wall, a set of stools clustered around a display, and a cheap wooden desk. The latter sported an impressive stack of paper.

Hartman took a seat at the far side of the table, dropping her cap to the table. Underneath, her black hair sat in a bun that seemed to be held in place by an entire salon's worth of gel. She nodded to Levine.

"Take a seat. I'm right sorry about the mess, the previous owner was more ostentatious than our usual standards." She glanced around the room, evidently as uncomfortable there as Levine was. "So. What can I do for you, Lieutenant Levine?"
"I don't mind the mess much, as for what you can do. It wasn't my initial idea to actually talk about this, but junior lieutenant Markley seemed to have though my ... issues were influencing my job, and thus I reported it." He replied while he took a seat, opposite of the desk.
"You said as much in your message." Hartman commented. "I've seen your record, Levine. You're one of our best pilots. I doubt you got there by making bad calls. You know how important the work we do is, what's at stake, and if you think that Junior Lieutenant Markley was off the mark, and that you can do your job just fine, then I'm happy to let you off this ship without another word said.

However; if she was correct, then I'll need to know. Too many lives rest on what we do, every day, for things to be tearing you up inside. Just the Rheinlanders workin' on the outside is more than enough for most folks."
"If she was the off the mark, than I probably wouldn't even have bothered making a message about it." He replied back, sighing a little as he wondered on what words to use.

"Not sure how much you actually know about my background, besides the common flight reports." He said slowly.
Hartman shook her head. "Not a lot. Baker was flying recruitment solo when you signed up, and I haven't had need to pull up your record since I got the authority to do so. I know you ran hounddog with the IMG before you came to us, but I'm guessing this ain't about that."
"Had had a divorce a few years ago, and it sort if coming back into play now. Kind of had hoped being in Liberty would cause things to turn quiet, but they haven't." He said, not really feeling like turning or twisting around the matter.
"Family troubles?" Hartman asked. "If someone's hounding you, I can put through a request to have you relocated. There's plenty of bases out there that could use a pilot."
"Nah, no one hounding me. Just overly worried about my ex doing stupid things. Still love her I guess. Thing is, couple of a days ago she came to my place and simply left her child with me who's two, saying she was terrible at being a mother and so on." He said a bit crooked.

Hartman was quiet for a moment, considering her reply. Her initial impulse, as always, would have been to charge the woman with negligence and let the LPI take care of it. Evidently Levine thought otherwise. Damn, but she hated dealing with romantic issues. A life lived in the forces hadn’t exactly left her with a bucket of experience on that count. "Whereabouts is she? Are you both still down on Manhattan?"
"We don't live together, and I live on LA. She's actually from Bretonia. Where we used to live." He explained. "Thing is, I'm afraid she might hurt her, which is the main thing that bugs me right now. Child is fine though, staying with my parents." He went on further, sighing a little as he wondered how long his parents would be willing to play nanny.
“Have you considered calling in civil services? They've got a hell of a lot more experience dealing with people in the sort of state it sounds like your ex-wife's in than you and I." Focused on the discussion now, Hartman's accent faded a few degrees.
"Not much to go on as I don't know where she moved at after the divorce, neither does she answer my calls or anyone else's for that matter." he said, scratching the side of his head a little.

Hartman nodded. She'd known marines who had gone the same way after combat. Shut up in their own little bubbles, praying that when they woke up the world would have quietly slipped away. Some emerged a week or so later, indistinguishable from the people they had been. Some of them had chosen to remove themselves from a world they didn't feel worthy to live in.

"They'll be records, if it comes to that." Which it seemed to have already. "I can pass the details on to civil services back at Bragg, and they can look into it if you're worried." She paused. Her hands didn't shift on the desk, she had spent too many years in uniform for idle shuffling. Always on parade, even in her own stateroom.

"Alternately, it may be worth trying to track her down. I'm not an expert in these things, Levine. Never claimed to be, but sometimes it helps more than you'd think just to know that you've got someone there who cares, as you evidently do."

"Trying to keep myself from getting involved with her business to be honest, But if I could have someone looking for her, just to make sure she's safe, then it would at least relief me from a lot of worries. If it's not too late already." He said, clenching his jaw a little as he kept having a feeling it might have been too late, as well as him having failed to actually look after her properly. Hartman saw Levine's face tighten. She knew that look. She had worn it herself more often than she cared to remember.

"You're looking after her child, Levine. I don't see how you could have done much more." She picked up her cap, turning it over in her hands until the Liberty Star was uppermost. "I'll contact CS once I'm back at Bragg later today. They'll likely want to talk to you as well."

She caught the concern in his face. Strangely attentive, for a woman who had apparently been running exercises all day. "You know, there's a strange thing that happens to people in our profession. Heard it happens to the paramedics too. We're guardians, Lieutenant. Why did you sign up? To fly the flashy planes? To put a bullet in the skull of a Rheinlander? Plenty of people say one or the other, but I don't think that's true.

When you get down to it, we put our names on that little dotted line to protect people. Not because we want to kill, or want to die, but because someone has to do it. Funny thing is, that doesn't stop when you take that uniform off. It's not a job, despite what the ads'll tell you. Protection is part of who you are before you sign up, not what the Navy makes you.

There's something else we learn too. You can't save everyone. You can sure as hell try, but there're no guarantees here, any more than there are in the outside world. You did everything you could. You've come here. You're already making sure her child is cared for. Don't tear your hair out about what might be. We'll get CS in, they'll do what they can."

He moved his hand over his head, apparently no hair there. "Guess, I tore it all off already." He simply said, but still had his jaw clenched as he still felt he had failed in the past. "And this whole... Navy thing was more to keep me occupied. Needed some order in my life, and where better to find that than in a Military organisation, or Navy... whatever." He said with a sigh. Unable to really get himself to just say this was all that could be done.

"Well, you'd be the first I know of to enlist as a hobby." Outstanding. Now he had her concerned as well. "What's done is done. I'll put in the call ASAP. In the meantime, I'd suggest you get some rack time. Not to put too fine a point on it, but you look like you've been hit by a bus." She considered ordering the man to take the day off. Normandie's systems hadn't fully recovered from the exercises, and the warship wouldn't be back in central space for at least twenty four hours. No. She knew how irritating it was to cooped up like an animal. It would have driven her insane.
"Could say I feel like I have." He replied on the comment about the bus.
"And to keep accidents from happening, no flying alone?" He asked, only asking because it was what Markley had suggested to him.
Hartman nodded. "I'll have you rotated through to Colorado as well. Things have been a bit quieter out that way. I'd rather not risk one of our top pilots against the Rheinlanders before we can get this straightened out."
"Top pilots hm? I actually hate being given that kind of honour." He said, able to give out a careful smile, but being serious about his comment.
"Oh?" Hartman's face was impassive.
"Makes me feel uncomfortable." He said simply. Having that issue as he couldn't do everything he wanted as well in certain situations when it came down to combat alone.

Normandie's Commander inclined her head, leaving the matter be. Everyone had the right to some quirks, and it wasn't her place to interrogate her pilots.
"But Colorado is fine." he replied to fall back on the main subject.
"And... there is another thing I actually would like your opinion about. Does the Navy accept ex-Bundschuh members? Perhaps nothing as a pilot, but desk like work?" He asked on a rather neutral tone, but showed a faint smile afterwards.
"Know someone?" Hartman couldn't keep a note of surprise from her voice, a corner of her mouth curling up. "It would depend on the individual. Beyond that, I'd have to consult with the Admiralty. It would be an unconventional move, certainly. Those people have some extreme ways of fighting their war."
"Think she's a little different than them. Which is why she doesn't feel like staying around there. She's another fine pilot though, but I was thinking that was a bit too much of a step." He said, at least able to smile a bit more free.

Some of the tension evaporated from the room as the discussion shifted to professional subjects. Hartman was glad to see it go. Demanding as she was of her crew, professional struggles were very different to personal battles.

"We need all the fine pilots we can get. If you can convince her to get in contact with us, the least we could do would be to hear her out." She hated to admit it, but it was true. Conflicts in Rheinland and Bretonia, and the constant drain of holding central space against pirate incursions took a heavy toll on the Navy's personnel. "How did you get in contact with the Bund-" She frowned, struggling to pronounce the word. "Pilot concerned?"
"She helped me out on some strikes in Hamburg apparently. But I'd rather convince her not to fly. Considering her to be a little young." He admitted, even when she was an excellent pilot.
"How old are we talking about here, Lavine?" She hoped this wouldn't be another Pita. Dealing with one child latching on to her personnel had been stressful enough.
"Nineteen." He replied simply.
"The minimum age for active service is still eighteen. If she was accepted and wanted to serve in a combat role, I'd be hard pressed to find cause to stop her." She said. "She'd still have to pass the combat training assessments, regardless of where she came from. That would be a year, minimum. So, twenty years old by the time she gets onto active duty." It wasn't shockingly young. Hartman had served her first tour with the Marines at nineteen.
"Right." He replied, still wanting her at a less dangerous job but didn't really continue on it.
"It would still be up to her. We can't control everyone, Lieutenant."
"Was just an idea. Trying to see what options there are if she was to stay in Liberty rather than Rheinland." He replied, looking around the room briefly.
"As I said, put her in touch. Sounds as if Liberty's safer for her than Rheinland." Hartman's gaze settled on the pile of papers on her desk.
"Will talk with her." He said simply. Following her gaze to the paperwork.
"So to summarize, you're going after the CS to get something arranged. In the meantime I'll be assigned to Colorado, and I'll hear from you once something has been arranged?" He said slowly.

Hartman nodded curtly. "Correct. CS will likely be in touch with you later today for details. Names, places. Normandie's hangar crew come back on duty at 1330 hours, so if you want to get some rest in the meantime, you're welcome to do so."
"Prefer my own bed." He said kindly.
"Can't hold that against you." Hartman still wasn't used to her accommodation aboard Normandie. Compared to a bunkroom on Douglas, it felt horribly extravagant. "We'll be slowing to manoeuvre in half an hour, and you'll be able to launch then, if you're quick. I don't expect it'll be a problem for you.

Other than that, I'm afraid you won't find much aboard. Most of the crew are sleeping off the last exercise. You caught us unprepared, Lieutenant."
"Heh... my apologies then" He said with a small smile.
"I'll let it go this once." She retrieved a pair of pen from the desk's drawer and slid the uppermost form from the pile. "If that'll be all, Mr Levine." Was it a trick of the light, or was Hartman actually smiling?
"For now, don't hesitate to call me in any real emergencies though. As long as you can provide enough cover for my back in major events." He said, somewhere still wanting a form of freedom.
"I'll keep that in mind. We wouldn't want you getting too comfortable out there." Hartman began to write. Evidently, the exchange was over.
"Have a good day Commander and thank you for your time." Levine said and stood up to leave the room.
"You're welcome, Lieutenant." Hartman glanced up from her paperwork. "If the situation changes, you know my door is open."
"Aye, good day." He said as a final and moved out to head for his ship.

//Co-Written with Pete Levine (SeaFalcon).
Battleship Yukon

To: Pete Levine
From: Tiffany Markley
Subject: How are you?

Hey Pete,

Do you feel any better today? Need someone to talk to by any chance or do you need anything else I could bring you? I am still worried, you know.
Hope you are okay.


From: Pete Levine
To: Tiffany Markley
Subject: RE: How are you?

Have been a lot better than this. Just had a to carry a friend of mine to the hospital. At the Yukon waiting really. Leaving her to sleep for a while. Guess she really needs it.

- Pete

To: Pete Levine
From: Tiffany Markley
Subject: How are you?

Oh... I am sorry to hear that. Hope she is okay. Need someone to talk to, or do you prefer to be left alone?

From: Pete Levine
To: Tiffany Markley
Subject: RE: How are you?

Guess if you awnt to talk you can come over to the Yukon, I´m in the crew quarters. Got my own, just look for the name tag.

To: Pete Levine
From: Tiffany Markley
Subject: How are you?

I am close to the Yukon and my shift is over. So yea, I will be there in a few minutes. See you there.

Pete didn’t bother to write a reply to that. Simply laying back on his bunk in the small quarters which wasn’t very big and only had the basics for a normal crew member. He stared at the ceiling while he wondered what could possibly happen more now to make it worse for him. Some blood stains were still there on his shirt from when he picked Nydia up at the door, him not having bothered to get his uniform on after the brief flying around. At least glad the Rogue girl managed to ran off.

Minutes later, Tiffany made her way to the Yukon, having landed her ship in the hangar and began searching for Pete's quarters. After having wasted a few minutes on searching the quarters she finally found it when she saw the name tag. She let out a relieved sigh and knocked on the door.

..."Come in" Pete mumbled, seeming to have dozed a little while he kept his eyes on the ceiling. Having his hands behind his head.

Tiffany didn't bother to change her clothes and came into Pete's quarters with her uniform. Once she was in she closed the door again and smiled at Pete, looking a little around.
..."The bed doesn't look all too comfortable." She said with a sigh.
..."Good enough." He said with a sigh, watching her briefly as she came in.
..."You're here because of your friend, I assume? Waiting for her to wake up?" She asked, being unsure if it was clever to talk about that so early.
..."Yeh... but also waiting to talk to commander Hartman." He said slowly
...“About what, if I may ask...?" She asked, walking a little around in the quarters.
..."My issues. And my friend I guess." He said with a sigh.
..."And there's no way I can help you with?" She asked, sighing softly as she again began to feel helpless in this situation. He shrugged some. Having had some what even he considered disturbing thoughts. But not gotten himself to do anything.
..."Hm..." She hummed and sighed softly.
..."Any news about your ex?" Markley asked
..."None." He replied quietly.

..."What are you going to change? You can't continue to live like that." She said, meaning the depression and bad mood.
..."Will be fine once I hear something from her." He replied simply.
..."Guess that is going to take a while... gotta get used to... this side of you." She said.
..."hm?" he hummed slowly, watching her as he didn't follow on what she said.
..."Nevermind... feel like drinking something?"She asked simply.
..."Here?" he asked, actually feeling like he could use a good drink, but as well knowing there was no alcohol allowed around here.
..."Depends on you. Do you want to drink here or in the bar?" She replied in return, smiling softly at him.
...”Nothing here to drink " He replied simply
...“Then we will have to go to the bar." She said, thinking it was obvious.
..."Don't like the bar here." He said slowly.
..."Oh... just great." She said, shaking her head and leaning against a wall, letting herself slide down to the ground, now sitting on it, holding her head in desperation.

..."Get up?" he said, sitting up himself on the side of the bed.
..."What for?" She asked, sighing into her arms.
..."Your uniform is getting dirty?" he said, meaning it as a joke even when the tone of his voice didn't match.
..."My... uniform? I can wash it. Perhaps I should wash your shirt too?" She said, having noticed the blood on Pete's shirt.
..."Are you hurt?"
He looked at his own shirt a little surprised. Pulling on it a little to see what she meant, seeing some blood on it.
..."heh... it's hers." He said, meaning from his friend.

..."Ow... what happened?" She asked worried.
..."She got beaten up. Knocked on my door while she was barely able to keep herself from losing consciousness." He replied with a sigh,
..."Oh my... and why is that all happening to you?" She asked, shaking her head and sighing softly.
..."HOW SHOULD I KNOW?!?" He spat in a outburst. Letting his head drop in his hands with his elbows on his knees as he sat on the edge of the bunk.
Tiffany startled as Pete began to shout, watching him nervously, kinda scared of him.
..."Thought you came to talk?!" He asked her but sounded aggressive still as he watched her.
..."No... I... I mean y-yes... b-but... I... I l-leave you alone." She said nervously, being so scared that a few tears are running down her cheek, beginning to crawl towards the door.
..."What are you doing?" He asked when she began to crawl away and sounded nervous, it only making him more upset.
...“L-leaving you a-alone.” She replied nervously, having reached the door, sitting against it with her back as she looked at Pete.
He stood up and moved to her.
..."Why?" He asked again, having a frown on his face while he watched her and stepped closer.
Tiffany wanted to crawl away from him as he was approaching her, but couldn't get away.
..."You... you don't l-look like you need me..." She said nervously.
..."Do I look okay then?" He asked, still sounding aggressive and moving closer
..."N-no..." She replied simply, getting more and more nervous as Pete was coming closer.
..."sooo...?!" he asked as if she was wrong about him not needing her. Reaching for her arm as he wanted to pull her up.
...“B-but I don't s-seem to be able to h-help you." She replied, closing her eyes as Pete reached for her arm, but not resisting against it. He pulled her up and pinned against the wall. Not seeming to think himself properly by how he was acting.
..."then why offer it?" he hissed against her.
..."I... I thought I could help... b-but I am useless." She replied, looking at Pete nervously and scared.
..."useless ye .... You are" he told her with a smug smile. Placing the palm of his hand against her cheek while the other held her arm somewhat firm.

..."Sorry..." She sighed, closing her eyes, wishing she would be somewhere else now. He frown some and moved his hand down to her neck, bringing some pressure on her throat with his hand while he watched her, but his eyes seemed glazed, as he wasn't himself.
..."P-pete... what are you..." She said weakly, moving her free hand on Pete's wrist, wanting to pull it away from her throat.
..."S-stop it..." she tried to squeal
When she showed some form of resistance he only pressed harder with his hand on her throat. His other arm moving to press on her chest.

..."P-peeete!" She shouted, having problems to do so with the pressure on her throat, eventually pulling harder on Pete's wrist, wanting him to stop. Pete kept going, seeming to be aiming to cut her breath off as he kept the pressure on her.
..."Aaagh!" She groaned, bringing up her knee and beginning to aim for his crotch, attempting to kick it.
He groaned audibly as a surge of pain went through him. But it make him pull her off the wall a little before throwing her back harshly.
..."that how you are trying to help me?" he asked sounding only more aggressive now.
..."You were... trying... to kill me!" She replied, coughing heavily from the strangling, falling down on her knees, still coughing.
..."you were useless right?" he told her accusingly and walked up to her again wanting to pick her up once more.

...“D-does that mean you have to kill me?" She asked him, having noticed him coming closer and crawled away, trying to find something that would help her to escape.
He moved closer in a fast way and grabbed her leg to pull her back.
..."where are you going?" he asked, sounding unlike himself on how he normally used to be.
..."Away from you! Get off me!" She shouted, wanting to hold onto something but couldn't find anything and was unwillingly pulled by Pete.
..."what?!... scared?" he asked, pulling her harshly to himself and reached for her hair to keep her from going anywhere.
...“YOU ARE NOT YOURSELF!" She shouted, screaming loudly as Pete pulled her harshly, especially when he began pulling on her hair. He pulled on her hair towards the bunk one hand on her arm, the other still on her hair and acting rough.
..."Pete, stop it! Let me go!" She shouted, reaching with her free arm to Pete's arm that was pulling on her hair, desperately trying to make him stop. When she screamed he snapped, and threw her towards the wall, aiming to throw her in such way to knock her out.

Tiffany, not having expecting to be thrown against the wall, wanted to soften the crash with the wall with her hands, but couldn't do that in time, eventually hitting it with her head and passing out from it. He watched her drop on the floor, wanting to pick her up once more but noticing her body was limp. He frowned and picked her up with care and moved her on the bunk, making sure she was laying properly on her side. After that he left the room, closing the door behind him and checking the hallway, watching for other people before he left to his ship. Still seeming somewhat zoned out as he walked straight and didn’t seem to notice anyone around him.

Battleship Yukon


Pete let out a heavy sigh once Kathy was gone. Leaving his own apartment to head to the gym, wanting to see if venting that way would work. At the gym he really pushed himself with several kinds of workouts, just to return home a few hours later being exhausted. Again going to clean himself up in the bathroom, taking a short shower this time and pulling on his working clothes, planning to go and see Nydia after a patrol as he hadn’t yet made up his mind properly on what he wanted to do with her or the rest of his problems. Hoping the patrol would give him that little extra time.

Nydia was discharged from the medical bay on the Yukon the same day. Pete receiving a message to come and pick her up. The Navy not letting her walk around freely on the vessel as it was still restricted for normal civilians. And even when the Bundschuh didn’t seem to have any quarrels with the Navy or Liberty, she was still seen as suspicious. Pete had received the message on his phone while he was in the shower, only seeing it once he was already at his Guardian, ready to head to West-point. But the message had changed his plans once more as he was now headed to the Yukon, arriving not much later there.

He was shown the way by an attendant at the medical bay to Nydia’s room, her having been given a bed in a room for her alone. The cuts having been taken care of and cleaned even better than what Pete had done. Pete wore a little frown on him as he was still unamused about the way he had woken up to say the least. But having thought about it several times, thinking nothing had happened as they were both still with all their clothes on, but anything before that he’d rather not want to know about either.

Nydia made herself comfortable in the room she was given and thought about several things, one of which was Pete as her entire life would evolve around him now. But also the Bundschuh and the consequences of her escape were going through her mind, making her nervous and scared. She tried to relax a little on her bed, but was still quite tensed about everything and had problems to calm down.

Pete knocked on the door quietly when he stood in the door opening. The door having been open before he had arrived in the first place. His expression was still neutral, seeming to simply ignore most of his surroundings still. Nydia startled a little as she heard the knocks as she was lost in her thoughts. She turned her head and looked at the door, smiling softly as she saw Pete.

..."C-come in!" She said, being still nervous from her thoughts.
...“Hey... how’re you doing?” Pete asked slowly as he moved to the side of her bed, pulling out a chair to sit next to it, unsure if she was already informed by the doctors about her being discharged from the medical bay.
..."Doing good so far and you?" She replied, concealing the fact that she was haunted by dreams and thoughts that were far from any good.

...“Hope they didn’t mess you up too bad?” he asked carefully, wondering if she could remember more, him also meaning mentally for her.
..."No... I don't think so. I am not that weak." She said, being unsure herself about what she just said.
..."You still didn't tell me how you're doing."
...“Not really myself lately.” he confessed, but didn’t explain.
..."Why not?" She asked, showing a worried expression on her face, sitting up on her bed.
...“Things...” he replied vague, making it obvious he didn’t want to elaborate about it.
..."Is it about Jennifer?" She asked, simply thinking he is still worried about her.
...“Amongst other things.” he replied, letting out a sigh and looking around the room some before he looked back at her.
...“Don’t want you at home really, so I thought of something else.” He said slowly, thinking it wasn't safe for her at his apartment, neither did he want any more strange encounters. Like that with Jennifer, thinking the same could've happened between Kathy and Nydia last night if she had been at home.

..."Don't want to stay here either." She said, looking around in the room, frowning a little as she looked at Pete again.
..."What do you have in mind then?"
...“Can make you a room on the Odyssey, a Logistical vessel.” he said quietly to her.
..."Is the room there better than this here?" She asked, looking around the room again with a chuckle, smiling softly at Pete.
...“Well, at least no medical gear.” he said slowly, unsure if he should let her stay in his quarters or that of a simple crew member.
..."Oh well, anything is better than my cockpit seat." She said happily, flashing a smile at Pete. With a swift move she stood up from the bed and made her way to Pete, hugging him tightly on the chair.

...“Will not be as fancy as my place.” he told her but moved an arm around her to return the hug, but only a little as he still felt off.
..."Will you be there anyway?" She asked with a smile, pulling away from the hug and looking down at Pete.
...“Will try to be there as much as possible. But can’t always be there at all times, okay?” he said carefully, wanting her to understand.

..."Okay." She nodded, letting out a soft sigh, making her way back to the bed to sit down on the bedside, looking at Pete with a smile.
..."How's Jessica doing?"
...“Fine I guess.” he said, thinking he should call his parents to ask how it was going.
..."I wish I could see her smile again." She said sighing, obviously missing her, too.
...“We’ll visit once you are back being healthy, okay?” he said on a caring tone, not wanting to visit his parents with Nydia being under the bruises.
..."I am being healthy!" She replied, sighing a little and letting herself drop backwards so that she would lay fully on the bed, staring at the ceiling.
...“Have to get your strength back.” Pete said simply
..."You could carry me!" She said, sounding disappointed like a little girl that simply doesn't get what she wants.

...“You need rest, and I’ll have to go and check if I can really get you to the Odyssey without too much trouble. Until then want you to stay here. Will come back before dinner. I promise.” Pete said, not really wanting to get into a discussion.
..."Okay..." She said, letting out another sigh, turning herself a little to the side to grab the pillow, hugging it tightly.
...“Everything will be okay...” he said, also talking courage into himself.
Nydia smiled a little, looking begging at Pete as if she wanted to have him instead of the pillow.

...“Got to go.” he mumbled and got off his seat to head back to the door, the look making him feel uncomfortable.
Nydia sighed heavily and closed her eyes, hugging the pillow even tighter than before, not saying anything to Pete.
...“Be good.” he told her in a mumble and left the room again, moving down the hallway to say he’d pick her up later today once he had the actual time to do so, but in fact was only an excuse to buy some more time on arranging her stay on the Odyssey.
..."Y-you too." She replied before he left the room, herself feeling lonely and bored again she continued to hug the pillow.


Pete headed back to the hangar of the Yukon, sighing as he watched his Guardian. Taking the time to thinking a little before he decided to head back to his quarters on the Yukon, wanting to see if he actually had been dreaming on not. Hoping he wouldn’t find any traces of a fight with Tiffany there.

Tiffany, having almost spent an entire day on the bed, passed out, where Pete had left her, finally got back to her senses after a rather long time. Her head was pulsing and aching from the hit against her head caused by the crash with the wall.

She used the time to process everything, wanting to remember what had happened to her and slowly but steadily began to remember the scene in this room again. The moment she remembered what or better said who had caused this made her shiver in fear. She could clearly see the image of Pete hurting her, which made her motionless, almost hypnotized as she was processing the pictures in her head.

Pete carefully opened the door of his quarters after he had walked through the ship. Looking inside, just to see Tiffany still being there on the bed. He froze up a little for a few seconds before he headed inside the room fully and closed the door behind him. Watching Tiffany but wasn’t daring enough to ask her about what he thought might’ve really happened now.

Tiffany was still lost in her mind, processing every detail and trying to find a solution. She didn't notice Pete going into the room, in fact, she didn't even know she was there in Pete's room. It was a part of her memory that she didn't process yet as she thought she was in her own quarter.

Pete had his jaws clenched a little when he noticed the bruise on her forehead, unsure on how she was doing as she was still on the bed and the dream was quite a while ago already.
...“Tiff...?” Pete asked in a careful whisper, leaning with his back against the door while watching her.
Tiffany opened her eyes a little, sat up on the bed and rubbed her head, clearly suffering from a bad headache.
..."Mh?" She hummed and groaned a little, turning her head to the direction from where the voice came and stared at it, taking her time as she thought her dad or someone else was waking her up. It took her a little until she finally recognized the person, she then opened her eyes widely in fear and crawled backwards, eventually bumping against the wall and curled up into a ball.

...“Tiffany?” Pete asked on a concerned tone, needing to put some effort into not stepping to her as he didn’t want her to freak out more, but it was now really clear he had hurt her, making him wondering how to solve this problem, feeling a bit hopeless in the situation himself.
..."D-don't kill me, please!" She screamed begging, fearing for her life, beginning to cry in desperation, pushing herself just more against the wall, having grabbed the pillow and held it up as 'defense'.

...“Not so loud...please” Pete begged, approaching her as he wanted to calm her down but didn’t really know how to act himself, just hoping no one could hear.
..."Heeeelp! Someone help me!" She shouted, throwing the pillow in a desperate act against Pete, wanting to get off the bed but eventually stumbling as she neared the edge of the bed and fell down on the ground, desperately she crawled away from him until she bumped against a wall again with her back.

Pete followed her, ignoring her shouting now. Just wanting to make her quiet, pushing the pillow to the side as it flew towards him. Acting out of desperation unlike last time where he was simply not thinking at all.
...“Tiff...” he begged once more and moved closer, trying to put his hand on her mouth, not knowing what else to do as he didn’t want people to find out and just for her to calm down, hoping he’d be allowed to explain, if he could even do that himself.

Tiffany simply mumbled something into Pete's hand as he put it on her mouth, barely resisting against it, her hands only loosely holding Pete's wrist. She simply closed her eyes and cried as if she gave up the hope, still being convinced Pete was going to kill her now.
...“Please listen...” Pete begged, feeling desperate and sad about seeing her cry as this never had been his intention, not even knowing why he had hurt her before. Tiffany opened her eyes and looked with tears in her eyes at Pete, kind of wondering what he was waiting for.
...“Promise you won’t scream when I take my hand off..." he asked her, still sounding like he was begging her as he sat a little hunched down next to her to have the same eye-level.
Tiffany looked at him, still having tears in her eyes that were running down her cheeks, but eventually she nodded, wondering what was wrong with Pete and why this sudden change. He moved his hand off her mouth carefully while watching her, moving it onto her arm and lightly pulling upwards, meaning to gesture for her to get on her feet.

...“Not here to hurt you.” he told her quiet, hoping she’d manage to calm down.
Tiffany slowly got up on her feet, though was still shaking and unstable on it as she was still scared, somewhat holding onto Pete's arm as support even if she didn't want to.
..."You... y-you tried to kill me." She said nervously, wondering if he was even aware of that.
He moved back with her carefully, before he sat down on the side of the bed.
...“Sit down...” he told her quietly, meaning for her to sit on his lap while he tried to find proper words to use on how he couldn’t explain on what had happened.

Tiffany, now being more confused than afraid to die, gave Pete a confused expression on her face, wondering what he had in plan. Being still scared she simply obeyed, thinking he would hurt her if she didn't do what he wanted. She sat down on his lap and closed her eyes, stopping to care what would happen to her.
...“I’m sorry, didn’t know what got into me.” He mumbled to her quietly, holding his arms loosely around her when she was sitting on his lap, for her it being possible to simply get out of the embrace without any real effort as he’d let her.

..."What is wrong with you Pete?" She asked, still being a little nervous but stayed where she was.
...“Can’t explain...” he mumbled, feeling sorry for her, which showed in his tone.
..."Then find some help." She said, her tone turning more serious now and less nervous.
...“Just have to wait...” he said slowly, thinking he’d be fine once there was news about Jennifer.
..."And in the meantime you let things like this here happen?" She asked, sounding a little bit angry now.
