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RE: Slower fights - Omi - 10-29-2013

Anyone who finds the current PvP in Discovery fun at all is, in my opinion, some sort of masochist. There is literally nothing enjoyable about anything other than a proper big furball of ships fighting. Small-scale fights are about as interesting and fun to participate in as a 50-page survey on paint colours.

I doubt this will ever change, since a lot of the people who are "veterans" are good at the current system of PvP and will vocally shout down anything that could change it, too.

Just my £0.02

RE: Slower fights - Lythrilux - 10-29-2013

(10-29-2013, 09:19 PM)Omicega Wrote: Anyone who finds the current PvP in Discovery fun at all is, in my opinion, some sort of masochist. There is literally nothing enjoyable about anything other than a proper big furball of ships fighting. Small-scale fights are about as interesting and fun to participate in as a 50-page survey on paint colours.

I doubt this will ever change, since a lot of the people who are "veterans" are good at the current system of PvP and will vocally shout down anything that could change it, too.

Just my £0.02

Change would be great, it's definitely not easily accessible and the tedious process of practice is, well, tedious. However, I'm not for turning the game into an EZ2PLAY game. Skill is important, there's a fine line between it and accessibility.

RE: Slower fights - Scumbag - 10-29-2013

I only asked for the impossible to hit small ships like arrow and kusari light fighters to become like medium vhfs are now. And go up the scale from there.

But like Omicega said the ones who shout loudest get what they want.

RE: Slower fights - Yber - 10-29-2013

The "mid point" player in discovery complains and does nothing to addapt.

Therefore they're not to be refered under any circumstances.

RE: Slower fights - TLI-Inferno - 10-29-2013

(10-29-2013, 10:55 PM)Yber Wrote: The "mid point" player in discovery complains and does nothing to addapt.

Therefore they're not to be refered under any circumstances.

You still don't seem to understand.

This isn't a "QQ game too hard" thread. This is about how long fights last when opponents are equally skilled.

Yes, if one person is significantly better than the other, the fight can end pretty quickly. But of they're both average, both good, both great, etc, the fights will last for a very long amount of time because of how easy it often is to evade. I'm not talking about 1v1 battles in connecticut where you fly straight at each other jousting until one of you falls off the horse, I'm talking about real fights where often the person you're shooting at isn't necessarily flying towards you, for example if you are trying to protect someone against another fighter or bomber. It is so easy for a snub to dodge other snub guns, it makes escorts useless in most cases.

It takes so long for one snub to kill another snub that they are useless as defensive companions, even though fighters are generally seen as ships intended for defending allies against other fighters and bombers or quickly intercepting and hunting down enemies (but these are actually the two tasks that fighters are worst at, the only way they hit reliably is jousting).

I'm not saying to give fighter guns 5,000 m/s to make the game auto-aim. I'm just saying that they could stand to be increased a bit to make fights less boring and to make escorts a bit less useless.

I think everyone can agree that it would be nice to see more escorting activity, but at the moment nobody bothers with bringing an escort because they're useless. The only thing a trader would want is a scout, and when it comes to scouting it doesn't really matter what ship they're using because they're only there to say "a pirate disrupted this lane, don't go".

RE: Slower fights - Pilip - 10-29-2013

(10-29-2013, 10:55 PM)Yber Wrote: The "mid point" player in discovery complains and does nothing to addapt.

Therefore they're not to be refered under any circumstances.

the 5% percent you mentioned is a minority on this server right? 5% vs 95% right? your words? So the 5% percent should shut up unless they are stating out towards the rest that will remain and keep playing here Even if the other 95% leave doe to...''unfriendly or unwelcoming enviroment'' !! huh ybur? let's say disco server,gem of the old freelancer in 10 players the 5% you said!?? but you know what, even if you folks say that yes , you will remain here and play in 10 guys on the server, only the best pvpers, what do you think the devs, modelers etc lot of other people who put real work in this server would like that? do you think they will continue keeping the server up and the Mod for the 5% to have fun? Yepp that's the truth
In real life if one can't be bested than it gets jumped or such...Smile))
....ignore the possible ''direct words'' but basicly that's the situation, you owe your fun to the other guy...try and act like it.

RE: Slower fights - Scumbag - 10-30-2013

The difference between you and me yber is that you post here on behalf of those who through hard work and dedication have managed to learn all the ins and outs of the game thus becoming the best.

I post on behalf of the many who come here to relax and enjoy a game. And they need to win sometimes. But to do that they would have to work hard and dedicate to the game thus defeating the purpose they came here for in the first place: to relax and enjoy.

Are you right or am i? Only time will tell.

RE: Slower fights - TLI-Inferno - 10-30-2013

(10-30-2013, 12:07 AM)Scumbag Wrote: The difference between you and me yber is that you post here on behalf of those who through hard work and dedication have managed to learn all the ins and outs of the game thus becoming the best.

I post on behalf of the many who come here to relax and enjoy a game. And they need to win sometimes. But to do that they would have to work hard and dedicate to the game thus defeating the purpose they came here for in the first place: to relax and enjoy.

Are you right or am i? Only time will tell.

If someone is better, they deserve to win. Making the game so that skill doesn't matter and anybody beats anybody would be boring and would cause most people to leave the game. That would be like balancing wrestling so that people who can only lift 5 pounds have a chance of winning against people who lift 1000 pounds (yes there are people in this world who can).

RE: Slower fights - Veygaar - 10-30-2013

I'm rather average in snubs, and I love duels... To answer to the guy at the top of this page.

RE: Slower fights - Vigilia.Procuratio - 10-30-2013

Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but I CBA to trawl through all these pages.

The existing style is fundamental to Freelancer; it is the way it was made and the way it has always been. Fresh players will, generally speaking, complete the original storyline and then look to multi-player. They may even look for mods and come across Discovery. When they first enter space and realise just how slow their ship is, they might instantly log-out and never come back. That would be disastrous.

The idea is interesting but it's too drastic a change to commit. What I do feel is an option is to create a test server, identical to the rest of the mod but with maybe a 10% decrease in thrust and turn across all ships.