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Being a modder... fixing the Cap ship bounce - Printable Version

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Being a modder... fixing the Cap ship bounce - Tic - 08-22-2008

No they weren't Jure. Yes the spining is a bit reduced but thats all, if NPC fighter rams you you will still spin around. But if you hit asteroid you wont. Try it again and youll see.

Being a modder... fixing the Cap ship bounce - El Nino - 08-22-2008

Sure you spin, that's becouse even with high inertia you turn, but far less... and that far less part is tweakable...

Being a modder... fixing the Cap ship bounce - El Nino - 08-23-2008

Another times 100 fixes raming spin even more... It seems this is connected to the amount of damage fighters take when they hit a large ship. All that damage comes from one big nudge,... nevertheless the spining can be stoped as much as we like it, (to any degree) let's say we want it around 10 degrees per ram, that can be done... the limit is 0.