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RE: Game Masters Feedback Thread - Nightowl - 07-02-2019

Hello xiphos,

thank you for your open words. Of course i noticed that there was a big "seat-changing" in the stuff.

And yes, i have sugesstions:
  • I also know, that some admins (like St. Dennis) lost their Job as admins becouse of the cut between admins and game masters. In don't know everything about that (and it's none of my business to know all of it) but i think that the ex-admins know what they are doning. Maybe some of them could help you.
  • For the sanctions: Instead of asking all game masters, just ask three (or five, that depends on many of you are, but at lest 30-50% of the active game masters should be asked). That works very well on some other forums, at least one of them with over 5.000posts per year in two languages (english and german).
  • For warnings: Like the suggestion of sanctions, but with a lesser cound of game masters who have to lokk at it.
  • For Sanctions and warnings: Maybe two or three "masters of sanctions" could be called. They an decide about sanctions with two of them and warning one woman alone.
  • I don't know how it is, but i can be extrem helpfull when not everyone make everything. It could be helpfull to have some people only for the forum and some people that can make everything.
  • A hierarchy is also on nearly all community that i know very effective. This can be used in cases where some "lower" game masters make a something not the best way, where the higher game masters can override that. Of course that can bring drama between this people but when the "new" game masters start at lower ranks they can learn how things are done here.
  • And again fro sanctions and warnings: I'm not sure if that works with MyBB_forums, but with SMF you can give the right to read a started tread and it is still invisibile for everyone else (expect special user-grupes of course). So when someone post an Violation Reports he can see it's status. That can be be helpfull becouse the user don't think that she did something wrong and(/or) the stuff didn't read it. I know it, that is really frustrating.
  • I'm not shure how it is here, but as i see it the Game Masters use the same forum-accounts for their private thinks and the the Game Master stuff. That works on small community, but bring much drama in bigger communitys, especially in role-playing games.

I would say that i could help you as a game master, but A: my english is not the best and B: my last Job as a Freelancer-Server-Admin is about 6 years ago. And i didn't train the skill for freelancer since that…
And C: Someone who get a sanction becouse he cheated (and that is in Fact what Victor sad) souldn't be a Game Master.

RE: Game Masters Feedback Thread - Banned player t202085 - 07-10-2019

This sanction is another prime example showing how much of a disorganised rabble the staff have been recently. I have a short list of things that are wrong with this sanction and I'll be reaming them off in no particular order as each is just as shoddy as the last.

1. Game Masters should not have the ability to magic new rules into existence:
Nightowl has been sanctioned for "Tampering with Evidence, Vexatious Litigation" not only does this rule not exist, it has never existed. Rules can be checked here
1a: I would say that filing false reports would fall under the Game Masters responsibility to safeguard the health of the Discovery Freelancer community. Which is a listed as the very first GM responsibility within the rules page, I would strongly advise reclassifying the sanction to reflect this as allowing GMs to just write whatever takes their fancy as a sanction reason sets a dangerous precedent.

2. Staff should be able to provide evidence the moment it is requested:
Evidence has been requested 3 times over 20 days, I would hope that it would be self-explanatory as to why that’s not okay but my current understanding is that I probably need to explain that as well.
2a: It's far too late to fix this in this scenario but going forward staff should have enough evidence to be able to provide evidence before they sanction someone. If you don't have enough evidence to provide evidence then you don’t have enough evidence to provide reliable sanctions.

3."Evidence will be provided as soon as possible." - Which loosely translates to Hurry up and wait:
This is just bad practice and not as extremely poor as the previous 2 points but using words like "soon" or "at some point in the near future" really don't add anything to the conversation and you may as well have just not said anything. This will put the person waiting on edge as they won't know when to expect an answer and it also completely relives you of a deadline.
3a: Think about how long it will take you to get the information you need, then add a week on it if you have too. At least this way the person waiting will get a date and you will get a deadline to stick too and hopefully if you have had to add a week on you'll be able to respond quicker than they expected anyway.

I’d also like to add an apology to Nightowl as I haven’t asked permission to interfere with his sanction, I’m not really concerned about this one case and I am trying to attack the staff processes directly to demand an overall improvement in their efficiency, accuracy and speed.

RE: Game Masters Feedback Thread - Nightowl - 07-10-2019

@Silverlight: Thank you for your post; there is no need to apologize! (As fas as you ask me...)

To Point 1:
Yes, strictly speaking, I did not break a rule. But when i tampted anything, a sanction for that is ok. Yes, of course this should be part of the rules. Time to change the rules in that point.

To Point 2a:
I agree with you!
I don't know how exactly the way is, when a sanction is in the beginning, but for the future:
I didn't find any Sanction note, where a faction-leader didn't ask for evidence. Just automaticly send the evedence to the faction-leader. So it is easy to send it so someone else, when someone ask for it.

RE: Game Masters Feedback Thread - Nepotu - 07-10-2019

It's really funny to see that people actually believe GMs give a damn about you

RE: Game Masters Feedback Thread - Banned player t202085 - 07-10-2019

(07-10-2019, 05:25 PM)Nepotu Wrote: It's really funny to see that people actually believe GMs give a damn about you

I couldnt care less whether or not they give a damn about me, it's there job to give a damn about the community if they cant do that then they shouldnt be GMS but also, if you could avoid derailing that'd be just great.

RE: Game Masters Feedback Thread - Banned player t202085 - 07-23-2019

2 weeks and the staff still don't give a shit

RE: Game Masters Feedback Thread - Loken - 07-23-2019

(07-23-2019, 02:22 PM)Silverlight Wrote: 2 weeks and the staff still don't give a *****

13.07.2019, 04:12 pm

RE: Game Masters Feedback Thread - SnakeLancerHaven - 07-23-2019

@Nepotu bad, no matter what. You know yourself that Silvers response is right, they need to give a damn about the Community because we're literally the last ones left and playing this mod wheter you like it or not lol.

RE: Game Masters Feedback Thread - Banned player t202085 - 07-23-2019

(07-23-2019, 02:29 PM)Loken Wrote:
(07-23-2019, 02:22 PM)Silverlight Wrote: 2 weeks and the staff still don't give a *****

13.07.2019, 04:12 pm

As if 10 days wasn't bad enough

RE: Game Masters Feedback Thread - SnakThree - 07-23-2019

(07-23-2019, 03:02 PM)Silverlight Wrote:
(07-23-2019, 02:29 PM)Loken Wrote:
(07-23-2019, 02:22 PM)Silverlight Wrote: 2 weeks and the staff still don't give a *****

13.07.2019, 04:12 pm

As if 10 days wasn't bad enough

(07-13-2019, 08:58 PM)Silverlight Wrote: Super disappointed that BD| are official makes me feel like a total failure, but also super happy for the guys in faction they tried and do deserve it. You did something on your first try that I tried to do for 1.5 years and couldn't so that'll be why my ego is brusied. Like I said I am super happy for you but this marks my last discovery post I know I agreed to help you with the faction Slappy but the fact that you made it ofl without my interference is proof enough that you are good enough to not need it.

Have Fun guys you do deserve it.
