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Cargo transport - 13CentKiller - 08-21-2008

I would sell my Adv.Train for that...Any day.


Cargo transport - cmfalconer - 08-21-2008

I could see THIS being a replacement for the Whale. Differentiated cargo containers (I always did this in my train) would show a multitude of cargoes being hauled.

This shouldn't have the most cargo room, leave that for the ADV. Train, but somewhere close to the Whale's.

I like it.

Cargo transport - Heartless - 08-21-2008

lol, that thing has like a trillion pods! And with those engines, I'd get one right now.

yes, you might say overkill, but it looks awsome:)

Cargo transport - dr lameos - 08-21-2008

You'd have to make it half that length to be a whale replacement.

But love the huge engines, make it half the length and I'll send you a valentines card!

Cargo transport - jshkornmiller - 08-21-2008

' Wrote:I could see THIS being a replacement for the Whale. Differentiated cargo containers (I always did this in my train) would show a multitude of cargoes being hauled.

This shouldn't have the most cargo room, leave that for the ADV. Train, but somewhere close to the Whale's.

I like it.

With a design like that, it would have to have the most cargo room. A ship that massive in scale not to have alot of cargo room would just be.....dumb. I Don't say 15,000 cargo but maybe like 6,500 or 7,000 cargo. Make the ship around the same price as a battlecruiser, 240-260 million credits With around 150,000 Armour and gunboat shields but still only 6 Class 7 turrets. My opinion, and very nice design.

Cargo transport - Linkus - 08-21-2008

Cutting it in half means there's 18 pods on the triple levels and 3 on the lower level.
So essentially 21 cargo pods. The Advanced train has 8. Perhaps this needs some modifying..

Cargo transport - AdamantineFist - 08-21-2008

Wow... impressive. I like the design, though, it being an extension of a pre-existing one in FL. I'm just wondering, though: could we have, instead of those pods being part of the ship, a large number of cargopod hardpoints? By this I mean that this ship would be able to equip cargopods in the same way that an ordinary train does.

Cargo transport - Varyag - 08-21-2008

haha make this into the adv train!

Cargo transport - dr lameos - 08-21-2008

They needent be the same size pods as the train's though, the whale has hundreds of cargo pods which are very very small.

If you were looking to replace the whale everything would need to be small, like the whale

For the train line of ships, yeah, this won't work with this many pods! No matter how awesome it looks, but we do need a ship with more cargo than 5000, the NPC transports can take 100,000!

Cargo transport - Linkus - 08-21-2008

@Admantine: Oh yes I didn't intend for the cargo pods to be part of the ship. Merely using placeholder containers to show people what it would be like.

One idea might be to make it have higher cargo capicity than the Train but be far weaker. Currently the Advanced Train is one of the strongest transports you can get and also the biggest. Give people the option to risk it a little bit more?

Oh and just for Coriko:
[Image: cargo31zi8.jpg]
[Image: cargo32np6.jpg]

EDIT: And I just noticed the ship is tilted..