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Discussion: Corsair Transport "Placeholder" - Printable Version

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RE: Discussion: Corsair Transport "Placeholder" - Jinx - 04-27-2013

my guess is that mr dusty talks about this...

[Image: ActionVITransport-SWR.png]

which is the old corsair gunboat - also nicknamed handbag. - it is a star wars bulk freighter. the only other GB they ever had was the raba, which they disliked - and passed on to the Farmers.

i have no clue what sins of a solar empire ship dusty refers to ... but maybe it was meant to be humorous - who knows. anyway - the policy is "no imports" - period.

RE: Discussion: Corsair Transport "Placeholder" - Anaximander - 04-27-2013

Is it this?

[Image: 2lthn55.png]


RE: Discussion: Corsair Transport "Placeholder" - Pavel - 04-27-2013

(04-27-2013, 02:38 PM)JayDee Wrote: What gunboat are you talking about? Current one? If not - post image please.

Probably it's about M26 which was an import.

Edit: Ninjas everywhere

RE: Discussion: Corsair Transport "Placeholder" - Dusty Lens - 04-27-2013

(04-27-2013, 02:38 PM)JayDee Wrote: What gunboat are you talking about? Current one? If not - post image please.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRnM7Xg2lv7nZyOJIBL2y5...P31x6_gOrj]

Edit 1: Its proper nickname was the lunchbox. Harumph.

Edit 2: Haha, that was the fastest mass posting of pictures I've seen in a while.

RE: Discussion: Corsair Transport "Placeholder" - Jinx - 04-27-2013

anyway - whats the problem... madvillain posted and linked a nice ship that is at least made by someone who cares about corsairs.

it ll just need a finishing touch - and its in. - everyone is happy ( except corsairs that do not like horns )

RE: Discussion: Corsair Transport "Placeholder" - Stygian - 04-27-2013

(04-27-2013, 02:47 PM)Jinx Wrote: i have no clue what sins of a solar empire ship dusty refers to ... but maybe it was meant to be humorous - who knows. anyway - the policy is "no imports" - period.

Probably this one. Look familiar?
[Image: Halcyon-Carrier.jpg]

I wonder where else I've seen it..
[Image: Dsy_persephone.png]

RE: Discussion: Corsair Transport "Placeholder" - Dusty Lens - 04-27-2013

(04-27-2013, 02:47 PM)Jinx Wrote: i have no clue what sins of a solar empire ship dusty refers to ... but maybe it was meant to be humorous - who knows. anyway - the policy is "no imports" - period.

No clue? Sounds legit.

(06-28-2012, 08:58 AM)Jinx Wrote: spazz is quite right - the halycon carrier is what inspired me, along with the established zoner design. - and yea, i totally adore the design of the Advent ships, all of them.

RE: Discussion: Corsair Transport "Placeholder" - Jinx - 04-27-2013

master of derail - yes - i am aware that other ships i made are based on sins - but it was about the former corsair GB - which was never based on sins - but on star wars - which was what the reply was about

even if you begged so much to re-include it - knowing that we would not do it... after all, you have been a dev, too - even if you only made humorous ID cards.

there is of course a difference between inspired by - and copied.

for those that may miss the difference

an import is a near identical copy - or as near as possible

inspired is when it is derived of it - not like i care much - - the thread is about corsairs complaining ... and the offer to have them submit something they like - which is not an import.

but feel free to submit something inspired by whatever you like - so - go ahead - make am model inspired by the action IV bulk freighter from star wars. - it will be fairly considered for inclusion.

from the devs point of view - we had exactly 2 alternatives:

- NOT adding anything - being sure that corsairs would complain
- add "something" which may be a placeholder, cause no one who likes the corairs was about to model something .... and be sure that corsairs would complain.

but we do all hope that we get a 3rd alternative

- a modeller that likes the corsairs and models something that everyone falls in love with - and does not forget to submit. thats quite a sweet deal, don t you think? - what more can we offer....

RE: Discussion: Corsair Transport "Placeholder" - Dusty Lens - 04-27-2013

(04-27-2013, 04:45 PM)Jinx Wrote: master of derail - yes - i am aware that other ships i made are based on sins - but it was about the former corsair GB - which was never based on sins - but on star wars - which was what the reply was about

Oh? I thought you weren't aware of what I meant by Sins. Glad we got around to that. But while we're on the subject let's strike to the heart of the matter.

So right now we've got this thread. There's a ship coming in for which there's no proper model. The "dev" solution is to shoehorn in something which both doesn't fit the bill and looks out of place. There's some contention on that matter from the playerbase, they would rather that a model which does fit the bill and looks good for the role be put in.

Issue is that AD doesn't have said model because of a communication snaffu. So that needs to be remedied, but it'll take time.

The solution posited is to use an existing model which will work perfectly fine -as a placeholder- until the new model is ready to rock and roll. The existing model being the extremely popular lunchbox.

Your position is that there is no room for an import in Discovery, no matter how temporary. My position is that a temporary solution which has negligible impact on the environment -and will be very fun- for the playerbase is preferable to one which is contested.

It just so happens that the private ship you built for yourself completely supports my argument while debunking your own. So it's perfectly natural that it would be brought up. It's pretty nuts that you feel comfortable issuing a flat denial on the face of values that you don't hold yourself to.

The action is an old Corsair favorite. One they were begging to remain as a transport model back in .84 and again in .85. Not the freshest history, but I know some of those old faces are still around. People would enjoy it. It's not a Star Destroyer. When the new model is finished everything is put to rights and the whole affair is sent sailing into the murky waters of the past.

(04-27-2013, 04:45 PM)Jinx Wrote: after all, you have been a dev, too - even if you only made humorous ID cards.

I'm glad you thought they were funny. I think some of your models are pretty hilarious too.

RE: Discussion: Corsair Transport "Placeholder" - Silver - 04-27-2013

[Image: lOhFi3s.gif]

Jinx, please. Stop hurting yourself. You're making the devs look bad.

AD is the one calling the shots.
And i am sure the corsair player base has something to say on it.

Time for a poll baby.
