Well, today I begin my job at Samura. After all the trouble spent finding a private tutor willing to educate a girl, I finally got my degree in computing, and got the job. I was assigned a 'drone' freighter, and given a list of assignments. I am starting this diary to record my struggle against the male-dominated society
Waaah? I have a better education then many of the guys. Why is is that Samura has me hauling mundate cargo around, instead of working on new software products, like I was trained to do? I hate this job already!
But I need the money, so I have to stick with this job. Hopefully I will get to work in the department I want to after I prove myself.
Today was a horrible day. I was bored, so I decided to copy some video discs before setting out to Rhineland. However, when I reach Hamburg, I get stopped by the police. They told me to drop the discs, and not to haul cargo into Liberty. I worked hard on those discs! They have no right to take them away from me!
It gets even worse. After finally getting to New York, I meet a junker. A grimy, drug-dealing junker. He starts yelling at me. I yell back, and he starts shooting! I barely have enough time to enter the escape pod before my ship explodes in a big ball of fire.
Man, I thought I hated my job before, but now, I really do. I am so filing for workman's comp. This is a nightmare.
Today was a strange day. In the New York area, I get asked for help by a ship with the callsign Exile-Cassus.Belli, which asked for help from a programmer. Finally, a chance to prove my programming powers to the world. Or stumble into a pirate trap, never to be seen again.
Turned out to be a bit of both. The ship turned out to be an outcast battleship. A battleship! I was hesitant at first, but I eventually decided to assist. The Cassus.Belli had a broken Virtual Intelligence program. The 5 computers that the VI used was handed to me.
I looked at them. Problem was a computer virus due to a horrendously outdated firewall. Some of the hardware was also outdated, so I installed some new optical chips. I purged the virus, and with the new chips, it will run with only 4 computers. I got 750k and a rather old and fascinating VI unit out of the deal, almost losing it to a lane hacker in the process.
No, my employer is NOT benefiting from the device I got. Seeing how it is Outcast technology, we could probably learn a few things from it, but what I learn will be mine and mine alone. Samura can continue to struggle to learn what I am about to apply to my own computers. I don't care.
This the final straw. I am through with working for Samura. They insulted me, and took a big chunk outta my paycheck. They will pay for this.
I must acquire a nuke. Several nukes, as one alone won't take out a station. I will throw in some plutonium, MOX, and Toxic Waste, to make things even more unhealthy for Samura.
I will send the freighter, with all the goods, towards a Samura base and set it off, while getting away in my escape pod, in the confusion.
It is time to throw off the oppressive yoke that is Samura. I put the VI unit in a safe, secure place. No, I am not writing where I put it - I won't even trust my diary with it. But Samura will never find it, if anything ever happens to me.
I have successfully assembled a few nuclear bombs. If they refuse to pay for damages, they will pay dearly.
This could possibly be my final diary log. If something happens to me, this diary will expose the evil that is Samura.
Gah! Not only did I fail to blow anything up, but I lost my ship and the nukes as well! Now my pod is in the hold of some crazy girl who works for a company called Renzu. I hate this! That Naval Forces thug needs to die!
Huh? When I got dropped off at the station, I did not get dragged away by security guards like I expected. Instead I found myself dropped off at the hangar of some Interspace Commerce base called Furyoku Station. I was given a few hundred credits and told to get a drink at the bar, and then head back to the hangar to receive a starblazer class ship. Apparently I am supposed to meet some girl named Naomi in space. It's not like I have many options, so I am going to do as told.
Well, I met this Naomi. She thought I was a spy at first, and that KNF officer didn't help. After endless debating on if I should hack into stuff, I docked with this base called 'Ainu'. I don't know where things will go from here.
My precious computer was blasted to bits by a security bot. I don't know what to do now.
I stole a laptop! From some IMG pilot. It's a gaming laptop, but it will do. I'll have to install wireless in it myself. Now to try and hack into Samura.