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Spike Lester - The Lane Hackers - 12-31-2022

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Dossier #1465-483 [online version] [neural-net account]
by Liberty Security Force, Security Division, Intelligence Branch

Spike Lester

Alias: Spike Lester
Affiliation: The Lane Hackers
Rank: Infiltrator
Specialization: Intelligence
Status: Inactive
Background: Lane Hackers
Height: 189 cm
Hair: dark
Eyes: dark
Age: 32, born 800 A.S.

Personal Background

Subject born on Planet Manhattan from a couple of Liberty Navy officers. Its early life was rather uneventful, until - after completing all necessary classes - he came of age to pilot his own ship, in 818 AS. Eager to follow in his parents' footsteps, he enrolled in the Liberty Navy Academy at West Point as a simple ensign. During the Academy, he learned the basics of space warfare combat.

Subject's career in the Navy started after he obtained his promotion to the rank of lieutenant. His usual patrol day included hunting fleeing criminals - with orders to not venture within the Badlands alone - and checking on cargo convoys and freelancer traders, and confiscating contraband. The event that changed the subject's views on how he would protect House Liberty was when New York was subject to an alien invasion. Working in tandem with other Navy officers and captains, the invasion was pushed back, but at high cost. Among those vessels, there was the Overlord-class battleship callsign LNS Harmony, leading the battlegroup bearing its name.
In the aftermath of the alien invasion, in late 822 AS, the subject requested a transfer from the Liberty Navy to the Liberty Security Force as he felt he could deal better with both external and internal threats.

Given the subject's Naval experience, subject didn't have any issues in adapting to the LSF's way of operating. He was assigned to Homeland Defense and External Operations, depending on the need. When out of Liberty, most of his forays were in either the Edge Worlds, mostly Omicrons, or in territory owned by Liberty's enemies - and some of those forays brought him to the system called Vespucci - said to be the Hellfire Legion's home.

Until 823 AS, subject's career in the LSF was rather void of notable events, aside of usual reports of patrols and assignments. In mid 823 AS, however, Battlegroup Harmony - seemingly under the accusations of harboring infected personnel - was assaulted by Liberty Navy forces, which resulted in the arrest of the Battlegroup's leader and the impoundment of their flagship, the LNS Harmony, on Juneau. The LSF joined the Battlegroup's side, defending them from the accusations...


...subject was among the LSF forces which aided in Battlegroup Harmony's escape from Alaska. In this scenario, subject was seen fighting side-by-side with Unioner and Hacker vessels against Naval vessels. Subject was seen during multiple skirmishes against Naval personnel, which resulted in multiple destruction of Navy fightercrafts and capital vessels, with consequent murder of Navy personnel. After the skirmishes simmered down, resulting int the Battlegroup's escape, subject's whereabouts were lost...


...since the escape of Battlegroup Harmony, patrols report of an individual flying under Lane Hackers transponders - assisting the so-called Separatists - which matches subject's description. If spotted, proceed with extreme caution.

Known Crimes

- Treason of House Liberty as a consequence of siding with Battlegroup Harmony;
- Destruction of multiple Liberty Navy vessels, including capital vessels;
- Alleged destruction of multiple corporate properties (eg. depots);
- Alleged multiple extortion of corporate captains belonging to various companies;
- Alleged allegiances with the Lane Hackers.

Threat Assessment

• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Liberty Security Force properties and personnel.
• The subject is considered as extreme level threat in terms of potential damage to Liberty Security Force security protocols and Neural-net assets.
• The subject is considered as minimal level threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Liberty Security Force image and its subsidiaries.


All security agents are instructed to capture at all costs the subject after eliminating all its electronic warfare systems in order to avoid a hostile takeover. If captured the target is to be secured in the nearest facility where it will await transfer to the headquarters for further processing. No preliminary interrogation of the subject is allowed.


Mr Ling - The Lane Hackers - 01-01-2023

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Dossier #2637-053 [online version] [neural-net account]
by Liberty Police, Security Division, Intelligence Branch

Mr Ling

Alias: Mr Ling
Affiliation: The Lane Hackers
Rank: Deceiver
Specialization: Intelligence
Status: Active
Joined: 826-03-16 AS
Background: Lane Hackers
Height: unknown
Hair: 01001110 00101111 01000001
Eyes: 01001110 00101111 01000001
Age: 41, born 791 A.S.

Personal Background

Target Identified as: Meko Madrid al'Demichase
Family Relations Identified as: {LSF Severe Threat #1411}, Magnus al'Demichase (Deceased)

One of the two remaining sons of the Demichase famliy, Meko is the thief among the two brothers, the other being a terrorist. Records indicate that he was a worker on planet Pittsburgh for a large portion of his life. His mother is unknown. His father is deceased DSE scientist Magnus Carter al'Demichase. Magnus al'Demichase was the lead worker on DSE A.I. Project 0212449. Meko's breach of the LPI Security Database coincides with his disappearance from Pittsburgh. His brother is known to be a member of the terrorist cult known as the Commune.

Known Crimes

Murder of LSF, LPI and Liberty Navy officers.
Murder of DSE employees.
Theft of government property.
Illegal transport of Cardamine.
Disruption of Trade Lanes with intent to cause harm.
Illegal transport of Black Market Arms.
Illegal transport of Slaves.
Theft of DSE property.
Illegal Neural Net Accesses, including hacking USI data and Credit Union balances.

Underground Activity

Sighted in several civilian and corporate areas. Known to have connections to several civilian and corporate assets.

Assumed to be collecting sensitive information for the Lane Hackers.

Known to be stealing research from projects his father was involved in.

Threat Assessment

• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Liberty Police properties and personnel.
• The subject is considered as extreme level threat in terms of potential damage to Liberty Police security protocols and Neural-net assets.
• The subject is considered as extreme level threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Liberty Police image and its subsidiaries.


All security agents are instructed to capture or terminate at all costs the subject with utmost caution and diligence under the assumption that it is extremely dangerous and resourceful. If captured the target is to be secured in the nearest facility where it will await transfer to the headquarters for further processing. No preliminary interrogation of the subject is allowed.


Goldfinger - The Lane Hackers - 01-02-2023

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Dossier #2182-023 [online version] [neural-net account]
by Liberty Police, Security Division, Intelligence Branch


Alias: Goldfinger
Affiliation: The Lane Hackers
Rank: Fixer
Specialization: Influence
Status: Active
Joined: 828-02-16 AS
Background: Other
Height: 179 cm
Hair: black
Eyes: brown
Age: 40, born 792 A.S.

Personal Background

The subject Goldfinger is a half-Kusarian born in Kusari in 792 A.S. and has a Libertorian father who allegedly deceased ten years ago.
Most data about his past life has been erased in both Liberty and Kusari databanks leading to the belief that the subject is deeply tied to the criminal underworld of both houses.
Merely his old alias, Ryō, and a few crime records under this callsign have been recovered by the Kusari State Police.
All trails possibly leading us to the subject abruptly ended at Noshima Freeport in the Shikoku system.

Caution when encountering the subject is advised as we cannot make precise statements about his capabilities.

Known Crimes

As Ryō:
- Multiple cases of destruction of corporate property, especially Synth Foods property
- Several cases of assault on Kusari State Police officers
- Several cases of Xeno Artifact smuggle
- Multiple cases of attempted and successful bribery of corporate or state officials
- Suspected involvement in a large scale slavery deal
- Attempted murder of three LPI officers through a bounty issued on their head by the subject

As Goldfinger:
- One case of assault on LSF personnel
- Possession of unmarked weaponry
- Several cases of Cardamine smuggle

Threat Assessment

• The subject is considered as high level threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Liberty Police properties and personnel.
• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of potential damage to Liberty Police security protocols and Neural-net assets.
• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Liberty Police image and its subsidiaries.


All security agents are instructed to capture or terminate the subject through the usage of overwhelming force under the assumption that it is well armed and extremely dangerous. If captured the target is to be transferred to the nearest facility to be interrogated.


Liz Krest - The Lane Hackers - 01-03-2023

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Dossier #2709-967 [online version] [neural-net account]
by Liberty Police, Security Division, Intelligence Branch

Liz Krest

Alias: Liz Krest
Affiliation: The Lane Hackers
Rank: Infiltrator
Specialization: Intelligence
Status: Active
Background: Lane Hackers
Height: 171 cm
Hair: Ginger
Eyes: Heterochromia - Green, Brown
Age: 33, born 799 A.S.

Personal Background

Subject was born at Planet Manhattan in the year 799. Subject spent its years until adulthood living with her parents. A number of incidents of the subject causing minor trouble inside and outside school were documented, with the subject's inappropriate behavior reaching its peak during the eighteenth (817) year of her life. The subject was accused of actively participating in a number of unlawful activities and with solid evidence of her involvement in a [DATA EXPUNGED] that resulted in [DATA EXPUNGED] injured students, she was arrested by local police officers and held up for [DATA EXPUNGED] until she escaped custody by unknown means.

Subject's birth-name and the majority of files associated with her have been wiped from the LPI's database under unknown circumstances.

The course of the subject's life from the age of eighteen (817) until today remains unknown.

Subject has adopted the alias "Liz Krest", speculated to be short for Elizabeth Krest, and is confirmed to be alive.

Subject's whereabouts are unknown.

Subject has been confirmed to persistently and continually cover the bottom half of her face with a mask and her right eye with enhanced optics. Subject can be identified more easily by the existence of a scar that marks the under-side of her left eye and slight facial freckles. No speech peculiarities have been associated with her.

Subject's race and build remain unknown. Known biometrics such as age, height, weight, eye color and hair color have been published as the introductory part of this dossier.

Known Crimes

- Affiliation with the Lane Hackers.
- Corporate and military espionage.
- Hacking.
- Destruction of corporate and military property.
- Assault on corporate and military personnel.
- Prevention, obstruction and evasion of justice administration.
- Possession of contraband and unmarked equipment.
- Extortion of cargo, credits, personnel and equipment.
- Disruption of traffic.
- Trespassing restricted areas.
- Flying under the influence.
- Public disturbance.

Underground Activity

Recent intelligence data suggests a connection between the subject and the Lane Hacker Inner Circle. Further investigation is required to confirm or deny the subject's status as a member of the Inner Circle.

Threat Assessment

• The subject is considered as low level threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Liberty Police properties and personnel.
• The subject is considered as extreme level threat in terms of potential damage to Liberty Police security protocols and Neural-net assets.
• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Liberty Police image and its subsidiaries.


All security agents are instructed to capture at all costs the subject after eliminating all its electronic warfare systems in order to avoid a hostile takeover. If captured the target is to be secured in the nearest facility where it will await transfer to the headquarters for further processing. No preliminary interrogation of the subject is allowed.


Olivier Cesari - The Lane Hackers - 02-20-2023

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Dossier #1339-174 [online version] [neural-net account]
by Ageira Technologies, Security Division, Intelligence Branch

Olivier Cesari

Alias: Olivier Cesari
Affiliation: The Lane Hackers
Rank: Deceiver
Specialization: Intelligence
Status: Active
Joined: 830-01-28 AS
Background: Ageira Technologies
Height: 190 cm
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Age: 34, born 798 A.S.

Personal Background

Subject was born in the year 798 AS, on the planet Los Angeles, into a family known for their professional careers as part of the research divisions of prominent Liberty corporations. With a natural talent for engineering, he excelled academically, studying at the most prestigious universities, earning high marks for his exceptional work. He quickly became known for his diligence, intelligence, and cutting edge solutions to complex engineering problems.

Subject's tenure with Ageira was marked by his peculiar combat skillset, complemented by quick thinking in high pressure environment. He quickly rose through the ranks, becoming a valuable asset to the security division and earning the respect of his peers, as well as the superiors. However, his passion for engineering never waned, and he continued to seek out new challenges in the field. He took on various projects of great importance, showcasing his innovative approach to problem solving.

His relentless pursuit of perfection sometimes came at a cost. Reports began to surface that his mental health was taking a toll, and that his focal point was starting to slip. There were gossips that he was contravening direct orders for unidentified justifications, causing concern amongst his superiors. Furthermore, it was whispered that he had gained unofficial access to Ageira's inner knowledge base, potentially misusing sensitive information for unfamiliar motives. Despite investigations, no concrete evidence was ever uncovered to substantiate these claims, leaving the true nature of the subject's conduct unknown. Nevertheless, his debatable measures cast a shadow over his otherwise impressive career, leading many to wonder what could have driven him to such extremes.

Unpredictable manners achieved a new degree of notoriety when he abruptly ceased contributing to major undertakings, causing concerns in their completion. This unforeseen discontinuation of engagement only added fuel to the rumors surrounding his conduct. The ultimate peak of the subject's journey came when the station of Pueblo was viciously attacked. Reports revealed that the subject was the orchestrator of the assault, and that he had ruthlessly murdered two guards and an employee in a bid to gain temporary access to the station's dismissal structure. It was as if he was plotting his escape to an obscure destination, the true purpose of his actions remaining a mystery to this day. The subject vanished without a trace, leaving behind a legacy of unanswered questions.


In the aftermath of the Pueblo incident, the LSF and Ageira Technologies declared the subject to be a high-priority target, to be terminated or captured at all costs. The subject's privileged insight into Ageira's secrets compelled his termination or capture, a mandate issued to protect the corporation.

Known Crimes

- Murdered two guards and an employee.
- Orchestrated the attack on the station of Pueblo.
- Gained unauthorized access to Ageira's inner knowledge base.
- Allegedly associated with the infamous Lane Hackers.
- Notoriously responsible for inciting public disorder.
- Widely recognized for the extensive destruction of infrastructure.

Threat Assessment

• The subject is considered as high level threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Ageira Technologies properties and personnel.
• The subject is considered as extreme level threat in terms of potential damage to Ageira Technologies security protocols and Neural-net assets.
• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Ageira Technologies image and its subsidiaries.


All security agents are instructed to capture or terminate at all costs the subject after eliminating all its electronic warfare systems in order to avoid a hostile takeover. If captured the target is to be secured in the nearest facility where it will await transfer to the headquarters for further processing. No preliminary interrogation of the subject is allowed.
