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Full Version: Bounty on Meowmix
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***Opening transmission***
Hello, prospective freelancers and bounty hunters! Boy, do I got a good one for all of y'all!

Recently, some little varmint, whose ship goes by the name of "Meowmix" has decided to try and destroy the ship of yours truly. Now, usually I wouldn't take offense to that, seeing as my profession is doing the same thing. except for money. But he crossed the line by openin' fire without even givin' my hospitality a ruttin' chance!

So that's why I've come to all of you with one hell of an offer: Y'all provide me proof that you've torn up this yellow-belied rat, preferably in the form of a guncam snapshot or two, and I will provide you with a 5,000,000 SC bounty, no questions asked! By that point, the bravest and most resourceful warrior among all y'all, which is whoever can get 'em the most times, will receive an extra 5,000,000 SC bonus.

He flies a CTE-19000 "Roc" Civilian Bomber, last I checked, with what appears to be a Blood Dragons IFF. No confirmation on his ID.

Now, if ya'll are interested in joining this here turkey shoot, I'd be much obliged if you filled out the following form, just so as to keep better records of it all.

Your name:
Ship name(s) you wish to register for this bounty:
Picture(s) of the ID(s) aboard the ship(s):

This'll all be over when he's had to lose his ship ten times, or until the end of this month of May.

Oh, and before I forget, here's another little something extra for your troubles: If you broadcast the message "Joe Rockman sends his regards" before you blow him to kingdom come, I'll give y'all a bonus of 3,000,000 SC for each time ya' do it, AND take him down.

Send me a private message for each of his defeats, and I'll see to it that you're properly rewarded. Every time a kill's been scored, I'll update this here board with a message to notify any other prospective hunters.

Last of all, I wish all y'all good hunting!

Warmest regards,
Joe Rockman

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