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Set Messages - Printable Version

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RE: Set Messages - Swallow - 01-03-2013

I have rather not pleasant experience encontering use of set messages.
Considering such a background I would approve their removal. Though their presence barely changes a thing. Just be ready to shoot back any moment, encountering an enemy.

RE: Set Messages - Tunicle - 01-03-2013

They are perfect for routine encounters and messages used by factions such as the police.

Lowluts using them to bypass RP will still be Lowluts if they are removed.

RE: Set Messages - Pavel - 01-03-2013

(01-03-2013, 06:05 PM)Wraga Wrote: Get a new option instead:

/setchar or something like that, what could take a "roleplayname" before the sentences. Its annoying to type: (randomdude):Good day!, (randomdude): Yes!...

That helps more to roleplay than setmsgs, but at the moment, they are better than nothing.

I agree, /setchar would be very helpful, it's tiring when you have to write your char name's every time you say something.

(01-03-2013, 06:32 PM)Tunicle Wrote: They are perfect for routine encounters and messages used by factions such as the police.

Lowluts using them to bypass RP will still be Lowluts if they are removed.

Exactly, I don't get why some think removing useful set messages will eliminate problem of "die XYZ". Removal of "may treat as combat target" lines from IDs will help.

RE: Set Messages - Veygaar - 01-03-2013

(01-03-2013, 06:32 PM)Tunicle Wrote: They are perfect for routine encounters and messages used by factions such as the police.

Lowluts using them to bypass RP will still be Lowluts if they are removed.

Exactly. Voted no.

RE: Set Messages - Shomy - 01-03-2013

(01-03-2013, 06:32 PM)Tunicle Wrote: They are perfect for routine encounters and messages used by factions such as the police.

Lowluts using them to bypass RP will still be Lowluts if they are removed.

What he said!
I'm slow typer, just like greater part of player base!
Just NO

RE: Set Messages - Crackpunch - 01-04-2013

If you need to call targets in a fight, use a voice program.

I think keeping them to accommodate slow typers isn't really worth the /l1 /l2 stuff.

RE: Set Messages - Connor - 01-04-2013

(01-03-2013, 06:05 PM)Wraga Wrote: Get a new option instead:

/setchar or something like that, what could take a "roleplayname" before the sentences. Its annoying to type: (randomdude):Good day!, (randomdude): Yes!...

Exactly what we need. Although I strongly disagree with the set message as lolrwar already knows (i was on CFH-The.Golden.Kite and 41st|R.Adm.K.Weaver when we spoke )

RE: Set Messages - Jihadjoe - 01-04-2013

Make them work in group only. They're awesome for giving targetting orders and feeding information during a fight.

RE: Set Messages - Scorpio - 01-04-2013

(01-03-2013, 06:32 PM)Tunicle Wrote: They are perfect for routine encounters and messages used by factions such as the police.

Lowluts using them to bypass RP will still be Lowluts if they are removed.

I use them to assist with my reactions. Because I have Cerebal Palsy. Which shoots my fine motor control to bits I have issues doing well..Pretty much everything xD

I have in the past spoken of my dislike of setmessages and I think they can "cheapen" the RP to a point. But thats somewhat moot when a set message may be the differance between me being pounded into mush due to my inabillity to react fast enough and me getting away and not being locked out of a system that my characters(s) use as part of their role, for a substantial about of time

Having said that I did vote yes so I must take glee in being killed >.<

In all honesty I'd love if some easy middle ground method were figured out

RE: Set Messages - ryoken - 01-04-2013

I voted yes. I see no point in them really. In 6 plus years here i have never used them. I find each encounter is different, and as such should be treated as diferent, and not a 1/ 2/ fire encounter like i see almost daily from many pirates.
I can usually tell the players usng pre sets, as most times they do not really fit the encounter.
Also i have seen a few who do not speak english use them, and when you try to talk/RP with them you get a jumble of nonesence back, or silence.
And personelly i respond to set message pirate attempts with fire. If you cannot speak, or RP with me to pirate me? Well then you did not earn payment, and shall get none.
Also some fools from a hostile faction love to 1/ 2/ you then just start firing, and i feel that also does not deserve a response. I have sat there and let a fool kill me in my Lib fighter from a RM and then had him yell i was OORP because i sat and just died. Sorry set message of 1/ you are enemy of rheinland. 2/ my orders are to kill you. pew pew is not RP to me. So i gave him all he wanted, a blue message and went to play another char.
So to sum it up i find set messages "NOT" proper RP, and as such refuse to RP back. Use set messge that meaks no sense and enjoy your free blue message. It is a game, and i will not lose a thing from it.