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gunship - Tenacity - 06-03-2008

' Wrote:Im talkin about the forward gun, it should shoot upwards not downwards...

Its big, has bad armor and 5 forward shootin guns. And the forward gun is 90% useless in battle.

the model itself is fine, all that needs to be changed is the firing arc on the forward gun. Someone around here put time and effort into that model, and I doubt Igiss is going to throw it away when other ships need replacing first.

gunship - Boss - 06-03-2008

While true, Tenacity, the Orca doesn't follow the BHG line of ships at all.

gunship - RingoW - 06-03-2008


I keep the rights of the Orca. I could mail Igiss, not to use it for further Discovery versions anylonger.
Convince me, but not with simple pvp aspects. I'm not selfish. If a model does not fit with the roleplay, i can live with a removal.

Few players, which have an Orca would have to purchase another ship or been wiped.

Sorry Jinx, back to topic:

Nice model, but a bit to much details. On the other hand with lesser details it would look like the bomber.
You will get it, i'm sure.


gunship - Tenacity - 06-03-2008

The orca is a newer development by the guild, a state-of-the-art ship. Of course it's going to look a little different.

It looks enough like a bounty hunter ship to me - small crew (three people visible in the cockpit), designed with a streamlined, efficient shape and enough firepower to level anything a BH is likely to go up against.

gunship - Dopamino - 06-03-2008

I think it needs some rounding (especially the pontoons and the cockpit) to make it more BHGish.

gunship - Jinx - 06-03-2008

told you i d come up with more concepts ... here is an old one that i made when the complains about the corellian class looking ships started...

[Image: concepttotal.jpg]

this one might be a bit unfair though, cause it offers a really massive target from allmost all sides.

oh, and i never finished the engines - there are supposed to be 4 - and they re located just on the sides of the vertical wings.

gunship - Tenacity - 06-03-2008

eh... i dont much like that one, looks far too bulky.

It could serve as a BHG cruiser/destroyer though.

gunship - Jinx - 06-03-2008

ahh, well, its an early model - but how about having the gunship being a smaller version of the destroyer draygon develops. - or we leave it the star wars ship, i mean... really, in the end, its meant to be different, cause its the old one and the very first capital ship the BHG developed. - well, its late, maybe i got a good idea tomorrow.

gunship - Tenacity - 06-03-2008

' Wrote:ahh, well, its an early model - but how about having the gunship being a smaller version of the destroyer draygon develops. - or we leave it the star wars ship, i mean... really, in the end, its meant to be different, cause its the old one and the very first capital ship the BHG developed. - well, its late, maybe i got a good idea tomorrow.

the current bhg gunship model still needs to be changed in at least some regard though, as many players have complained about it being too manuverable, too small, etc. That thing can be almost as hard to hit as a light fighter.

gunship - mjolnir - 06-04-2008

Quote:(Orca) has bad armor and 5 forward shooting guns

That simply call for change in stats nothing else... and it has good armor, lot more than IMG and Rogue GB.

I think it fits nicely.

There is another thread about changing guns/firing arcs, post your suggestion there.
The hitbox is kind of much bigger than the ship as well.

About this GS

I like it...( the one on the first side) But could be nice to see some comparison with the Orca and bomber next to it.

Also...the cockpit should maybe have two levels with 2pilots up and 2 gunners down?

The one on this side is more of a Cruiser-class though