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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Guthixibis - 11-15-2019

Source: Planet Hamburg, Hamburg System
Encryption: port RM-HC-R3C-RU1T-ET

Submitter: Soldat, Mettenheim, Heinrich
Recipient: Rheinwehr Oberkommando

Subject: Patrols, Hessian Activity

Guten Tag, I am reporting over several days worth of patrols. The incident I would like to report on is the occurrence of a Hessian attack near The Ring. We engaged one Koloman Ribbeck, who was broadcasting allegiance to the Red Hessian Army. Unfortunately, we were unable to eliminate him. The second incident is much more… peculiar. Korvettenkapitan Mathews and I were sweeping the Taunusfeld on our way to border control duties in the Luneburg system, when we were met by an alien lifeform, what some would call “Nomads”. After inducing visions, it proceeded to attack us. The xeno in question was about gunboat-sized, though I do not know what to call it. Logs may be provided to anyone of sufficient rank, as I believe these to be important enough to require classification.

Soldat, Heinrich Mettenheim

RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Kelby - 11-15-2019

[Image: y0TtFnU.jpg]

Source: Battleship Karlsruhe, Stuttgart System
Encryption: port RM-HC-R3C-RU1T-ET

Submitter: Soldat, Wilhelm Wagner
Recipient: Rheinwehr Oberkommando

Subject: Patrol report - Frankfurt System, 15th Nov 826 A.S.

Guten Tag,

on today's patrol in Frankfurt System mit Rudolph Mentz we encountered a Zoner transport vessel near Mannheim Station with ID signature "OSI-PluckyPanda" hauling Nuclear Devices without authorisation. After a short debate a hostile vessel carrying Corsair ID and ID signature "Tuco.Castillo" suddenly jumped out of a trade lane between Mannheim Station and Mainz Storage Facility. The enemy vessel defied Rudolph Mentz's order to stop and tried to escape. After a short chase we were forced to open fire and we successfully destroyed the hostile vessel. Then we returned to Mannheim Station to deal with the Zoner vessel. The Kapitän of the Zoner ship was surprisingly cooperative, he was unaware that he needs a license and he returned the un-authorised cargo to Mannheim Station. He assured us that he will ask for the license to haul Nuclear Devices. For that Rudolph Mentz decided that he will not give a fine to the Zoner Kapitän.

Ende des Berichts.

Soldat, Wilhelm Wagner

RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Kelby - 11-15-2019

[Image: ZxhOoE4.jpg]
Source: Träger Boltenhagen, Frankfurt System
Encryption: port RM-HC-R3C-RU1T-ET

Submitter: Soldat, Wilhelm Wagner
Recipient: Rheinwehr Oberkommando

Subject: Patrol report #2 - Frankfurt system, 15th November 826 A.S.

Guten Tag,
today I was on another patrol duty, this time under command of RWK-Boltenhagen. We departed from Sektor-7 and headed for Munich Jump Gate, where we encountered a transport vessel with an ID signature "ElCamionero" hauling Helium. After a short conversation with the ship's Kapitän we let the transport vessel go.

A few minutes later we encountered another transport vessel near Sigma-15 Jump Hole, this time it was a Interspace Commerce ship with an ID signature "indimin|com", which was hauling uranium ore. We also found 5 escape pods of Rheinland Military Piloten in his cargo hold. For this offence we ordered the ship's Kapitän to pay a 10 Millionen fine and to hand over the escape pods. The Kapitän handed over the escape pods to us, but he did not want to pay the fine. He argued that he actually saved the pilots. Unfortunately for him he had no proof that would testify this. He even could not explain why he did not drop the escape pods at the nearest station. After several appeals to pay the fine, which were not heard, we were forced to destroy the ship.

During this whole incident we also encountered a Gateway transport ship with an ID signature "Gateway|-GSV-Tefilin". We ordered the ship's Kapitän to cut his engines, but he did not comply and tried to escape. After disabling the local Trade Lane he changed his mind and cooperated with us. We found an illegal weapon "Nattertum Zwei" in his cargo hold which he was forced to hand over to us. This incident was resolved without a fine.

Ende des Berichts.

Soldat, Wilhelm Wagner

RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Roamingcharges - 11-15-2019

Source: New Berlin System, Planet New Berlin
Encryption: port RM-HC-R3C-RU1T-ET

Submitter: Korvettenkapitan, George Mathews
Recipant: Rheinwehr Oberkommando

Subject: Patrol Report

KorvettenKapitan Mathew reporting on my patrol. Started my patrol from New Berlin, and joined up with KG Vallentorn Träger Boltenhagen and fellow pilot Wagner on a patrol. Most of the patrol was filled with scanning ships and assisting pilots that have travel to Rheinland for the first time. The patrol was mostly quiet, just responding and reacting to different ships entering Rheinland. After some time our small force, comprised of one Träger, a battlecrusier and two fighters and a bomber arrived to New Berlin herself in force. Not too long after a hessian bomber arrived, and judging by its reaction, ran from the sight of our ad-hoc task force. The forces commander ordered the screen to engage the lone ship, and after a brief skirmish, was brought down by Soldat Wagner. We rejoined the formation and headed to Frankfurt. But knowing that New Berlin was the hub of Rheinland space I chose to return back to my post on New Berlin.

Some time later, and after some more cargo ship scans, the ad-hoc group returned to just two fighters and the Träger Boltenhagen. We continued on with our duties, flying and scanning ships. I had remained in the area near Bonn station and Wildau station looking for a specific ship. Unfortunately I lost track of the ship, and joined the lane to Dortmund station. And as I noticed a strange looking ship from the hamburg gate lane crossed my area. I comm messaged the group and I followed the ship. I began to try to talk to the ship but I'm not exactly sure if it was a neutral ship or not. After some time trying to reason with him, I finally answered the calls from the force commander and the two remaining ships joined me. The ai ship didn't want to reason, and didn't want to parlay with us. And from its hostile actions, we finally engaged it. The fight was intense. Soldat Wagner engaged first and scored many hits to the shields. The commander gave me permission to let loose my missile compliment and the first group slammed and knocked its shields down. The ai began to retreat in a effort to regain its shields. We caught up and began to pummel it again. This time another barrage from my missiles knocked the shields down and a well timed mine from Wagner heavily damaged the ship. The ship spilling smoke and flames, began to lose control. Seizing the opportunity I opened up with my arsenal and destroyed the ai ship. Only the wreckage of the ship remains. And knowing it was a robotic vessel, we saw no ejection pod. Celebrating our numerous victories, I retired to New Berlin to write my report, and maybe some Rheinbeer at a local bar. That is all.

Korvettenkapitian, George Mathews

RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Kelby - 11-16-2019

[Image: DcTO5Jd.jpg]

Source: Schlachtschiff Sternberg, New Berlin System
Encryption: port RM-HC-R3C-RU1T-ET

Submitter: Soldat, Wilhelm Wagner
Recipient: Rheinwehr Oberkommando

Subject: Battle in Dresden - 16th November 826 A.S.

Guten Tag,
today I was ordered to Dresden system, where our assault group, under the command of Admiral Scheer, assembled, consisting of several MKR VHFs, one gunboat, one cruiser and the battleship Sternberg. After a short while we consolidated our forces and were ready to fight. Before long, our presence was noted by Red Hessian forces, consisting of several VHFs and one bomber. Our pilots did not hesitate and immediately charged the enemy under the command of Admiral Morgenstern, who led us to a great victory, because we successfully shot down all enemy ships without a single loss except the Admiral herself, who was forced to eject because of a collision with the enemy vessel.

Allied forces:

Hostile forces:

Ende des Berichts.

Soldat, Wilhelm Wagner

RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Dark.Star - 11-17-2019

[Image: OberstKlausdiscovery2.jpg]

Source: Schlachtschiff Sternberg, München
Encryption: port RM-HC-R3C-RU1T-ET
Submitter: Flottenkapitän, Gerwald Klaus
Recipient: Rheinwehr Oberkommando
Subject: Noticeable encounters within the last 24 hours

Guten Tag. The last 24 hours until this point have bin interesting. Das Sternberg was fresh out of fresh out of the drydock, when me und mein crew were hailed near Mannheim by Marinestreitkrafter pilots, including the Admiralin. They were headed out to Dresden, und we decided to proceed too in possible assistance. We waited for some time there, until der RWK-Admiral.Scheer had joined up with us und with Soldat Wagner. Hessen started to come, und the MKR and Wagner proceeded to engage them. Das Sternberg's scanners picked up ein communist Typhoon. Ich habe decided with der Kapitaen of the Admiral.Scheer to use him as the bait, so we would destroy the threat fast. Ich had the Sternberg cloak up, and, luckily, die Typhoon was right next to us. Das Sternberg uncloaked and took it by surprise, unleashing it's monstrous arsenal upon it. Der RWK-Admiral.Scheer wasn't too damaged. After every enemy was scorched, we proceeded to head back home.

A few hours later, one of mein patrol wings around Munchen chased some Corsairs into Xi, where they had found zwei Legate-class Corsair heavy battleships. Ich habe knew that ein Bismarck wasn't enough, so Ich called in reinforcements. Another Bismarck, das RNC-NuDuerf und zwei bombers, including Soldat Wagner which happened to be around und Korvettenkapitaen Mathews. Das Sternberg und NuDuerf have decided to launch stealth bombers to take care of them, but while I was waiting for reinforcements ein Legate jumped into Munchen. We had to retreat since we weren't completely ready either way. That's when I decided that we must take them out, since they had the courage to come on our soil. Das NuDuerf arrived and so habe der zwei bombers. NuDuerf und Sternberg habe cloaked up, und the bombers were sent into Xi to perform recon. We found ein Legate alone but it ran to a base where it was reinforced by the second. NuDuerf decloaked early for distraction, and we drew the first ein away, where das Sternberg decloaked behind und tore it's engines apart. Die second one comes, we break it apart easily too, then, out of nowhere, an unnanounced third Legate comes. Both Bismarcks were still holding great, so we proceeded to open fire upon it too. The gruesome and sheer firepower and armor of the Bismarcks, combined with a shockingly fast attack and close bomber support made a stunning victory. The Corsairs didn't even know what hit them. Drei Legates decimated within such a short time with only zwei Bismarcks shows how strong the Fatherland is.
The recordings are attached below, that would be all.

Flottenkapitän Gerwald Klaus

RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - SmokesDen - 12-09-2019

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[Image: augTinp.jpg]

Source: Mainz facility, Frankfurt
Encryption: port RM-KPT-R3Y-Z3AX-ET
Submitter: Klara Kesselman
Recipant: Rheinwehr + Herr Von Ehrenberg
Subject: Chilled Patrol apart from a Freelancer tried to open fire on a BND during my talk to him and been arrested

Guten Tag sehr geehrte Admiräle des Oberkommandos, Kapitäne und Soldaten der Rheinwehr,

Chilling Reporting here, nothing happening due to its peaceful in Rhienland sides the time I caught a Freelancer flying a forbitten ship Within No restiction permits from the Fatherland or the Admiral. trying to kill an Agent of Rhienalnd within space is an immedite Arrest, Image will be uploaded with the convocation.

And on the side note, Went to have some time with the DHC men to chill while keeping eye out for threats for their Mining operations. Everything was fine expect the fact an RFP officer wanted to have a go arresting me for listening to music during his so speak duties there, when I was there first. Told him to speak to Herr Von Ehrenberg if is for-bitten during operations.

Klara Kesselman
Klara Kesselman

RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Nick Harrison - 12-10-2019

[Image: MjrMBlgm.png]
Source: Oder Shipyard
Encryption: port RM-KGAS-HC-R3C-RU1T-ET
Submitter: KonterAdmiral Randolf Von Houton
Recipant: Rheinwehr Oberkommando
Subject: Liberty Naval Ship in Hamburg

Guten tag.
On long range Scanners A Naval Vessel Call sign LNS-Seattle was detected in the Hamburg system. Launching the Koenigstein
a distress signal went out from Captain Webb of the LNS-Seattle that he was being attacked by Unknown vessels near Sector C3 Planet Kiel. Upon Arriving on site his vessel was no where to be found. [RM]KAdm.R.v.Ehrenberg Arrived not long after I did and as well as RFP|BP.Hks-W.Weimarsson and we began to search the near by field to see if we could find him. We found LNS-Seattle under heavy attack by several Unknown Vessels in the area around a *Redacted*. LNS-Seattle was badly damaged we cleared the area and escorted him to Planet Kiel. Where Vice Admrial Reinhold Kreuzer arrived and took over the investigation on what happen. Seems Captain James Webb was baited by some unknown vessels near cold bay and ended up being drawn to the Hamburg jumpgate where he had major issues and it sent him near *Redacted* And was attacked. We escorted him to A Secure location for decontamination and quarantine to ensure that nothing from the unknown vessels managed to get aboard his vessel. I have a Security Team On duty to ensure no major breaches happen wile this investigation is taken care of.

Captain Webb Mentioned he saw unknown Vessels Near Cold Lake Bay in Hudson and was lured towards the hamburg gate when he arrived near he was unaware of what was happening as he took what he believes to be a EMP causing major issues with his navigational systems He used the Gate and found himself deep in a field no where near the gate or any planet. After his shields gave out he was hit in his engines and several other locations. When we found him and escorted him to safety i offered to send over medical staff to tend to the wounded. When they arrived they heard strange sounds. With the area he was found i sent in a security team to escort the medics. One of the medics heard something that wasn't right and one of the soldats sent to provide security was grabbed and not seen. For safe reasons i recalled my team and [RM]KAdm.R.v.Ehrenberg advised we get the LNS-Seattle in to quarantine On Oder Shipyard.

KonterAdmiral Randolf Von Houton

RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - SmokesDen - 01-01-2020

[Image: rPsQj60.png]
[Image: augTinp.jpg]

Source: Classified
Encryption: port RM-KPT-R3Y-Z3AX-ET
Submitter: Klara Kesselman
Recipant: Rheinwehr + Oberkommandos
Subject: Operations Requested in my Quarters yesterday Evening

Guten Tag sehr geehrte Admiräle des Oberkommandos, Kapitäne und Soldaten der Rheinwehr,

Was given orders by Herr Kreuzer, to deliver as much supplies as possible to an operation base that was prewaypoint coded on bottom of the paper to enter into my Nav map computers. Everything was purely quiet in my time of my operations while rest the Military was sleeping or busy with their personal reports.

Cargo delivered: 1500 Water, 1500 Oxygen and 1000 Synth paste due to the base been pre filled up with goods

Klara Kesselman
Klara Kesselman

RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - SmokesDen - 01-01-2020

[Image: rPsQj60.png]
[Image: augTinp.jpg]

Source: Classified
Encryption: port RM-KPT-R3Y-Z3AX-ET
Submitter: Klara Kesselman
Recipant: Rheinwehr + Oberkommandos
Subject: Code Red this Morning

Guten Tag sehr geehrte Admiräle des Oberkommandos, Kapitäne und Soldaten der Rheinwehr,

Was gonna do a little patrol before i do another load of goods for the base, as I was about to start to relax, A group of Traders, one Inter-space Pilot and a OCI under Deep Space engineering ID, they were attacked by an Freelancer Marked RFP clearance ship, attacked them without warning. I also warn the OCI pilot about his papers don't match his ship clearance, he told me about it in a secure chat about it's not processed yet, which i don't see how its not, but i gave him a fair warning.

Shortly after I warned the OCI, He caught eye on the ship who attacked them, I let them go quickly and catch up with the Ship who attacked them, Clarence Code, Stoney02 by the name of the ship by the IFF scanner shows. Asked them to stop for a ship scan and a little chat with them about the attack of the convoy I intercepted moment earlier , He ignored me and tried to flee. Warned twice before opening fire on resistance orders from me. We got little fight, but it goes well till they landed again which by the way is for-bitten when we're engaged, as we all know... so he was lucky he didn't get destroyed but annoyed me sometimes..

Klara Kesselman
Klara Kesselman