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Mining Guide, version 2.0 - Printable Version

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Mining Guide, version 2.0 - Sir_Now - 04-23-2011

***Incomming Transmission***
***Subject: Mining***

Ohw, this whole mining thing is making us cry.
We went to the ming fields in Dublin this week and there was nothing.
Nothing to mine at all, no single piece of goldore...
Are the ming fields so fast depleted that we went there for nothing for over 4 times now?
No idea, our mining ships are grounded for months,
we probably gonna sell them to the Xeno's as battleships if this goes on like this.
So, what's up at the moment, we have been reading the new guide....
Maybe you get tired of this, but we are too.

Thank you anyway.

***Transmission end***

Mining Guide, version 2.0 - West - 04-28-2011

soo? no update? also your link to wiki is broken.
Quote:For a specific list of faction mining bonuses, see the wiki

Mining Guide, version 2.0 - swanberg - 05-03-2011

Well, I thought I'd finally try my hand at mining with the new rules today. I figured that it might be fun to set up a GMS ship and try to find which fields in Gallia are mineable. Much to my surprise, it does not appear to be possible to purchase a mining ship anywhere in Gallic space.

Surely the GMS, as a mining company, would have at least one mining ship available to it?

Mining Guide, version 2.0 - AeternusDoleo - 05-04-2011

This is on the list for 4.86, but no, at present Gallia needs to buy mining ships from Sirian bases. For small miners you can use Java to get the Spatial, Freeport 4 to get the Mafic and Freistadt to get the Dacite. No rephack between GMS and IMG means it shouldn't be a problem.

Hegemon... Planet Cambridge is probably closest. I don't think the Hege is for sale in the Taus.

[Edit] And at present all fields in Gallia are turned off. Mostly scrap there anyway.

Mining Guide, version 2.0 - MarcusCogworks - 05-14-2011

[Asteroid-Miner] incoming transmission:

Good news! I have been a dedicated Dublin gold ore miner for years and I have stuck by that dusty brown system through thick and thin, it still earns me a living.

I hear Copper ore is a shorter distance to haul but the Dublin to Detroit Ore run is still one of the fastest around, plus the pickings are still good in the fields, I get a decent amount each time I'm there and it takes me about 10 mins tops to fill my hagemon.

//I love the new mining system: no more tractoring, no more ore sitting about getting blown up. more diversity and it has been balanced nicely.

Mining Guide, version 2.0 - ravensshade - 05-26-2011

' Wrote:Hegemon... Planet Cambridge is probably closest. I don't think the Hege is for sale in the Taus.
unless they changed it... freistad for hege

Mining Guide, version 2.0 - Lluren - 05-26-2011

I'm confused...

Spent a day using a mining ship to fill some of my buddys haulers with helium until the haulers mentioned that they were able to fill themselves just as fast using regular turrets [meaning I shouldve been a hauler myself as well if we wanted to mine the fastest].

Used the Basalt miner to mine gold in Dublin with a BMM ID to increase the drop rate, and yet the haulers were able to fill themselves more faster than I could fill them because I was using a single mining turret and they were using multiple turrets which is quicker at nabbing the rocks with.

I then read here that regular weapons should not be able to get anything at all?


Have settings been temporarily changed until a next update can fix them or what?

Mining Guide, version 2.0 - Varok - 05-26-2011

A great guide. Thank you my friend for your work. It will help a lot of people.

Mining Guide, version 2.0 - Hielor - 05-27-2011

' Wrote:I'm confused...

Spent a day using a mining ship to fill some of my buddys haulers with helium until the haulers mentioned that they were able to fill themselves just as fast using regular turrets [meaning I shouldve been a hauler myself as well if we wanted to mine the fastest].

Used the Basalt miner to mine gold in Dublin with a BMM ID to increase the drop rate, and yet the haulers were able to fill themselves more faster than I could fill them because I was using a single mining turret and they were using multiple turrets which is quicker at nabbing the rocks with.

I then read here that regular weapons should not be able to get anything at all?


Have settings been temporarily changed until a next update can fix them or what?
Regular turrets can get a fractional drop rate. For Helium, since it's designed for noobs, I think that everyone might get the full drop rate--not sure.

If the transports were filling themselves faster than you were, then you weren't getting the bonus. Checklist:
- Mining faction ID?
- Matching mining faction IFF (I'm guessing this is where you went wrong)?
- Mining vessel?
- Using a mining laser?

Mining Guide, version 2.0 - Lluren - 05-27-2011

' Wrote:- Matching mining faction IFF (I'm guessing this is where you went wrong)?

Ah, so I should get my reputation with BMM maxed into the green? Thanks. Haven't done that yet... they like my miner but don't love, yet:)