Mission: Downwind Designer: Directorate Beneficiary: Order Purpose: Destabilizing Core forces and undermining it's hold onto Delta System
Past few months saw Core forces gaining more and more ground in the highly contested Delta System. Moreover, due to events concerning zoners, Order and to an extent O'Rhu has no operational base in the close vicinity. It is already hard to maintain a close watch of the area and prevent eventual attacks staged form that exact area. In light of these events, Order Overwatch issued a total mobilization order for tonight at 19 00 hours. The purpose of this mobilization is to strike a deep blow in what Core considers to be now their new turf.
Intel reports received from Order operatives reached our table accompanied by orders from Overwatch to help in this endeavor. Reports suggested Core moved not later than yesterday in a full assault on Yaren base, assault that succeeded, but with grave costs for them. The time is now to strike, while their fleet is undergoing repairs and their troops are taking rest in the comfort of a very costly victory against the Corsair. Seems those unfortunate souls give us , unintentionally, an opportunity we were looking for.
Directorate has issued an Order of mobilization of all O'Rhu assets. Preparations will be made in accordance to tasks and allocation to battle-groups. The following battle-plan is to be studied in detail by battle-group leaders and specific task to be issued using this channel.
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| [I.Overview]
| [II.Battle-charts]
| [III.Tasks]
| [IV.Materials and Resources]
ACCESSING [I.Overview]NAME: Mission plan #2034 for O'Rhu Battle-group DESIGNER: Military Nucelus under supervision of William 'Thrawn' Wright DATE OF ISSUE: Stardate 1007 822 AS PURPOSE: Battle-plans for Mission DOWNWIND, [Operation Spear] STARTING DATE: Stardate 1107 822 AS at 1830 hours
Pre-Phase[Stage 1] During the time remianing from 1000 hours up until 1600 hours, all assets are to be dispatched in the vicinity of Meskhenet Station. The capital ships will act as mobile bases for the squadrons of fighters and bombers. Gunboats class vessels will dock on the station and have the final checks done there. Crusier class ships will take point in the vicinity of Delta Jump Hole and provide early warnning.
[Stage 2] The final hours of preparation will see each ship slipping in Delta System and rallying Battleship
Astarte, near 3 F. The recon cruisers will go in first accompanied by 2 wings of fighters and 1 wing for bombers dispatched form CV-Rahotep. Once the area secured around Battleship Astarte, all other forces will secure a way-line towards the staging area. Phase 1[Stage 1] Starting 1830 hours, O'Rhu Battle-group will split in 3 task groups: A, B and C, each with individual objectives to be accomplished. Be sure, the area will be strongly defended. We expect a full complement of vessels to be dispatched from the nearby Rho system, once our cover is blown.
[Stage 2] All 3 task groups will move to a deployment area just 20 clicks away from our main target, Dabadoru Station. Once there, Each task group leader will envoy orders for their units. Have in mind, radio silence is to be kept until we reach the deployment area.
[Stage 3] Group A will be consisting of EOCS Recon cruisers with sieging capabilities, commanded by CV-Omen. They are to slip beyond the siege line to be established by group A and deliver the first hits to Dabadoru's defensive blockade and the remaining forces there. Once mayhem is established in the battle order of Core forces, they will retreat and strengthen the line of group B.
[Stage 4] Group B will be lead by CV-Rahotep and will consist of a wide array of units to deal with the brunt of the force. Anti-snub, anti-cap and suppression warfare tactics will be used. Group B's mission is to hold a strong line just a few clicks away from Rho jump hole and be as much as a nuisance to keep the incoming forces from the said system occupied. Phase 2[Stage 5] Group C will be the main sieging group, consisting of heavy guns with just a few fighter escorts. This group will come into play once phase 2 is done and the initial group A rallied group B. Their task is to establish a foothold in the vicinity of Dabadoru, destroy the remaining forces and suppress any attempt to reorganize the station's blockade. The group will be split in two task units, unit one directed by CV-Tobruk will lead the EOCS equipped units and deal a swift, unexpected blow while unit two will be conducted by CV-606.Demonica that will act as the main body of the force. Phase 3
If all goes according to plan, phase 3 will be the assault on Dabadoru itself. The main assault will be done by Order|, while our Cell will provide space blockade against any Core attempts to retake the base. Once complete control is assumed, O'Rhu Cell will deploy back to Mu System, apart from a few assets. ACCESSING [IV.Materials and Resources]
All assets under taking part in this mission will be informed via specific channels by the leaders of each group. Orders will be issued minutes prior to the commence of the mission to limit chances of accidental release.
During this operation a special task force, Hand of Horus, will be operating in the close vicinity of our mission area. One assets from O'Rhu Cell will take part in the said battle-group, codename Horus-Hapy. Captains are entitled to provide help to this battle-group as well as Order| forces.
Resources needed for equipping and upgrading each load-out will be done with the help of our Logistic Nucelus.
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A detailed report is expected at the end of the mission from all battle-group leaders.
For any questions concerning how to handle the missions address your concerns to the Directorate through voice comm channel.
[color=#32CD32]ADDRESSEE:[/color] <insert data here>
[color=#32CD32]SENDER:[/color] <insert data here>
[color=#32CD32]BATTLE-GROUP COMMANDED:[/color] <insert data here>
[indent][hr][color=#32CD32]EVENTS:[/color] <insert data here>
[hr][color=#32CD32]HOSTILES DESTROYED:[/color] <insert data here>
[color=#32CD32]CASUALTIES:[/color] <insert data here>
[color=#32CD32]OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION:[/color] <insert data, if any>
[color=#32CD32]ATTACHMENTS:[/color] <insert data, if any>
EVENTS: Following on the assembling of third fleet, I've instructed splitting it into cloak-able assets and normal assets. Orders were given, for the second to head, and clash with Core forces, while the first slips past at their flank, and delivers the first (and in this case final) blow to the stationary Core battleship Peleliu while covered by the first fleet, thus drawing the enemy's attention away from second fleet, and causing the enemy to withdraw back in order to cover their flank, which would also allow for the second fleet to push forward beyond the Freeport, and join in with the two other fleets, surrounding Core forces into a blockade around Peleliu.
Easier said than done? Well not in this case at least. Everything went smooth, and as planned. The flanking group successfully slip past the enemy while the rest of the fleet(s) kept them occupied. We arrived near Peleliu at 1905 hours unhindered. I gave orders on disengaging EM cloaking devices, and opening fire at the nearest Core asset. There were a fair amount of enemy fighter squadrons, and two gunboat class vessels around Peleliu at that time, dispatched by the nearby Dabadoru station, which were dealt with without much effort. Once this bit of resistance was slammed, we engaged with Peleliu. Soon enough a large Core force arrived, and opened fire on us at will. The first stage was therefore completed.
We suffered a considerable amount of damage, but we managed to hold out until the rest of the fleet(s) arrived. OCV-Tobruk received heavy hits at the starboard, and at the back engines. This led to a temporal engine failure which we managed to fix, while still under enemy fire.
Most of the Core forces withdrew back to Peleliu, following on our flanking attempt, allowing the second fleet to push forward quickly. They arrived near Peleliu, and re-engaged with Core forces immediately. At this point enemy's forces were in full engagement. The battle however ended quickly, resulting in quite a few damaged or destroyed Core vessels, Peleliu included.
Once Peleliu was down, and the last bit of Core resistance was eliminated, Order, and O'Rhu operatives proceeded to board Dabadoru station, covered by assets from first, and second fleets.
During the boarding process, we've received a report from two Order fighter wings at our flank, on a possible Nomad incursion. First and third fleet were dispatched to deal with the menace, and defend the Freeport. I've ordered a total lock down, and issued security measures on capital vessels in the third fleet, to counter a possible infestation. Everyone were to remain on their stations until further notice.
We've encountered battleship, and smaller sized shells around twenty clicks away from the Freeport, and engaged with them immediately. The battle lasted long. Many Order vessels suffered damage, some of them heavy. Nevertheless the larger shells were dealt with, while the smaller ones posed a bigger problem, but later also eliminated.
Meanwhile, the rest of the Order forces boarded Dabadoru. Meeting slim resistance, the station was captured successfully.
ADDRESSEE: O'Rhu Database SENDER: Jason Orack SUBJECT: Mission finalized
EVENTS: The moment picked for this operation was indeed fortunate as it exploited the huge breach in the Core fleet dispatched in Delta. The stealth cruisers acted appropriately, severely crippling Dabadoru's defenses and wrecking havoc in the Core battle order. Once the main Order force came to take the brunt of the blow, the agile cruisers were left to silently extinguish the rest of the blockhead.
Phase two saw the main force reaching for Rho jump hole and establishing space superiority. Once the blockade was instated and Rho reinforcements were cut off, the outcome was settled.
Core has failed to obtain complete hold of Delta system. Order has now a stronghold in the system Core thought to be their own backyard. Is superfluous to mention the importance our Cell had. All know what happened there. This mission proved we can be security providers.
But, with every victory comes responsibility. Dabadoru is ours, but it's location might be it's downfall. Is an island, an important island in the sea of hostility that is the Core. So, we will have to make sure it stays that way. For that to happen, O'Rhu Cell will make supply runs to Dabadoru as regularly as it can be done. The following path will be used and will fall under Military Nucleus to be secured for safe passage of our Logistic Nucleus ships.
HOSTILES DESTROYED: The scarce Core defenders were over run, complete annihilation of Dabadoru's defense force. CASUALTIES: Just minor loses, with no effect on fleet's capacity to undertake missions.