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Harvester - Culebra - 07-24-2008

Good looking ship it does remind me of a squid tho with the big blue eye in the back. Fishy ships remind me of bretonia. I think if it was darker and more sinister It would fit the Harvesters more.

' Wrote:I'll risk my personal health by agreeing with this... Clans/factions should have it's own NPC faction before people start building ships for them. There are other groups that need attention more. (Running on the above principle, that's why I'd be suprised if Mon'Stars doomcruiser gets into the next mod)

Is the coalition faction getting their own ships in the next mod? I know Xing has been working on them. Are there coalition NPCs?

Harvester - jammi - 07-24-2008

Wel as far as I'm concerned there should be Coalition NPCs, but that's just me weakening my own argument. I'll crawl back under a rock then.

Harvester - Jinx - 07-24-2008

a word ( or words ) of explanation to some extend...

the history of the harvesters goes far into the past - intertwined with the dom kavash and their designs - whats appropriately functional for a machine faction would be a borg cube or a floating "something" - construction site sort of that would grow more and more into a nexus of structures combined and fused over the centuries... - however what an AI factions ship would look like is of course subjective and down to what one thinks of what machines put priority onto.

nature has found efficient "designs" for things - and a fishlike shape is not far fetched for a living being in space - nature is quite efficient, too - and has not created a cube as the simplest thing, - nor a real sphere ( although some species are close to that ... like some ant tribe in the amazonian areas that form up a living sphere as a hive )

now - lets look at it in a more practical way. - such a ship would attempt to replace a design that is rather unpopular or unused. - spontanously - i would think of the battlestar ( the old one ) - the talarca or the huntress. - now, i checked for some of them - and the talarca appears to be more popular than i expected, especially its generic look ( thats why i m not working on a replace anymore ) - the battlestar is a brand of the =CR= faction, and even if its a bad model that looks anything but the battlestars from the show - its still a ship they "need" for their roleplay. - the huntress is a bad design ( not a bad model ) - its not used much cause its slow, its shape is horrible in the FL enviroment and it doesn t fit to the corsairs. the rheinland pirate cruiser is somewhat rare, too - thats why we chose that one as the first choice for a replace - cause people usually rather take the hessian cruiser over it anyway.

of course i could also replace the corsair dreadnaught ( not the current one, but the one that is put aside in the lost battlestar ) - so it would be a replace, but in a way - a fully new model, cause the old one was inaccessable.

however, such a design NEEDS to be approved by the community as it would NOT be a public ship for whatever it is. - it would be a non restriced faction ship - like the juggernaut is not to be used by anyone but the zoners. - problem here is ... the zoners are a vanilla faction, the harvesters are not - however, their storyline blends into the history of sirius quite well ( for those that read it )

i do know that the design does not suit "humans" much - however, its not really "non-freelancerish" - which on the other hand doesn t mean its particularly machine like - but somehow a design must settle somewhere.

so the simple question is - would it hurt more than it helps to replace a non used ship with such a design and give the harvester faction this ship as their own? - put aside jealousy about a new faction getting a design they call their own - are there real reasons why that should not happen - would such a design disturb vanilla RP?

from what i see - the harvesters would prolly not use too many of those... i don t know... 1-3 maybe.... its a playerfaction with a direct control over the ship to contain any random player from using it to spoil others RP.

so - lets say, i ll hardponit it the way the unused corsair dreadnaught is hardpointed - no ship in use would get replaced - would it be acceptable then?

ps.: mon stars ship is approved - a ship for him alone

edit: - i don t see getting a faction ship as a reward as such ( even if it is - in some way ) ... but in the end, its simply luck. - if you have someone that likes your ideas and works on a ship, you may get it... on the other hand, even if you need one desperately, but there is simply no one able to make one out of lack of imagination or skill, you don t get one. - now i agree with unselie here for the "does not fit human designs" - so i d hope such a ship would rather be used in the more remote systems - where juggernauts and other odd ships fly around, too. - it would look strange in manhatten orbit for sure.

Harvester - chopper - 07-24-2008

No, it wouldn't hurt. It would be a great replacement for one of those ships.
Also, why don't you put it instead of Battlestar advanced?
CR uses Battlestar (regular) mainly, because advanced is pretty much crap compared to it.
But on the other hand, I don't think we need a BS from this ship.

So, I guess Huntress could be replaced, finally.
Huntress is the ugliest capital ship for me. It looks like a bat. Or batman.
It fits FL as much as Marsflier does.

I don't know about you, but this ship looks FL-ish to me.

Harvester - Jinx - 07-24-2008

the BS advanced is used by quite some players ( yoda and i have seen at least 4 others ) - it might be too popular to be replaced - i have toyed around with the thought... but when people have established their RP around those ships ( for that matter - civilian battleships ) ... it wouldn t be kind to replace them with something they can definitely not use anymore.

Harvester - El Nino - 07-24-2008

Well if anyone want's my oppinion, it looks freelancerish, the textures perhaps could be better, I see some bretonia in it, some luxury liner, what bothers me, are the squid like mechanic tantacles... I don't see that fitting all that niceley. But we're talking about harvesters, grabing on and harvesting their pray!... what better ship to make than a squid.

Harvester - Jinx - 07-24-2008

textures are all original FL. - the dark plating is generic metal FL - the non organic parts are the rheinland generic texture, the inner organic parts are the "damage" texture. - i had some organic textures placed there first .... but i couldn t get them to work in the game - so its back to substitute textures.

Harvester - chopper - 07-24-2008

Not to mention that Leviathans in Farscape are sooooo beautiful.:$

Harvester - ScornStar - 07-24-2008

This ship should look distinctly alien and have the subtle hints of those harvested. The harvesters were bill a sentient AIs when first comeing out but, now that the bio is no secret. They are "Technological life". ALIEN.

I prefer these not to be battleships but criuser class. I even take gunboat over Battle ship but getting away from caps is not our style.

This is a cap faction. Theres nothing wrong with that. If its not your style then no worries. However your effected by Harvesters now is not going to change. You dont see swarms in house space even very often.

Probally mostly around Junker stations in Sigma 13 and Omega 15, as well as Gammu and the Corsair base out there in Delta Yaren, but periodically ALMOST everywhere in transit from one base to another.

Haveing our own ship would help our RP when we do try to reason with faction in Liberty as they are unable to pass the "Thats a Corsair ship!" and the RP seldom gets off the ground due to this conventional morality parodiy. Which is fine, I guess but with this ship design there is no mistaken who we are and, no mistaken we are anything but Harvester.

So, please if my buddy Monstar can have his very own one player ship, cannot our faction of at least 8 active players have on of our own, when in all likely hood we will be here longer than MonStar as he is 1 man and life loves to throw curve balls.

It is not an import.

It is designed with purly Freelancer elements.

It is not a unbalanceing ship.

It would not effect anyone elses RP we are here and OFFICIAL already, all we want is a piece of our own.

What does it take from you for our faction to have this?

Who gains from saying no, the most obvious answer to me would be someone who is jealous or

"must blow anothers candle out to make thiers look brighter."

Harvester - Zero755 - 07-24-2008

' Wrote:This ship should look distinctly alien and have the subtle hints of those harvested. The harvesters were bill a sentient AIs when first comeing out but, now that the bio is no secret. They are "Technological life". ALIEN.

I prefer these not to be battleships but criuser class. I even take gunboat over Battle ship but getting away from caps is not our style.

This is a cap faction. Theres nothing wrong with that. If its not your style then no worries. However your effected by Harvesters now is not going to change. You dont see swarms in house space even very often.

Probally mostly around Junker stations in Sigma 13 and Omega 15, as well as Gammu and the Corsair base out there in Delta Yaren, but periodically ALMOST everywhere in transit from one base to another.

Haveing our own ship would help our RP when we do try to reason with faction in Liberty as they are unable to pass the "Thats a Corsair ship!" and the RP seldom gets off the ground due to this conventional morality parodiy. Which is fine, I guess but with this ship design there is no mistaken who we are and, no mistaken we are anything but Harvester.

So, please if my buddy Monstar can have his very own one player ship, cannot our faction of at least 8 active players have on of our own, when in all likely hood we will be here longer than MonStar as he is 1 man and life loves to throw curve balls.

It is not an import.

It is designed with purly Freelancer elements.

It is not a unbalanceing ship.

It would not effect anyone elses RP we are here and OFFICIAL already, all we want is a piece of our own.

What does it take from you for our faction to have this?

Who gains from saying no, the most obvious answer to me would be someone who is jealous or

"must blow anothers candle out to make thiers look brighter."