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O'Rhu Cell Comm Hub (communication protocol HTPN-23CZ) - Printable Version

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RE: O'Rhu Cell Comm Hub (communication protocol HTPN-23CZ) - axisdeus - 07-11-2015

[Image: dI4M4yq.png]

ADDRESSEE: Joseph Grooms, CV-Xanthes
SENDER: Jason Orack
SUBJECT: Permission granted

CONTENT: Mr. Grooms,
As always on the front-line of battle is where you feel most comfortable. I cannot stop you form coming in anyways, so better is to expect your arrival in the next hours. Your ship will wait you , load-out completed and a fresh batch of directives and orders on the table. Commander Hellion is pleased to hear you'll be attending her.

Concerning the Xanthes, Ortez will take command and provide anti-snucraft support in the heat of battle for O'Rhu's own battle group. Understand, our resources are limited and we cannot dispatch more to the join effort, for now.


RE: O'Rhu Cell Comm Hub (communication protocol HTPN-23CZ) - axisdeus - 07-11-2015

[Image: dI4M4yq.png]

ADDRESSEE: O'Rhu Cell battle group
SENDER: Jason Orack
SUBJECT: Standing Orders

CONTENT: Good day, Operatives,

Given the importance of the next few hours and knowing the way you are prepared to fight, the following plan has been issued to cover all the lose ends of our part in the upcoming Operation Spear.

Do your best and never falter in the face of the Core. Remember they are ruthless and they only seek dominion over everything and everyone. We cannot let them have another system all for themselves, we cannot be cut off form the Omegas like this. The time is now to strike them where they feel safe. Fly high!

OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: All group leaders inform your men of their orders and detail each part of thefollowing battle-plan.

Interesting happenings - axisdeus - 07-12-2015

[Image: dI4M4yq.png]

ADDRESSEE: O'Rhu Cell Operatives
SENDER: Jason Orack
PATROL AREA: Omicron Mu - Zeta - Iota - 99 / Stardate 1107 822 AS
A pesky nomad Sascya - Sutur'Abat in the vicinity of Meskhenet
A group formed out of two Capital Vessels: The Havoc - Order IDed and the Yacoob.Mashaj - Corsair IDed

EVENTS: Good day, Operatives
I am sad to inform you of some grave happenings that took place the day before. While on a patrol accompanied by O'Rhu|CV-Pohjola and by Order| operative Williams, the CV-Rahotpe discovered what appears to be a coordinated group between a Corsair vessel and an Order vessel. The ships in question were caught in the middle of nowhere in Omicron 99, apparently "collecting nomad remains. The EOCS device Rahotep was used in order to acquire more info on the matter. Sadly, no compromising radio transmissions wee intercepted. The footage we have though is enough to raise suspicions.

From this moment on, Order Osiris class ship named TheHavoc is not ot be trusted under any circumstances. furthermore, any info concerning the whereabouts of this vessel should make way on this channel with utmost urgency.

Pesky nomad
Corsair's destruction

RE: O'Rhu Cell Comm Hub (communication protocol HTPN-23CZ) - axisdeus - 07-12-2015

[Image: sbmamLA.png]

ADDRESSEE: Logistic Nucelus
SENDER: Alexander, you know who....darn forms!@
JOB DESCRIPTION: Supply run to Battleship Atum, Inverness

CONTENT: So, next time you feel like sending me on a run all the way to Atum, provide more than one escort on top of a firefly. A Kusari patrol almost had the better of him. One lost ship, one recovered pilot; Isaac was his name, ya Isaac Kane. Fine lad overall, but unexperienced in the house space. At least give him a bulkier fighter.

Now, the job went smoother than expected, apart from the obvious mishap on the way back. LS-Aruket (me) and LS-Montant (That Quint fella) delivered goods as instructed to Battleship Atum, in Inverness. The supplies were eagerly received once delivered. Those boys have it rough there. All that time without setting foot on solid ground. Oh, well.

On our way back, Quit had a tip of some Light arms being sold on the Junker base in the same system as Atum. We managed to buy a few crates of those and delivered them to Akabat. Y'all know those marines will need them soon, with all the assault and all.

OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: Seemingly, Omicron 41 and Tau XX have beautiful scenary. Don't ask me how I happen to know this. I won't tell about the trader that told me this.
Hey, frame me this picture, if you can. I want to give it to that Isaac fella. Picture
Atum delivery LS-Aruket
Akabat delivery LS-Aruket [DATA CORRUPTED]

RE: O'Rhu Cell Comm Hub (communication protocol HTPN-23CZ) - RSA Nico - 07-13-2015

[Image: eYttqI7.png]

ADDRESSEE: Research Nucelus
SENDER:Clive Richards
SUBJECT: Contact with AI entity



On a sweep of Omicron Delta to gather intel on aftermath of the recent siege i encountered a unfamiliar ship or should i rather say entity close to the FP11. I opened communications to this "vessel" to query the reason it was there and... well to find out what it is. Hull scans and further investigation reveled unknown tech signatures and heavy armored defenses. Entity identified it self as <PRIME>Antagonist, an Artificial life form. I attempt to establish a dialog with AI but was difficult to assitain if it was hostile or a threat to humankind. A Zoner vessel joined up named Canaan|Setech who would seem to have studied AI before but was also not of much help, there was also something odd in the behavior of this Zoner that made me a bit uneasy. AI vessel started transmitting unknown code and cloaked.

I attached relevant audio and visual files below.

I would here by request approval for further research and/or intel gathering on AI and this mysterious Canaan| group and what there relations is and goals, as i think it could become vital in the near future.


[Image: sHTGpli.png]

RE: O'Rhu Cell Comm Hub (communication protocol HTPN-23CZ) - Callen151 - 07-14-2015

[Image: dI4M4yq.png]

ADDRESSEE: Military Nucelus
SENDER: David Callen
PATROL AREA: Omicron Zeta, Omicron Delta, Omicron Minor

EVENTS: On patrol between Omicron Delta and Zeta, long range scanners detected activity in Omicron Minor. Escorted by Quint in the CV-Adama and myself in the CV-Century. We made for Minor at full speed. Upon reaching the system we opened communications with the Vessel and the captain, one Strauss. No visual was ever confirmed and after a lengthy conversation the CPW-Trotsky closed comms and assumed radio silence. Shortly after they jumped away. Audio logs are inserted below

ATTACHMENTS: Error: No Attachments found.

RE: O'Rhu Cell Comm Hub (communication protocol HTPN-23CZ) - axisdeus - 07-16-2015

[Image: dI4M4yq.png]

ADDRESSEE: O'Rhu Operatives Richards and Callen
SENDER: O'Rhu Directorate
SUBJECT: Report details

CONTENT: Operatives,
Good to see you two already in the fray. People with a keen eye on investigation are of great value to our Cell.

Mister Richards, the AI are not so 'unfamiliar' to us as you make them to be. We've had our shares of convergences and divergences with those 'toasters'. I for one, do not like them one bit, but, personal feelings aside, every contact we make is a step in the right direction. I've witnessed the Core vaporising AI units for sport. How was the saying? The enemy of my enemy may be my friend...Do investigate more on this and follow suite with anything relevant you may find.

Concerning the 'Canaan' group, I've had contact with them some time ago. You should come and meet me as soon as possible. One thing, off the bat, they are not to be trusted. They have a way of bending the truth to serve their own hidden agenda. They've promoted the search of a new home, as far as they can be from the reaches of Order Overwatch. They've blamed Order for their misery, for letting them behind in Toledo, all those years ago. Lies or truth, they will try to bend it to serve their purposes. I will indulge, however, for you to go closer, even mention them my Codename, maybe Briggs is still around. Ask for him. He's rough around the edges but willing to have a chat. Remember, they are former Order and hate is a lot of bad blood between them and Overwatch.

For you, mister Callen. The cease fire with SCRA only works as long as we do not thread in eachoter's homes. What that individual has done is straight out insulting. Next time we'll have a chat at the light of a few torpedo fireworks. See how he likes that for a safe zone.


RE: O'Rhu Cell Comm Hub (communication protocol HTPN-23CZ) - Ace Razgriz - 07-23-2015

[Image: dI4M4yq.png]

ADDRESSEE: O'Rhu Command
SENDER: Operative Tantalus
PATROL AREA: Omicron Mu, Taba Border Station

EVENTS: The Razgriz was at Station outside Taba Border station when a single AI vessel labeled "Sentinel_Alpha" it arrived saying only a small portion of code, then proceeded to attack the Razgriz, soon afterwards however the Order experimental Cruiser "Tombstone" arrived then after that a secondary fleet bastet identified as "Champion" the ship was quickly disposed of. This encounter was odd as the AI are usually inquisitive whilst this certain one was overly aggressive to the Order, the first thing I thought to do was report to Command.

ATTACHMENTS: Guncam captured from Order Cruiser "Tombstone"

RE: O'Rhu Cell Comm Hub (communication protocol HTPN-23CZ) - RSA Nico - 07-27-2015

[Image: eYttqI7.png]

ADDRESSEE: Research / Military Nucelus
SENDER:Clive Richards
SUBJECT: Contact with AI entity
Canaan, Corsair pilots, Core Pilots


Good day

This is a very late report on Incident that happened on a research expedition into O-74 Zoner space.

Ok let me start, i entered O-74 space trough the Delta JH and proceeded to Corinith Station Grid C3 to procure permission to conduct a research survey in Zoner space. There i met up with Canaan|Hel and a Corsair pilot named Liliana. We had a brief discussion and was cleared by Canaan| pilot to conduct my research as he was they only legal Zoner authority in space at the time.

Shortly after Core fighter squad appeared on radar and started making demands and just being Core. 3 Corsair pilots arrived on scanner (Some damage from there journey) and was engaged bay Core fighters with no legit reason or any mercy. Canaan| demanded they halt there assault but it landed on deaf ears and was mocked by the Core pilots. The Corsair pilots was all but annihilated. They then turned there attention to me, I sent out a distress to a O'Rhu| cap to be extracted from the area safely. O'Rhu|CV-Razgriz headed my call and came to my aid. Long story short after declining Core requests over classified info i was engaged and destroyed. Canaan|Hel did his best to get rid of Core pilots but they just ignored Zoner commands to respect and obey O-74 law.

Below is all the info i gathered on past event.

PS: I read previous report back from "O'Rhu Directorate" and will abide by orders given.


[Image: sHTGpli.png]

Contacts - axisdeus - 07-27-2015

[Image: dI4M4yq.png]

ADDRESSEE: O'Rhu Cell personnel
SENDER: Co-Director Jason Orack
PATROL AREA: Returning from Rheinland

EVENTS: Greetings
I come in front of you all to present some developments that I consider will weigh very hard in the period to come.
Recently, I've finished verifying the navdata we had concerning Rheinland space with in-field readings, on board the Oberth. ROP-CU. The Intel reports we had from previous missions in the area were suggesting a period of stagnation in the Burö's activity. Nothing more false than this info. Even as we barely set foot in Frankfurt system , the Burö made it's appearance. Mind we took all precautionary measures in the book:
  1. navigated under impulse speed in the close vicinity of known populated areas;
  2. haven't approached known populated areas closer than 20 klicks;
  3. did not used and tradelane path while in system;
  4. avoided contact with local civilian population.
Even with all the precautions, the Burö closed our position at that time within outer reach of the scanner. I've ordered an immediate retreat to the outskirts of the system. BDM|'s agents entered pursuit and continued to do so for a good period of time. We've managed to gain distance on them and they've abandoned the futile chase.

What is of interest here is not the relentlessness with which the BDM| chased us, even if that is worrying on it's own ( I guess O'Rhu is not on their good side since our last meddling in their business) but the fact that they managed to pin-point our location so far in the interspace.

The only hypotheses that seems to cover all the loose ends of this happening would be the pressence of a new sensory array in the Frankfurt system between Planets Holstein and Heidelberg, where we assume the detection took place. This matter will require further investigation. Until further notice or until we elucidate this, stay clear of this area while in Frankfurt system.
What comes next is even more disturbing than the previous fact.

Well on our mission, days after the previous incident and a couple of system away, in Stuttgart, we tried to approach a local transport pilot. We've closed at 10 klicks away from Planet Stuttgart from the far side of its moon at impulse speed, to cover our signature. After a few hails on open short range comms towards a DHC vessel, we've decided to leave the area as the ship was not giving any signals back. The field handbook says, I remember you: "I case of contacting local resident and no answer is given, fly away at best speed possible and change direction several times. Assume the vessel contacted is relaying your location to local law enforcements." As we proceeded, no later than minutes a BDM| patrol arrives. Happily, they were to far behind to even try a chase. Nothing new one would say, until now. Well, what is of great importance is the Core patrol that just appeared minutes after on our predicted movement, as if directed.

Mind , in that system, the only prior contact was made with the DHC vessel that clearly relayed our position other BDM|. What was the Core doing there in patrol formation (we assumed at least 2 vessels based on scanner input). I call to remember earlier involvements of the BDM| with Core|. This matter only comes to solidify our belief that the Core and BDM| are on more than cordial relations. We have all reasons to suspect some sort of alliance between these two groups.

I move as a standing order to try and find anything concerning this situation from every source possible. The Delta patrols should be intensified as well as relaying this info to the VWA| and possible the Red Hessians. We need to close the circle around this matter and find solid proof of this assumed pact.

ATTACHMENTS:BDM patrol in Frankfurt|DHC vessel in Stuttgart|Core patrol in Stuttgart