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Transmission to anyone in Omicron Beta/Sigma-19 - Printable Version

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Transmission to anyone in Omicron Beta/Sigma-19 - Derkylos - 09-15-2014

02:36 SMT, Omicron Beta Edge nebula.
Ruiz's long range communications towers begin to pick up a fractured radio signal of unknown origin. At first, incomprehensible, it slowly gains strength and is relayed across space to Sigma-19, where it is picked up by Ogashawa's arrays. Both outcast and Guild techs struggle to rebuild the data, eventually managing to reconstruct the following partial message: " GMG exploration vess...eed of...sufficient...questing assist...not much...diate help..."

(//Open to Outcasts and GMG primarily, but anyone else who can justify their reciept of message can stick their oar in)

Also, for event/registration thread.

RE: Transmission to anyone in Omicron Beta/Sigma-19 - Gas Miners Guild - 09-15-2014

Ken Sawada, the communication technician on duty at Ogashawa Control scratched his head, trying to figure out the meaning of the scrambled message apparently originating from Omicron Beta. He spoke to his commanding officer, the old Paramilitary veteran, Kuroda.
"Kuroda-sama, it seems to be an authentic Guild signal, it matches one of our older codes.
Kuroda muttered something incomprehensible, as he usually did when something was beyond his grasp of understanding.
"Back in my day, we never left one of ours stranded in the field, even if it meant towing his burnt out wreckage all the way back to Honshu!"
Kuroda muttered something else, and continued, now yelling at one of the poor, young staff members of the Ogashawa Control center.
"Send out a search party immediately! If it's a ship of ours, bring it back home!"

Ken shook his head, knowing that the transmission could had been picked up by anyone listening to the open channel nodes of this sub-sector. As he faintly heard the new staff member calling for a wing to scramble and depart to hellish system of Omicron Beta, he briefly wondered if the search party were going to run into a deadly trap.

Shortly thereafter, a high-powered message were sent out across the sub-sector, directed towards Omicron Beta. It read as follows:

"Help is on the way. Don't give up hope. Long live the Guild."

RE: Transmission to anyone in Omicron Beta/Sigma-19 - Vulkhard Muller - 09-17-2014

[Image: V2vFxIU.png]

Marcus was on a routine walk through of Ruiz's Communications rooms, checking for things that were not supposed to be there such as food and drink, when the message was getting picked up.

"What in the...Travis!"
Travis was the communications officer on duty at the time.

"Sir, what did you find?"

"I didn't find anything, listen to this"

Quote:" GMG exploration vess...eed of...sufficient...questing assist...not much...diate help..."

"There is a GMG Exploration vessel, in Outcast space. I want everyone out there looking for it. If we got this, those helium huffing blowhards got it. Now we have to get to this Explorer first. I am sure they have some information The Cross may find useful."

"Yes sir, I will route patrols in the direction of the Sigma-19 jumphole sir. What should their orders be?"

"Destroy any and all GMG Vessels, unless it is the one in distress. Bring the pilots back alive they need to pay penance for their sins against the Cross and A NaciĆ³n maltesa."