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About heavy fighters - mjolnir - 01-11-2012

We can paint them pink for you?

Seriously though is Agama, Bayonet or Switchblade a bad ship?
Not at all, yes they have hard time 1vs1 and in groups when they are limited by the poweroutput.

But they are incredibly fun to fly!

Also in group fights their agility allows them to stay so close to the enemy that even with the few guns and weak powerlant they can do more damage than a conventional VHF would.

About heavy fighters - Backo - 01-11-2012

' Wrote:We can paint them pink for you?
Seriously though is Agama, Bayonet or Switchblade a bad ship?
Not at all, yes they have hard time 1vs1 and in groups when they are limited by the poweroutput.

But they are incredibly fun to fly!

Also in group fights their agility allows them to stay so close to the enemy that even with the few guns and weak powerlant they can do more damage than a conventional VHF would.

Agama is amazing, a prime example of what a HF needs to be.

Bayonet used to be awesome, due to the incredible shape for 1v1s and other situations, dunno after it was made BW tech, people say it's slightly slower.

Switchblade -IS- a bad ship. It's completely thrown out by it's bigger Sabre brother, due to not really being fast, but still a crappy core HF.

But overall, I agree that HFs need a new purpose or something to actually make people thinking about making one, because right now it's mostly VHFs with some LFs, but barely any HFs.

About heavy fighters - Dab - 01-11-2012

I use the GRN HF, and have used the Falcon and Switchblade in the past. Though the Falcon is an MR magnet and I swapped it for the Eagle, the Serval and Switchblade are both very effective. While in a fleet fight, your dodging abilities go down, it in no way means your status as an HF is a liability for your team. HFs have great assets for a fleet fight as well as a duel. In fact, I find them far more useful for fleet fights than for duels, where your slight turning increase really only gives you a very small window to shoot without being shot, and doesn't make up for your firepower and armor/shield lackings.

In a fleet fight, your greater turning abilities allow you to stay right behind the enemy's ship. While you have to be careful with your energy, the virtue of being faster than the ship you're chasing allows you to be in position to do more damage than you would with a slower ship that has more energy.

Now, I do think the turning increase does need buffed up, but the HF isn't useless in a fleet fight. It is still very effective there.

About heavy fighters - Ayatolah - 01-11-2012

' Wrote:Agama is amazing, a prime example of what a HF needs to be.

Bayonet used to be awesome, due to the incredible shape for 1v1s and other situations, dunno after it was made BW tech, people say it's slightly slower.

Switchblade -IS- a bad ship. It's completely thrown out by it's bigger Sabre brother, due to not really being fast, but still a crappy core HF.

But overall, I agree that HFs need a new purpose or something to actually make people thinking about making one, because right now it's mostly VHFs with some LFs, but barely any HFs.

Have you tried the new Marauder? with little effort you can cross dense fire with very little scratch^^

About heavy fighters - Friday - 01-14-2012

I fear no bomber in my Karasu...

About heavy fighters - Jamez - 01-14-2012

' Wrote:I fear nothing in my Karasu...

Fixed! The Karasu is the pinnacle of Heavy Fighters.

Unfortunately.. if you go through the (short) list of HF's on the wiki, you will see that the rest are either slightly lacking, or totally crap.

Heavy fighters already have a role, but I feel that they need to be examined and adjusted to around the same perfomance level as the Karasu.

We could also do with more of a choice in HF's.