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Treewyrm's Various Stuff - Printable Version

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RE: Treewyrm's Various Stuff - Treewyrm - 10-09-2013

Well, this is rough guide/tutorial for ALE files, it's not complete, some stuff is missing, advanced topics aren't touched at all, but there is simple tutorial at the end that should help you to cover basics.

Feel free to ask questions about it, though perhaps there could be a new thread for that topic specifically.

RE: Treewyrm's Various Stuff - Jonas Valent - 10-09-2013

It all looks great I love the menu background. Cant wait to see it incorporated.

RE: Treewyrm's Various Stuff - sindroms - 10-09-2013

Yureh, place the link in the OP.

RE: Treewyrm's Various Stuff - Treewyrm - 10-12-2013

Remade Leeds menu intro for upcoming patch, added animation sequence, fixed lights and made it brighter.

RE: Treewyrm's Various Stuff - Vulkhard Muller - 10-12-2013

(10-12-2013, 09:53 PM)Treewyrm Wrote: Remade Leeds menu intro for upcoming patch, added animation sequence, fixed lights and made it brighter.

Wouldnt mind that for docking on Leeds in general like outside on the landing pad that looks awesome.

RE: Treewyrm's Various Stuff - Govedo13 - 10-12-2013

This looks grim and epic as it should. Great work.

RE: Treewyrm's Various Stuff - sindroms - 10-13-2013

That falling dread. Needs a bigger explosion, perhaps bits flying and landing into city before you. Epic nonethelesssssss.

RE: Treewyrm's Various Stuff - Treewyrm - 10-13-2013

(10-13-2013, 12:11 AM)sindroms Wrote: That falling dread. Needs a bigger explosion, perhaps bits flying and landing into city before you. Epic nonethelesssssss.

Blame time constraints, Amir asked it to be done by this weekend. In 3ds max scene I had complete animation with gallic bs making forward gun shot at bret bs and then it falling down, exploding mid-air into parts that have their own path trajectories. Syncing all that in THN is pain in the ass and I haven't done keyframe event export from 3ds yet (just scene setup, paths+orientations). And explosion is biggest one I could find (except nomad city explosion), already had to do custom effect for fire and smoke on bret bs. Guess leaving room for improvements in later patches...

RE: Treewyrm's Various Stuff - Thyrzul - 10-13-2013

Can't wait to see these things in-game. Really impressive work, massive kudos, sir.

RE: Treewyrm's Various Stuff - belarusich - 10-16-2013

I just was curious and tried to launch that "UTFXML" program, it doesnt work, any thoughts?

P.S. XMLUTF works.