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Velvet| Feedback - Printable Version

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RE: Velvet| Feedback - Omicron - 10-18-2019

Would community prefer if the same amount of caps have appeared silently without flaunting it on forums by just Immo telling his folk to simply buy the battleships outright without RP?

Would community care or even noticed if it happened the way I described?

RE: Velvet| Feedback - Immortality23 - 10-18-2019

There is a plan with how this happens, for reference. Hence why it says the groundwork is currently being laid. This is not a short term thing, not has it ever been stated anywere that it will be.

I will do better to be clearer in the future when something is a long term project.

RE: Velvet| Feedback - Shiki - 10-18-2019

Excuse me for flaming, my bad. I will try to explain my reaction. I mean the point is to provide RP for the ships, existing game assets. Usually, when factions do that it's considered a good thing. Factions often make caps and don't even bother to RP them properly. But in the case of Velvet is causing, in our case Saronsen to come and police 'rŠµtarded' as he said, RP. Not a very nice approach to welcome faction trying to be better. That's very similar to the points @Omicron made.

RE: Velvet| Feedback - thisDerius - 10-18-2019

(10-18-2019, 01:16 AM)Saronsen Wrote:
(10-18-2019, 01:14 AM)Sicicega Wrote: Imagine taking player RP as canon.

if we dont police retarded roleplay on the part of official factions no one else will

Velvet deeply apologizes for RPing ship creation and not giving birth to random caps in secret.

RE: Velvet| Feedback - Chronicron - 10-18-2019

(10-18-2019, 01:19 AM)Saronsen Wrote: my lost interest in discovery
if your interest is lost, why post at all? especially in feedback threads? because it seems more of a you problem since velvet isn't a canonized faction and we don't try to canonize these ships

RE: Velvet| Feedback - Lusitano - 10-18-2019

the rp may not be good, but is better than nothing. rarely we see how other factions get their ships. i was always against "easy getting" one capital ship, that all must have a story behind it, but since rarely we see that, it is good to see someone making some kind of rp, even it is little, than just simple making some movement with a magic wand and bang ... one capital ship ready for service! so nice job velvet

RE: Velvet| Feedback - Immortality23 - 10-18-2019

Seeing as I've attempted to post this now 3 times from the official account, I will give up and post it as this one instead.

The whole purpose of posting the initial post as a MD, was that it is to become a long term project, which will later have a lot more RP around it. These ships, for absolute ease of mind, will not become canonised assets. Although there is a plan to potentially look at doing one later in the future, the current ships are not a part of that process.

There is a lot of confusion and discrepancy about what Velvet truly is. It is in fact a Zoner faction, but as it even states in the about, is a lot more than that, and has since using the Zoner banner of its roots. By all in game rights, Velvet is still a Zoner group. But for clarity, is not just Zoners within the organisation. It has back door deals with many other organisations, most notable are it's three main allies, as well as it's access to Iridium, and now the recent dive into Azurite.

For sake of being on the same page, on the riches of Iridium, every armour upgrade uses Iridium to some degree, and is thus a major part of the growing economy. I will provide all links at the end specifically on this.

A large part of our funding as well, is via the deals we have with other factions, as well as our own in house logistics department.

Now, as far as it's believed, the initial confusion could have been made a lot more obvious in the original post, as it was stated that this is not only a long term project. This could have, and realistically should have been made clearer. As stated on the initial post: "The groundwork is currently being set and will be in motion within the next 8-16 hours"

Because there's an issue of a lack of RP around this, the stages are as per below. Naturally, this wasn't supposed to be known ooRP until things started happening iRP so that players can react as and how they see fit:
1) The foundations and plans (Done, the root cause of the initial feedback)
2) The supply drops. (This will be done as a post on our sub-forum soon)
3) A few mini events that we will be posting up as well as relevant comms (Expect a few random ones on this, as well as some stuff to and from allies)
4) Some "accidents and disasters" that go from our lack of experience in building these ships, so a few things won't be going to plan and will have to be fixed)
5) The initial test flight of several vessels which will become a mini event vs Nomads/Commune/Wild etc
6) The actual induction of the ships into the organisation.

Now, there are other plans but these are the basic ideas without giving excessive amounts of spoilers.

Clarity on Azurite gas. It is used within a lot of "Advanced" tech, and as such, is very valuable. Core, Order and anything that is involved against the Nomads or even co-operations with the Nomads would be heavily invovled with this.
Iridium is used as one of the main components in a lot of heavy, more dense alloys used in ship, station and even weapon construction. It's value is in its versatility. As the only major deposit is in Delta, and Velvet, Core and OSI have strong access to it, it makes sense that a large amount of funding is capable from this.
I know this is the wiki, but this is the most up to date version of the Armour Upgrades. As seen, Iridium is a main material used within this, as it is for the capital upgrades as well.
The recent agreement on the station, sees Velvet's "ownership" if you will, of these stations. As such, all their assets are also a part of what we own, if you will.

Should anyone have any more queries, issues or want anything clarified, it's highly recommended to check the subforum, so any discrepancies or inaccuracies can be fixed.

Sorry for the essay!

RE: GRG| - Genesis Research Group - Lucas - 10-27-2019

I never understood how every Velvet member that got Control over a base can be childish enough to Lock other players out of them for sheer ooRP reason. All I have seen of Velvet lately were attempts to Sabotage other people by abusing some non-existant Zoner Military might, be it GRG or Outcasts.

At this point it is blatantly obvious that you guys do it because you dislike certain people, and as an official Faction you should be presenting yourself in a way that makes other people look at you and say "Look, this is how you Properly play Role XY", not by complaining in feedbacks about people not wanting to play alongside your awful attempts of trying to hide an obvious OOC Conflict behind petty Roleplay attempts of Multiple people.

Despite all of the childish attempts to stop GRG in its tracks by aforementioned faction(s), you have continued to just play out the role that you wanted to play while trying to avoid conflict, as Zoners should, and I think that is something great. I have had my own share of problems with @Dartes before but even then I wish you best of Luck with a project that you seem dedicated to.

If I could give you an advise then it would be to overhaul your Transmission template, which is 90% picture currently and looks odd to me personally.

RE: GRG| - Genesis Research Group - thisDerius - 10-27-2019

(10-27-2019, 03:34 PM)Lucas Wrote: I never understood how every Velvet member that got Control over a base can be childish enough to Lock other players out of them for sheer ooRP reason. All I have seen of Velvet lately were attempts to Sabotage other people by abusing some non-existant Zoner Military might, be it GRG or Outcasts.

At this point it is blatantly obvious that you guys do it because you dislike certain people, and as an official Faction you should be presenting yourself in a way that makes other people look at you and say "Look, this is how you Properly play Role XY", not by complaining in feedbacks about people not wanting to play alongside your awful attempts of trying to hide an obvious OOC Conflict behind petty Roleplay attempts of Multiple people.

Despite all of the childish attempts to stop GRG in its tracks by aforementioned faction(s), you have continued to just play out the role that you wanted to play while trying to avoid conflict, as Zoners should, and I think that is something great. I have had my own share of problems with @Dartes before but even then I wish you best of Luck with a project that you seem dedicated to.

If I could give you an advise then it would be to overhaul your Transmission template, which is 90% picture currently and looks odd to me personally.

You obviously misunderstand. Velvet is not aiming at anyone within ooRP. We are doing or best to be a good faction for the Zoners.
The other thing is that the line that I pasted on my last reply was proposed by GRG within valid roleplay. We are trying to be nice here, but obviously people are taking it for granted.

RE: GRG| - Genesis Research Group - Hemlocke - 10-27-2019

(10-27-2019, 03:43 PM)thisDerius Wrote:
(10-27-2019, 03:34 PM)Lucas Wrote: I never understood how every Velvet member that got Control over a base can be childish enough to Lock other players out of them for sheer ooRP reason. All I have seen of Velvet lately were attempts to Sabotage other people by abusing some non-existant Zoner Military might, be it GRG or Outcasts.

At this point it is blatantly obvious that you guys do it because you dislike certain people, and as an official Faction you should be presenting yourself in a way that makes other people look at you and say "Look, this is how you Properly play Role XY", not by complaining in feedbacks about people not wanting to play alongside your awful attempts of trying to hide an obvious OOC Conflict behind petty Roleplay attempts of Multiple people.

Despite all of the childish attempts to stop GRG in its tracks by aforementioned faction(s), you have continued to just play out the role that you wanted to play while trying to avoid conflict, as Zoners should, and I think that is something great. I have had my own share of problems with @Dartes before but even then I wish you best of Luck with a project that you seem dedicated to.

If I could give you an advise then it would be to overhaul your Transmission template, which is 90% picture currently and looks odd to me personally.

You obviously misunderstand. Velvet is not aiming at anyone within ooRP. We are doing or best to be a good faction for the Zoners.
The other thing is that the line that I pasted on my last reply was proposed by GRG within valid roleplay. We are trying to be nice here, but obviously people are taking it for granted.

You being "good" and "nice" zoners is failing miserably, You clearly misunderstand the very founding principle of Zoners. They leave people the hell alone and don't worry about controlling other Zoners. You are a defense force, not a government.
(10-27-2019, 03:10 PM)thisDerius Wrote: "Velvet will retain administration of Corinth, but will work a deal to allow GRG to work there on a monthly contract that will be fair for both Velvet and GRG. GRG can make use of up to 3 lab spaces and will in return provide counseling on Velvets research endeavors. This will only permit GRG access and use of the labs. GRG acknowledges that Velvet are the owners and administrators of the station."

1. Nowhere in the agreement says that GRG can use the labs as their main labs within Corinth.
2. There has been no official 'monthly contract' between the factions yet which means that there is no GRG on Corinth
3. Velvet owns and administrates Corinth. GRG has no and will have no 'main' labs there (But that is for later discussion.)

Stop putting nonsense where it does not belong and stick to the roleplay that has been put.

Head canon, No player faction has the right to lay claim to any NPC assets. Go on, go ahead and find me somewhere in the rules where you can entirely "own" an NPC asset. I'll be waiting.