After fiddling around with a few different designs I came up with this simple one. Similar to the current train but different at the same time. It also has a total of 9 cargo pods. I'm unsure how many the Advanced Train has but If I remember right it's around 16 in total.
As usual, thoughts and comments are always welcome and criticism is one of the best things you can give so please do not spare anything!:)
I really like that design, the engines look very muscular and purpose built, not like those sissy ones on the trains;)maybe you could redesign the container part. maybe make it tubular in design instead of flat? that is the only part that looks a bit boring at the moment.
The containers are merely meant to represent the proper Freelancer containers that trains use. A lot of goods need to be kept apart remember so seperate containers are good for that AND loading/unloading at stations is far far easier using containers.
This looks like just overkill, to me, or not if we outfit it with 15000 cargo capacity... (not going to happen) The first one was good enought, a bit smaller engines, and perhaps two large pods, instead of that many... they jsut take up polys... Well I simply think the ship is to close to the train we already have... as in, why replace something that is perfect, we need something new... not similar...
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My primary char: Jose El Nino - Corsair Elder captain of the SS Greenhawk
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