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Electronic Diary of Mariko Masumoto - Printable Version

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Electronic Diary of Mariko Masumoto - crimecities - 10-09-2009


-Sender: Mariko Masumoto
-Recipient: My personal diary
-Subject: Strange day

Today was a weird day. I initially set out to hack Samura's mainframe. However, I blacked out while en route.

I found myself in the medical bay of the Basul Re. With my clothing off, strangely. I was given a casual uniform and proceeded to the debriefing room, where I explained about the VI unit I hid.

I was feeling tired, so I went to my quarters to sleep, only to get woken up again. Something about being transferred to another ship.

So I board the shuttle that is to take me to this other ship. We launch, and get met with a volley of plasma cannon fire from Hogosha CSV's. Before I know what is happening, I get shoved into an escape pod and look back as the pod launches away from an exploding shuttle, with my new comrades trapped aboard.

A fighter wing from the Basul Re makes short work of the Hogosha, disabling one of the Hogosha CSV's engines and destroying the rest. I get picked up by a heavy lifter and got towed to the armored yacht, as I watch a repair ship do the same with the damaged CSV.

Yes, a very strange day indeed. I'm off to get some much needed rest.

>End of Line<