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Stepping down... - Dab - 11-25-2006


Wolfpack, as I said to Nightfall last night on Xfire, I NEVER said, nor expected you, to put the server before your life. And I do care about how much you've given to the server. Heck, you've done more than I have for it, since I can't help with anything dealing with money.

ALL I said was that there was very little server-admining going on. I know that you were busy, and that is why I was simply talking to you about it. You blew up on me during the conversation and logged off. I even tried to come up with solution to the problems, and you blew up on me for those as well.

We aren't bitchslapping you. At least, I'm not. I am trying to help with this problem we have, and I'm getting no help from you. You went on defensive immediately, making it impossible for me to get anything across.

Stepping down... - Virus - 11-25-2006

I hope I wasn't part of what's causing this, Wolf... :(

I have been buggin' ya a lot lately due to my few problems. I'll make sure to annoy Korrd next time, then. >.>

EDIT: @Dab:

I don't see any problems here. No problems, no solutions. Right? Sometimes its just better to leave things alone.

Stepping down... - DarkOddity - 11-25-2006

Yes, I know I forfeited my right to post here when I left the community but I want to say one thing and get it across.

I do not know why everyone, let alone ANYONE is upset at Dab. He saw things happening, and as a member of the community opted to put in his opinion on the things happening. If any one else here was in the same situation, they would have done the same thing (by giving their input).

So all I have to say, is don't any of you dare give Dab any flak what-so-ever. In fact, despite my past arguments with Dab and the fact that until a couple weeks ago I really didn't give a hoot about him, he is by far one of the most dedicated, and open minded members of this community. And for his age he packs quite a few words of wisdom. So I repeat myself, don't you dare give him any flak.

Wolf, no one asked you to give up your real life for your administration duties. You were simply asked that when you do it. Do it right. You failing to be able to do so and guide the rest of your administration staff to do so, you went into a frenzy of failure and blamed it on the community asking too much of you. As for me, I simply asked that you seriously look at evidence given to you in a serious manner, regardless if the evidence shows they are or are not guilty of whatever crime has been/supposedly been committed. Had you had done that, I would not have felt the need to publicize my suspicions.

Hell, you should consider yourself, AND your administration staff lucky I didn't publicize my angry 3 page letter I sent to all the admins when I caught Angel cheating and she got off the hook by modding her ship.

And you have no right to chastise me on my methods of submitting my evidence when you refuse to punish cheaters WHO YOU AGREE ARE CHEATING.

This server is trash, and when I play in my spare time, I do not want to play where the administrators can not keep it safe for gamers who want to play fair.

I never felt the need to post a "Goodbye" post, but this about summed it up.

Stepping down... - BestFlyerHere - 11-25-2006

I am sorry that a wonderful person is leaving the admin community. Thx for all the help you've given, especialy to me. This is just a game. If you're losing money because of a silly game, then it's wise to just stop wasting the time on it. I think you're doing the right thing.

Stepping down... - Wolfpack98 - 11-25-2006

Man for someone who claims to have been "grown" up.. You really don't get it.

I tested that theory out. You can't prove modding unless you show me the files she hacked. You gave NO evidence, dark. NONE. NONE WHATSOEVER.

McNeo thing was pending as seeing that korrd hadn't seen the video. You have apparently no patience for the admins to do their job.

And since you're on a pissy fit and quit Bs| as well... I can't say much more than goodbye. i thought you were a good guy. Turns out i was wrong.

@Dab: my issue with you is you telling me HOW to be an admin. You got no rights to do that. And to add insult to injury, you're giving me crap about it. I'm tired of you thinking you're an admin. Your words are speaking a lot louder than what you are trying to tell me and everything you've said makes me think you want the admin job so bad you're literally acting it out. YES YOU ARE. You can say "i'm not being an admin" 1 million times and still act it out. That's what you've been doing for weeks now. THAT is what fed me up. I'm tired of it. Sometimes it's best if you just leave the job to the Admins and let *US* make the decisions, instead of you taking it upon yourself to tell one of us what needs done.

Stepping down... - Aeon - 11-25-2006

well dammit wolfpack, despite our disagreements, i am sorry to see you go.

i do appreciate what youve done for the server.

i have a real life too, so i can understand to some extent ur situation.

thanks for eveything, and i hope you decide to not quit. dont let retards like dab get to you, they have no life, and no social skills.


Stepping down... - TankTarget - 11-25-2006

Well umm... Geeze this turned into a flaming fest when it was just Wolf saying he does not want to be an admin anymore. What is wrong with you people this is exactly why he does not want to be an admin. Because no matter the topic even if it is about the color of the sky or cookies or whatever we can turn it into a flame fest and blow it out of porportion. In short the admins have done well they are people too. As for YOU Dark Oddity grow up get a life or something? As for Wolf if this game is causing him stress because we are all imature then He has every RIGHT to step down I am saddened but it is a game and all this is something pointless that in the end will not (should not) affect anyone of us in our lives the second it does you need to examine yourselves exactly like Wolf and he has found out that the stress created by our bickering and whining affects him one of two things needs to happen the bickering must end or he must step down I would expect no one to remain an admin with our bickering. After the whole SCRA thing I can see clearly why everyone is flaming we cannot be reasonable and are all immature stop and think before you type.

Stepping down... - Wolfpack98 - 11-25-2006

Tank, it's not the bickering on the Forums. it's the bickering in-game among other things. I won't go into detail here as I am at my nephews trying to enjoy thanksgiving, and it appears that I can't even get away from this **** anywhere.

How stupid of me to think I could...

Stepping down... - DarkOddity - 11-26-2006

Wolfpack98,Nov 25 2006, 04:44 PM Wrote:Tank, it's not the bickering on the Forums.  it's the bickering in-game among other things.  I won't go into detail here as I am at my nephews trying to enjoy thanksgiving, and it appears that I can't even get away from this **** anywhere.

How stupid of me to think I could...

No wonder you stress out. You're a freaking addict man. With your family for thanksgiving and you can't even stay away from the computer for one day/evening? You should really look in a mirror before telling me to get a life. lmao.

Edit: You know, I'm an a**h**e (One that is very PO'd at you I might add) So I'm not going to stop there.

You need to stop LETTING things get to you. The reason you are not an effective administrator is because you let things get to you. You make it personal, that is why you are a failure. Being an administrator does not mean you have to check the forums at every opportunity you have. Especially for a server where you are not getting paid by the community. I don't know what you are afraid of, or why you think you have to pay every bit of attention you have to this server, whatever it is, it is not justified.

Seriously, you talk about the crap you have to deal with in-game bla bla bla and how you want to get away with it, but at your families thanksgiving celebration you feel the need to jump into a post that is obviously going to be cram-packed full of drama more than an afternoon full of soap-operas? I mean come the hell on Wolfpack.

Even when you are sitting there posting from your nephews computer on your families "holiday" after telling me to get a life... It makes me laugh, quite hysterically.

I am the one who quite simply went straight and laid down what I was doing (Leaving the community.) and did it. Unfortunately however, I can't just let it go at that. I want everyone to be aware exactly what the reasons are for my leaving the server. The lack of administration.

If you recall your *EXACT* words to me when you "investigated" Angels cheating were.

"I tried firing four duel heavy mortars on the Osiris, and I can't. She is not cheating."

Notice the bold portion. You also said your server logs every time someone edits a character. Well, I quite frankly find that to be total bull-hog, especially since I scanned her ship and asked her "Where did you get your heavy mortars?" and she replied Isis. After I PM'd her and confronted her for cheating, she shortly logged off, and when she came back on, no longer had heavy mortars. So, where is your logging tool now? I really do want to see the piece of software you have that logs when people access Ioncross, and exactly every thing they do, then I want to see a full log of that day...

Don't have it do you? Didn't think so.

How about after I found out she was cheating, and you ordered me "not to engage her, under any circumstance or character." Why else would you ask me to do this? Well duh, cuz you know she is cheating.

Oh and Angel has been known to abuse her administration powers in the past, so don't act like this is the first thing that has ever happened. Hell even Korrd moves his player ships around with the admin tool.

Sadly Wolfpack, you are the only admin that I have seen that hasn't used the privledge (In your case, the right) of the administration tools to give yourself the upper-hand in one way or another. Yet you condone the use of it with your fellow admins and hush it up.

I've gone off onto a rant again. I apologize. It just saddens me when people "try" to be professional about something, and in all the professionalism they forget that saving face doesn't take precedence over doing things right.

And Wolfpack, on the video you agreed with me on, an administrator *NEVER* tells the person who reported "I agree" on something of that magnitude and a week later no action is taken. You undermined yours and your teams authority on that matter automatically when you did that.

Stepping down... - Knucklehead - 11-26-2006

DarkOddity,Nov 25 2006, 03:35 PM Wrote:No wonder you stress out. You're a freaking addict man. With your family for thanksgiving and you can't even stay away from the computer for one day/evening? You should really look in a mirror before telling me to get a life. lmao.
Okay, enough is enough. We all have lives outside Freelancer. If everyone could just see that instead of accusing others of the opposite, the whole community would be that much better off.