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[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - Printable Version

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[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - The.Outlaw.Star - 06-08-2010

***Incoming Transmission***

[Image: 10-serious-man-black-suit300mc12260.jpg]

From: Gene Starwind, Independent Mining Guild Headquarters

*shutters papers about the cluttered desk only to find awaiting applications to be approved*

I would like to begin by saying "Hello" and Thank you for those of you all who put in your application for the IMG.

>Dominic Missed, your application has been denied upon request.

[color=#33CC00]>Devon.Eastfall of The EbonHawk, your application has been approved.
You may now represent the IMG's Trading/Transporting Division. You can pick up your papers at Java station in Tau 23.

I wish you and your crew the best of luck alongside the IMG.

>Syrus, your application has been approved. You may now represent the IMG's defense division. Your paper work will be waiting for you at Java base in Tau 23.

If you were requested by Zed i trust your skill as a pilot. Stay alive out there and good luck!

>Captain Sanders, your application has been approved. You may now represent the IMG's Mining and Exploring division. Your paper work will be awaiting your pickup in Tau 39 at the Jakanta Orbital Station.

Quote:Help out fellow Miners in certain situations, be it in mining, or the defense of the Guild's property.
Indeed sir

*Tips hat

>Darius Locke, Your application has been Denied.

We concluded that your energy and attitude may be best fit for a Police force, something a bit stronger than a mining guild. I understand your hate for the Outcast but this is not our primary goal as it seems to be yours.

>Jerald Shepard, your application has been approved. You may now represent The IMG's Mining division. Your paper work awaits you in Omega 7 at Freistadt Base.

We are nothing like the BMM and i hope that you enjoy your place here amongst the Independents. I also hope this brings you closer to your family closer together with wealth and prosperity. I also see you come from a family of great Captains....I hope its genetic.

*Applications Complete*

I thank you again for those of you who applied and i look forward to working with those of you who have been accepted.

Signed, Gene Starwind
Director of The Trading/Transporting Division
Independent Mining Guild
***End Transmission***

[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - draggor - 06-09-2010

*Incoming Transmission*

Com ID: Cpt-Ulysis.Daegar
To: Board of Directors IMG|

Good day to you Ladies and Gentlemen of the Board for IMG Directors.

I would first like to start with a simple thank you for everyone that is in attendance of my application.

I have traveled many systems and found many places to Mine for raw minerals.

In this case I am well knowledge of mining as well as the ability to transport such minerals to place of regions and sectors.

I would like to place my Application in 3 places of your great organization sirs and see what you could possible accept me as.

The fallowing place are departments:


Defense Department.

I have applied for Defense department for the Reason of I have done nothing but pilot large ships and At the present time sirs I hold in my possession a IMG Bomber and Gunboat For the defense of all my fellow IMG.

I have many things to offer for the IMG and everyone that is in need of my service.

Such things as a hardy attitude, A do or die trying will, Plus a very friendly and willingness to lend a helping hand to all that are in dire need of help and I never back down from any challenge that stands in my way.

I do hope that you have openings amongst the IMG sirs as I would rather enjoy the Time to know the Independent Miners Guild from with in her true standings.

Many other fellow IMG have seen my mining skills and how quickly I can collect ore and transport it.

The Fallowing names I submit for this application are as fallows:
Cedric.Corvalos- Bomber
Cpt.Daniel.Troath- Gunboat
CPT-Ulysis.Daegar- Haegomon Mining Ship
Cpt-Ekutanka.Shyukatae-Crane Civilian Train.

Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen of the Board for looking over my Application and may the stars hold a bright future for you all.

*End Transmission*

[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - Galthromir - 06-10-2010

---Incoming Transmission---

ID: Darius Locke
Signal Origin: Omega-7 System
Encryption Level: Medium

---Begin Message---

I apologize if I'm bein' a bit blunt in replyin' to a rejection letter, but I think I painted a bit o' a false portrait of myself in my application. Killin' Outcasts ain't my main objective in applyin' to the IMG, I woulda joined the BHG or somesuch if it was. I simply think that ya'll share a similar mindset with me, a desire to make a life for yourself with your own two hands, free of some corporate executive tellin' ya how to live.

*he sighs, and his voice quiets*

I'll be frank with ya'll, I'm in a bad way. Between repairs, fuel, and basic livin' expenses I'm barely able to scrape together enough credits to pay off pirates who'd just as soon see me space debris. I keep doin' as I been doin', and I won't last another 6 months.

*he pauses*

If ya'll would be willin' to give me a chance, even a chance, I could prove to ya how useful I could be. I'm already a pretty solid miner, but I can do so much more than that. I'm willin' to go places other folks won't, do things others consider suicidal. Havin' flown a little dromedary around some of the most dangerous space in Sirius, I'm quite adept at sneakin' around. I'm also quite willin' to learn anythin' else the Guild needs done.

I hope ya'll would be willin' to take a second look at my application, I really need this job.
Feel free to contact me on my personal coms (//PMs) if ya have any questions.

Darius out.

---Transmission Ends---

[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - MetalPheonix - 06-14-2010

' Wrote:
***Incoming Transmission***

[Image: 10-serious-man-black-suit300mc12260.jpg]

From: Gene Starwind, Independent Mining Guild Headquarters

*shutters papers about the cluttered desk only to find awaiting applications to be approved*

I would like to begin by saying "Hello" and Thank you for those of you all who put in your application for the IMG.
>Dominic Missed, your application has been denied upon request.

[color=#33CC00]>Devon.Eastfall of The EbonHawk, your application has been approved.
You may now represent the IMG's Trading/Transporting Division. You can pick up your papers at Java station in Tau 23.

I wish you and your crew the best of luck alongside the IMG.

>Syrus, your application has been approved. You may now represent the IMG's defense division. Your paper work will be waiting for you at Java base in Tau 23.

If you were requested by Zed i trust your skill as a pilot. Stay alive out there and good luck!

>Captain Sanders, your application has been approved. You may now represent the IMG's Mining and Exploring division. Your paper work will be awaiting your pickup in Tau 39 at the Jakanta Orbital Station.
Indeed sir

*Tips hat

>Darius Locke, Your application has been Denied.

We concluded that your energy and attitude may be best fit for a Police force, something a bit stronger than a mining guild. I understand your hate for the Outcast but this is not our primary goal as it seems to be yours.

>Jerald Shepard, your application has been approved. You may now represent The IMG's Mining division. Your paper work awaits you in Omega 7 at Freistadt Base.

We are nothing like the BMM and i hope that you enjoy your place here amongst the Independents. I also hope this brings you closer to your family closer together with wealth and prosperity. I also see you come from a family of great Captains....I hope its genetic.
*Applications Complete*

I thank you again for those of you who applied and i look forward to working with those of you who have been accepted.

Signed, Gene Starwind
Director of The Trading/Transporting Division
Independent Mining Guild
***End Transmission***
**Incoming Transmission**
*Comm ID: Devon.Eastfall*

This is such an honor I'll head down as soon as possible!

**Transmission Ended**

[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - The.Outlaw.Star - 06-18-2010

***Incoming Transmission***

[Image: 10-serious-man-black-suit300mc12260.jpg]

From: Gene Starwind, Independent Mining Guild Headquarters

*reaches for pen and paper

After reading over the applications and doing some background checks i come to the conclusion. Both Cpt-Ulysis.Daegar and Darius Locke will be welcome to join the IMG.

>To: Cpt-Ulysis.Daegar

Hello and welcome to the IMG. You may now represent The IMG's Mining division, Defense, and Trade division. Your paper work awaits you in Omega 7 at Freistadt Base.

This is a lot of work for you and your crew i hope you find the IMG right for you. We have been however, working together lately and have proved yourself well both in the field and behind the seat of a Bomber. You have had prior brush-ins with "The Law" but we have discussed this and trust in you it wont happen again.

[color=#33CC00]>To: Darius Locke

Hello again sir and welcome to the IMG. You may now represent the IMG's Mining and Exploring division. Your paper work will be awaiting your pickup in Tau 23 Java station.

I thought as well that maybe your first transmission was intercepted and some how placed on my desk. Now that you have everything worked out we would be more than happy to have someone with your determination. Your hard work and effort only show us you are more than willing to support the IMG and its people.

I look forward to working with you in the field and hope you are as brave as you say you are *winks

*Application Review Complete*

Thank you for your applications we are excited to have you.

Signed, [font=Comic Sans Ms]Gene Starwind
Director of The Trading/Transporting Division
Independent Mining Guild
***End Transmission***

[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - LH-Cypher - 06-19-2010

[incomming transmission]
[decoding 0%...50%...100%]
[displaying message in 'Liberty English']

Hello IMG,

My name is Roger Smith and i heared you are in need of explorers and defenders. Well i'm kind of both.
In my previous job as a freelancer i escorted many researchers to the most inhospitable places in Sirius.
I have seen and escaped much, but the freelancer job has to many uncertainties for me to continue with.
That's why i want to apply for a job as IMG explorer and/or defender.
Because from what i've heared and seen you guys are honest and support eachother.
That's what i'm looking for, while i can still expolre Sirius.

My ship goes by the name: Exo.Inc

Friendly greetings,

Roger Smith


[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - Rogerbag - 06-20-2010

Recruitment request no longer available.
Other assignment showed up.

[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - pragun - 06-28-2010

  • Name : Jack Tweed
  • Age : 21 yrs
  • Home : Holman Outpost
  • Prievious Professions : None
  • Applying as : Miner Operator
  • Professional Skills : Basic Miner Operation Training, Emergency Combat, Basic Haulage Training, High Volume Cargo Transportation Training, Mining Output Optimisation
  • Background : I'm a young man, born and brought up on or around Holman Outpost where my Dad (Harrison Tweed) works as an on board mechanic, and my mom (Janet Miller Tweed) is in charge of The Emergency Clinic.
    I've lived here all my life. All my life, I've wanted to follow in my dad's footsteps and work on one of those huge mining ships. My parent's have always shared my enthusiasm for the same, being lifelong IMG employees themselves!
    After my basic education was complete, my dad got me into a Professional School to learn the tricks of the trade, hoping that someday I might go farther than he did. I spent 4 years at the school, trying to gain all the skills that would be needed to make me a good miner, and I've passed with honors.
  • Reason For Joining : I've completed my education, training and I'd like to put my skills to good use, and grind some rock along with the hardy miners of the IMG.
    I hope my skills and enthusiasm will prove to be a useful asset, and I sincerely hope you'll accept my application to be a miner.

Signing off,
Best regards,

Jack Tweed

[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - darthbeck - 07-02-2010

---Incoming transmission---
ID: Ron Matterson , Independent Miners Guild.
Subject: Application

Mister smith, you're application has been accepted, and, pending no incidents, welcome to the Guild.

Mister tweed, The guild welcomes you.

Ron matterson.
[color=#FF0000]Directer of Research, Development and Defense.
Independent Miners Guild

---Transmission ended, Channel open---

[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - axelf - 07-04-2010