Well this is more a discussion about freelancer pvp in general, i put it in balance because it's about another kind of balancing pvp.
I am talking about cutting down the agility of all ships, make them all move slower, react slower. Like the most agile light fighter should move like the most agile vhf of the current balancing. And do that for all ships from lf to dreadnaught. I for one can not fight in Kusari, the ships are way too fast for me, there's no time to aim, no time to actually see the details of the ship you are fighting with. Just a flash of color thats speeds near you spitting flashes of light.
Sure it might be me getting older, but i feel the fights are just unrealistic, the human body can not resist to those kind of changes in direction and speed. Fighter pilots can resist up to crazy ammouts of g force for example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G-force
Quote:The record for peak experimental horizontal g-force tolerance is held by acceleration pioneer John Stapp, in a series of rocket sled deceleration experiments culminating in a late 1954 test in which he was clocked in a little over a second from a land speed of Mach 0.9. He survived a peak "eyeballs-out" force of 46.2 times the force of gravity, and more than 25 g for 1.1 sec, proving that the human body is capable of this. Stapp lived another 45 years to age 89, but suffered lifelong damage to his vision from this last test
but not without long lasting effects.
Will it make fights boring? I don't know, but i do know it will improve my aim for sure. So you can call me biased on this, but i want to know your opinions on the subject.
And remember, this is just a hypothetical discussion, ignore the trolls that can't have an inteligent conversation.
While veterans at PvP might say it is alright, think of the majority of playerbase, which are not that competetive and not that experienced have a harder time.
While RP is slow-paced due to need of typing, the PvP of snubs is just too damn fast. The transition is too huge.
BS+Carrier 7-12 BC 10-15 Transports > 3601 cargo space(cs) Cruiser 18-23 2001 cs < Transports > 3600 cs GB 28-38 651 cs < Transports > 2000 cs Bombers 35-45 more than good to kill capitals SHF 40-50 Freighters VHF 53-60 HF 63-69 LF 72-77
Also impuls speed(is), thrust speed(ts), cruise speed(cs)
Impus speed and thrust speed decrease becouse of easy fighting...that would also make fights shorter.
Cruise speed increase becouse of faster traveling.
I would also implement some sort of ship fuel timer, What do I meen whit this?
Well lets say less cargo space, less ship range (when ship range expire thruster and cruise speed don't work). Soo transports whit big cargo space could outrun other ships. This function shell renew itself whit every time we dock. So no more infinite flying whitout docking...this would also make some sort of balance in curent ship prices...and this would actualy make docking bay on larger ships more usefull.
Also I have many other sugestions...to make this beautifull game better...whitout any fraction favoritism...and... a.s.s k.i.s.s.i.n.g
But again what do I know? I"m just INDI player
You are damn joking right? All the new implementations were made because people were whining, constantly...whining... that snubfights lasted too long.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
I've been toying around with an idea for slowing ships down, something that used in conjunction with your idea Scum might work.
My idea is this, we change thrusters from continious burn (toggling/holding the button down for a constant speed boost) to a short burst of speed lasting between 1 and 2 seconds with a set cooldown after button press, upwards of 15 to 20 seconds. Naturally the speed of the thrusters would need to be toned down to a more reasonable level.
The desired result would be a tactical choice, do you use your thruster to dodge fire or to get behind your opponent? One loose end I couldn't tie up was larger ships, transports and up, the size and agility of these ships would render a quick burst of speed impractical. Perhaps these ships should keep the continious burn thrusters but at a rate slightly faster than say a heavy fighters non-boosted speed?
For such a radical change I imagine the entire combat system would need to be altered, slowing refiring rates, projectile speeds, missile and mine tracking. Maybe increasing the normal speed of ships, it would need to be playtested to see if it was needed.
Besides that Discovery's pvp is already very noob and user friendly compared to the original FL, and this being a proper skillshooter, it is absolutely necessary to gain not only raw expirience, but also develop several skillsets to be able to properly follow the pace of the game.
Get good, ffs.
Some people can't get it in their head that being good requires practise. An hour every two or three days isn't practise.
Besides that Discovery's pvp is already very noob and user friendly compared to the original FL, and this being a proper skillshooter, it is absolutely necessary to gain not only raw expirience, but also develop several skillsets to be able to properly follow the pace of the game.
Get good, ffs.
Some people can't get it in their head that being good requires practise. An hour every two or three days isn't practise.
I wouldn't have expected anything else from you Tachyon.
I don't have even that one hour every two or three days to practice. And honestly i dont want to, Freelancer was an arcade how Massdriver called it but discovery wants to be a role playing game. People who come here to play it are being scared by the elite pvpers. So they don't fly snubs, they go for caps, and they die in those too. It's not the best way to develop a community.
Sure this is a care bear attitude but we need to balance all the elitism that is happening right now (and it is happening).