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Full Version: Rise Up!
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***Solomon's Transmission***

Father Brig:
Stand up Libertonians, Stand up and rise yourself. Corruption is everywhere, It's in your friends, Your family, But most of all your government. Liberty is a corrupt cesspool, Just waiting to terrorize you. They overpirce your food, your water, your bills, your childrens schools, THEY CHARGE EVERYTHING!!! They always wait for there next fat cut out of your hard earned cash.

So rise up i say and don your weapons and armor, Give no more to your government not even the police, They are even more corrupt than Tax Collectors.

Rise Up and Fight Your government.

Fight for The FWC!!!
This transmission was brought to you by the people's revolution, Make sure to kill your government or your corrupt as bad as them.

Father Brig:
Another libertonian was wronged again, His friends, and crew murdered by LN. What will everyone do? The Liberty Government is corrupt yet are there no Revolutionist? Will you not fight beside your fellow Libertonians and destroy such evil. They corrupt your mind, Body and spirit. You will never obtain peace while they live.

My deepest sympathies to GrnRaptor, LN didn't reply to you about your base's Permits but instead made excuses, To not have to reply to you sir and then they ''accidently'' destroyed your base and murder your crew aboard the station. Yet no one has been brought to justice, You wanna know why? It's because of the Platinum| Faction they have an excusive contract with LN, LN destroys the competitors under the pretext of unregistered and then LN gets a big cut of Platinum|'s profits.

So do not try to build a base there as you will never get permission. LN has and only will allow Platinum| To make bases in that area.

Do not cry for the loss of them but instead fight.

***Transmission Terminated***