Are you a hard and devoted worker, struggling to survive in the midst of unreliable political and economic situations, or even under corrupt corporations? Are you an adventurer, seeking to search out the unknown? Or are you a stalwart protector of the innocent, a defender of the common man or woman just trying to make ends meet and perhaps support their family?
If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, then the Independent Miners Guild needs you.
As a guild, IMG is an association of professionals from various areas of expertise. These individuals have come together in order to build a livlihood for themselves and their families. In the process, Guild has become in many ways Community. We work together and we refine each other's skills. If you are interested in such an organization, then we invite you to apply.
We currently have openings for the following positions:
>Trader Captain
>Defense Pilot
Please include the following information in your application post:
1. Professional background, including what work you have done in the past and why you wish to join the Guild.
2. Briefly describe what you understand the purposes of IMG to be.
3. Explain what you bring to the Guild that can help accomplish those purposes.
Once you post your application in this thread, you will receive a response from the appropriate division director in this thread. If accepted, you will be given access to the IMG Secure GuildComm, and your director will give you instructions for setup.
For more information, please follow the following link to our Guild profile: IMG Faction Status
If quesions, please contact a member of Guild leadership.
The Independent Miners Guild is currently seeking a qualified applicant to fill the position of Defense Director. The Defense Director oversees the military division of the Guild. This director develops, in cooperation with the Guild Master, military policy and all necessary strategic plans for the protection of Guild operations, and is subsequently responsible for the successful implementation of those plans. The director also develops and oversees all training of Guild combat pilots, and manages development records for each, including certification of level promotion. The director or designee oversees any individual military operation. Direct reports: wing commanders (if applicable; otherwise, all combat pilots).
Any applicants should familiarize themselves - before applying - with the information found in the Guild profile: IMG Faction Status
If you believe you are qualified for this position, please PM Guild Master Peter Barrington (Trevelyan) directly. Any questions should be PM'd to the same.
Name: Walter Tucker
Age: 18
Place of birth: Leeds
About me: I come from poor family on planet Leeds, i need a job and education... We are poor family and i allways had to work... I don't have any special education, i heard that you provide training for new members so i decided to try! I can work anything you want but my goal is to become successful trader.
Purposes of IMG, huh...To help poor people get a job and normal life? I hope...
I can bring hard work and discipline to guild!
--Transmission to IMG Human Resources--
--Sender ID: unknown, traced to Freeport 6--
Greetings, IMG. My name is Isaac Goldwell. I have, until recently, been an employee in BMM, working on several research projects into the application of AI in mining.
However, with the rising cost of the war with Kusari, my income has been steadly dropping, and now I find myself unable to support myself, or even my family.
I have recently relocated myself, my family, and all the hardware and designs I could get hold of to Freeport 6. Now, with nowhere else to turn, I offer you my considerable expertise in the field of AI and it's application in our work, as well as one of my prototype automated miners, to be operated within your guild and to further your (and, I hope, my) economic endevours.
TO: Mr. Isaac Goldwell
FROM: Peter Barrington, GM
RE: Application
Mr. Goldwell,
We are happy to welcome you to the Independent Miners Guild! Former BMM employees are especially welcome here.
We are happy to have your expertise as well. As you know, IMG is on the cutting edge of exploration and technological development, and your knowledge as well as the prototype you mentioned would undoubtedly enhance our operations. Drones are especially appealing as Outcast activity in the Taus has picked up lately.
For mining, you will report to our Economic Director, Claude Foster, who should be able to help you with startup. I also suggestion you visit soon with our R&D Director, Ms. Kyan. In addition, please feel free to move your family to one of our facilities as soon as is convenient; we will be happy to pick up the cost of that.
*****Incoming Transmission***** ATTENTION: Weak Signal
Enhancing Connection...
Transmission Received...
Building Contents Summary...
--Signal Origin: Cambridge Research Station
--Sender: Ethan Murphy
--Subject: IMG Defense Division Application
--Accept Message Data? Y/N
Uploading Message...
IMG Recruitment Officials,
This is Ethan Murphy, I'm a pharmaceutical tester for Cryer Pharmaceuticals.
Or at least I was, until this morning. I've quit to pursue my dreams of becoming
a pilot, and to escape my current superiors. Along with that, i chose to ask you
because I find that IMG's interests are similar to my own. From what I know of
IMG, you aren't merely a group of people. You're almost...a family, a tightly knit
net of friends. Both of which I've never had, but that has only served to
deepen my understanding of their value. As for what I can offer you, I am
simply another friend, and of course...another set of guns to help defend this
family. I assure you, my piloting know-how is adequate, as racing was all I did
before this dead end job. Admittedly, my combat experience is...well...non-existent,
but I know i can do it. I'm a fast learner. Give me this chance and I assure you that
I will not disappoint.
Also, just to clarify, as a tester my job was to test the drugs on mice, not myself.
TO: Mr. Ethan Murphy
FROM: Peter Barrington, GM
RE: Application for Guild Membership
Dear Mr. Murphy,
Your application is accepted. Welcome to the Guild!
We will be in contact privately regarding the setup of your new ship. You will report to Acting Defense Director Hargreaves. If you have any questions, please contact him or myself.
TO: IMG Recruitment Office
SENDER: Quarton Lazzarus; stationed on Planet Leeds
SUBJECT: Trader Captain Application
Thank you for receiving my application. My name is Quarton Lazzarus, I am a trader-for-hire from Leeds. I quit Bowex Shipping a year ago and have been working the Bretonian trade circuit ever since. I recently got in touch with my uncle, who is a mechanic aboard the HMS Hood, and he suggested I contact you for steady employment. The Bretonian embargo of the Taus has been bad for business all-around, and I understand that the niobium routes are quite...profitable.
Also, I gather that the guild is not so uptight as the House firms - I held a desk job for two years at Bowex before I could even sniff the inside of a cargo ship, much less fly one. The IMG is hopefully not mired in employee politics like my old employer.
I see the IMG as an organization that gives its members the freedom to decide how they want to make a living, and at the same time looks out for its own. This last part is particularly important to me. My fiancee has threatened to call off our marriage unless I start protecting myself out there.
I can bring to the IMG a skilled pilot who already has some familiarity with your organization (through my uncle), curiosity about foreign worlds, and above all, a dedication to making as much money as possible, both for myself and for my employer.
TO: Quarton Lazzarus
FROM: Director Claude Foster
RE: Application for Guild Membership
Bowex certainly has a reputation for that sort of thing. You would certainly be able to see the inside of a ship with the IMG! We respect the rights of all of those who wish to work independently away from those major corporations.
Ah, a fiancee. Perhaps you should get started quickly! Ahaha. But seriously, I can certainly understand. We welcome you to the Guild! We shall be in touch shortly to get all everything updated.