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[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - Printable Version

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[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - ian - 04-30-2009

' Wrote:HI! i am Lady Gaga, I have a trader named Lady Gaga, an IMG 4100 cargo transport with vampire (3) class 5 turrets ( IMG turrets...) I dont have any plans to make my trader any other transport so since ive setteled into an correct IFF - ID - and ship i wish to apply into the IMG... aalso any TAGS on my name i need?

****Incoming Transmission****

Comm ID: Ian Davies
From: Holman Outpost
To: Lady Gaga

Greetings there!

i have recently been informed about you and most importantly of your recently gained conviction, see attached we regret to inform you that we shall not be accepting your application.

goodluck with whatever path you choose to follow for it shall not be with us.

****End transmission****

[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - Deathinvador - 04-30-2009

' Wrote:****Incoming Transmission****

Comm ID: Ian Davies
From: Holman Outpost
To: Lady Gaga

Greetings there!

i have recently been informed about you and most importantly of your recently gained conviction, see attached we regret to inform you that we shall not be accepting your application.

goodluck with whatever path you choose to follow for it shall not be with us.

****End transmission****
i see...............

your loss:)gewd day!

[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - metis - 05-02-2009

***Relaying Transmission***

Application retracted

***Connection Lost***

[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - astrayamatu - 05-02-2009

****Incoming Transmission****

Comm ID: astrayamatu
From: kyushu space
To: Independent Miners Guild

greetings i want to apply to the IMG as explorer i am born in a laboratory as expiriment
my main goal is to travel far distences and to find new recourses for our guild
what i can bring more is protecting our miners from enemy`s
i dont have much of eny more background data for you IMG
i wil work hard for all that stands for IMG
protect and explore is my job

***End Transmission****

[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - ian - 05-02-2009

' Wrote:***Relaying Transmission***

ID : Zang Chung-A.K.A Metis
To: Holman Outpost, Tau 31
Subject : Applying for the post of a Defender Pilot.
My name is Zang Chung, I am the twin brother to zen chung who has applied and been accepted to your Corporation. I have finally graduated a year after my twin brother from the academy. I have spent the last few months further training my skills as a free agent Bounty Hunter. I have a love/hate relationship with pirates. I Hate what they represent and how they take advantage of the working man, I love the excitement that comes when I can legally engage them. I have never betrayed a client that took me on for protection, I have never stolen or asked for any thing more than was fair regardless of how much damage I received to my ship. I currently have a Rhinelander Heavy Fighter and fly with a crew of hired help, But as they are paid help, I am sure your Corp would like to replace them with more experienced members. I Wish to keep my ship, which I would be willing to pay for any and all modifications/repairs. I ask that you give me a serious consideration as I am very serious in what I do. My life for my client...That is what is expected of me, and one day, I might have to provide that service for my client, I understand this and have already excepted this.
***End of Transmission***

****Incoming Transmission****

Comm ID: Ian Davies
From: Holman Outpost
To: Zang Chung

Greetings there!

I am glad that our members are spreading good words about us throughout sirius hehe.

it definantly seems that you are more than suited to the position within the defense division but i would like a little bit more information about you mainly as to how you heard about the IMG, what brought you two both graduating at the same academy and what academy that is.

i look forward to hearing from you but untill there take care!

****End transmission****

//ooc: if you want to keep your ship within the IMG you shall need to write up a bio/story as to how you managed to get access and pilot the ship, according to this spreadsheet:

' Wrote:****Incoming Transmission****

Comm ID: astrayamatu
From: kyushu space
To: Independent Miners Guild

greetings i want to apply to the IMG as explorer i am born in a laboratory as expiriment
my main goal is to travel far distences and to find new recourses for our guild
what i can bring more is protecting our miners from enemy`s
i dont have much of eny more background data for you IMG
i wil work hard for all that stands for IMG
protect and explore is my job

***End Transmission****

****Incoming Transmission****

Comm ID: Ian Davies
From: Holman Outpost
To: Astraya Matu

hello there!
now you say you was born in a lab as part of an experiment?? now what sort of experiment would that be?
as for wanting to become a defense pilot what sort of experience have you got/had that could give you an advantage over any pirate's/Outcasts and anyone who should want to pirate any of our traders and miners.

oh and one more thing before i go, why choose the exploration division? do you love to explore and travel or is it some other reason that draws you to it?

i hope to hear from you soon

****End transmission****

*Ian opens a letter that is on his desk that doesnt look like an application form*

hmm i wonder what this is

*Ian reads the letter and is a bit surprised*

well....this is a bit strange but orders are orders.


//ooc: only people who can post in here for now would be Astrayamatu and Metis untill their applications have been dealt with since they have applied before it was closed.

[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - astrayamatu - 05-02-2009

****Incoming Transmission****

Comm ID: astrayamatu
From: new york space
To: Independent Miners Guild

<translated text for the IMG>

in the laboratory were i am from had to implent me as a deep space attack/deffence droid
as a droid thy forced me after evry mision to delete my memory
but then 1 day i get the message from a unknown broadcast that i cant return to my home plannet
and if i would return that i would destroyed so i decided to flee my own galaxy
and travel far away from were i was build
until i came to tau-23 and the IMG was so nice to let me land on the bas in tau-23
after a few days on that station and meeting good and nice people
who were nice to me and helpt me to get up and let me see life isnt that bad
so thats then i decided to join the IMG
its sort of home feelign i get from here
i hope this is enough for you to decide to take me or not
but if you want more info about my past then i must download my memory
to the main system and that can be danger for my own life if i can cal it life
i am lookign forward to protect and explore to serve you of IMG with my own life
what i like about long distancs is that you can see so much about the space`s
and black hole`s that are there
i have 1 galaxy left to explore then i have evrything on my map
i got both skils
combat skils from exploration hostile encounters i had
travling skils most black holes discoverd in the past and some systems to avoide
pilote skils i am used to yuse VHF thy are most useful for long distance travling and self protect
most fights i encounter are heavy and long so i rly need to be save so protection is a must

greetings astrayamatu

****End transmission****

[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - n0k0m - 05-05-2009

Incoming transmission? Nope

-> I am sitting right here in Java station talking to officer Bard.

Here is what we talked about:

I am a trader, cruising at the borderlands. My kind don't like talking on comm. channel, rather in personal. Like my motto: If you pay do it out of hand, no check please.

Oh, and my pilot name is n0k0m - N zero. My real name is Gabor D. (21) if someone cares.

So he asked me if i would like to join to this guild. I think it fits my profile and in the probation time, you will know more about me.

Arhh, my glass is empty. It is time to close this "note".

[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - ian - 05-05-2009

' Wrote:****Incoming Transmission****

Comm ID: astrayamatu
From: new york space
To: Independent Miners Guild
<translated text for the IMG>

in the laboratory were i am from had to implent me as a deep space attack/deffence droid
as a droid thy forced me after evry mision to delete my memory
but then 1 day i get the message from a unknown broadcast that i cant return to my home plannet
and if i would return that i would destroyed so i decided to flee my own galaxy
and travel far away from were i was build
until i came to tau-23 and the IMG was so nice to let me land on the bas in tau-23
after a few days on that station and meeting good and nice people
who were nice to me and helpt me to get up and let me see life isnt that bad
so thats then i decided to join the IMG
its sort of home feelign i get from here
i hope this is enough for you to decide to take me or not
but if you want more info about my past then i must download my memory
to the main system and that can be danger for my own life if i can cal it life
i am lookign forward to protect and explore to serve you of IMG with my own life
what i like about long distancs is that you can see so much about the space`s
and black hole`s that are there
i have 1 galaxy left to explore then i have evrything on my map
i got both skils
combat skils from exploration hostile encounters i had
travling skils most black holes discoverd in the past and some systems to avoide
pilote skils i am used to yuse VHF thy are most useful for long distance travling and self protect
most fights i encounter are heavy and long so i rly need to be save so protection is a must
greetings astrayamatu
****End transmission****

****Incoming Transmission****

Comm ID: Ian Davies
From: Holman Outpost
To: Astraya Matu

well i am glad to hear back from you!

well you have provided more than enough information to help me decide wheither or not i should accept your application.

we do need a few explorers at the moment so if you wish you could get a position within that division, that is if you still want it but if not we could always offer you a place within the Defense division aswell which protects our stations, miners and traders

i shall be contacting you shortly via private channel to discuss another matter

oh and welcome to the guild!

****End transmission****

' Wrote:Incoming transmission? Nope

-> I am sitting right here in Java station talking to officer Bard.

Here is what we talked about:

I am a trader, cruising at the borderlands. My kind don't like talking on comm. channel, rather in personal. Like my motto: If you pay do it out of hand, no check please.

Oh, and my pilot name is n0k0m - N zero. My real name is Gabor D. (21) if someone cares.

So he asked me if i would like to join to this guild. I think it fits my profile and in the probation time, you will know more about me.

Arhh, my glass is empty. It is time to close this "note".

****Incoming Transmission****

Comm ID: Ian Davies
From: Holman Outpost
To: n0k0m

sorry but please read my earlier statement as it speaks for it's self


****End transmission****

[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - Hallelujah - 05-17-2009


My name is Lucas Bell

My family have been IMG miners for along time, my father passad away recently so ive taken his ship and his place and i thought it was now my time to join the IMG!

to me the IMG means the exploration, mineing and transportation of new viable and valueble resorces across the sirius sector.

Im a dedicated miner i mine allday every day with no breaks that is what i have to bring to the IMG

hope thats inuf.

thanks for your time!

Lucas out...

[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - JustKenneth - 06-08-2009

**Start Message**

TO: IMG Recruitment Office
SENDER: Mr Proven INGAME: Proven
SUBJECT: Miner application

Greetings IMG,

My name is Kenneth Proven, I'm a new but promising pilot.
When I heard IMG was recruiting I dropped all my other applications,
I already got the experience of mining in convoys, so a long introduction
won't be necessary, if you allow me in your ranks that is.

More about myself, ever since I had my first Starflier I went looking for an
excellent nebula or asteroid-field to fill my cargo with gold, niobium or other
rich metals. Not very long ago I literally flew into a miner's ship, to repay the
man I started working for him. He taught me where and how I should mine and
so I slowly became a miner. The only downside was that he didn't pay me that good,
so after I repayed him for the damage on his ship, I decided to go home and work on
solid ground, at a bank office.

But the itch to fly in space, the freedom of a pilot, returned and now I'm asking
IMG to let me join the ranks as one of their pilots.

with best regards,
Kenneth Proven