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The Archangels Fighter Club |ABOUT US| {AFC}- |NEW! Races and Runs #19 - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Unofficial Factions and Groups (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=67) +--- Thread: The Archangels Fighter Club |ABOUT US| {AFC}- |NEW! Races and Runs #19 (/showthread.php?tid=126221) |
The Archangels Fighter Club |ABOUT US| {AFC}- |NEW! Races and Runs #19 - The Archangels Fighter Club - 10-19-2014 ![]() THE ARCHANGELS F.C.
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We take care of our own, help our friends, party hard, and fly like hell with wings. Race, smuggle, bet, take care of business, get high, and mouth off to cops. Who ever said space has limits and restrictions? QUASI-LAWFUL | AFC ID | FREELANCER IFF Archangels Fighter Club ID The Archangels Fighter Club are a group of adrenaline-crazed, shady racers that occasionally do mercenary, escort or transport jobs. Unlawful action are kept secret, but their lifestyle does not often go well with local authorities. The Club sees the Outcasts as one of the main threats to their Nox and Synthetic Marijuana trafficking and will try to halt the distribution of Caradmine. Pilot carrying this quasi-lawful ID is a member of the Archangels Fighter Club, who: ►Can attack any ship in self-defense or to protect an allied or neutral ship. ►Can fulfill any bounty and escort contracts, and may treat transports as combat targets when executing a bounty or escort contract against them. ►Can demand Slaves and Cardamine from any ship and destroy those who refuse to comply. ►Cannot use any transports with more than 3,600 cargo, except for the Pirate Train. ►Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above. Allowed Ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats Summary The Archangels Fighter Club is a club specializing in fighter class ships. The original set of members were freelancers that ranged from mercenaries to hardened veteran pilots, from the wars, that joined together in a pact of brotherhood. The club is a place where men gather to conduct business together but more importantly to party hard and fly wild and free. Each member of the club owns a mandatory Arrow that is the member’s most prized possession. They treat it as their own child and keep it always in top condition ever since they pass Virgin status. These Arrows are a symbol of what differentiates the club from the rest of the general public and is the most popular ship for their most known activity: racing. To an Archangel, racing is not only a way to pass the time but a competitive way to hash out disagreements between members and see who is the best skilled pilot. The Arrow is the most agile ship of its class that money can buy and is a favored ship that had been flown by the first veterans in battles to intercept targets. These veterans took these ships back into civilian life, adapting them accordingly, and embraced the ship as their own. Racing and betting on races has thrived in the club’s culture. Pilots join the club to get away from normal life and embrace what they truly desire and what makes them feel free. Pilots who have won races are seen and held in higher respect, and it doesn't hurt to bet on them to make a little more cash from time to time. Races in the club raise the members' morale and love for flying as well as are a means to solve an argument or dispute rather than resorting to guns. In other words, let your ship do the talking. Aside from racing is their party culture where one will find booze, drugs, and women. The club’s drug of choice is primarily Synth Marijuana as well as Nox which help keep their parting going and staying awake. The club deals in trafficking these drugs as well across Sirius to clients and thus attempting to dominate the drug trade. Cardamine is the main contender and target and the club sees the drug and the people that produce it to be a threat to their sales. The Outcasts are therefor the club’s main contender. Among the group are the members in the club that are die hard devoted to what the club stands for and the real heart of the income the club produces. These pilots are called the 1%ers ("One-Percenters") who are seen as a group of rebels and sometimes criminals to the outside public world and law. These men are the ones who do the dirty work and keep the club thriving. They are the 1% of the faction. They are the ones who T.C.B. ("Take Care of Business"), deal with the underground drug trade, female "entertainment"/trafficking, and other unlawful acts that bring in money. In the club and to the public they are respected in whichever way, whether it be in fear or brotherly respect. Each accepted member of the club is given a leather jacket with the club's colors on the back. The top and bottom rocker is the name of the club and the "territory" it controls. In the middle is the club logo. Members of the club are willing to die for the the colors if need be. To them its their pride and joy; and also their life. Once a member is in, he is in for life. In regards to the rest of the public, they view themselves higher than the rest of the ‘civilians’. They expect respect and will make sure to get it one way or the other. The Formation of the Club Ensuing the stalemate between Rheinland and Liberty, both sides were exhausted and many navy pilots decided to take leave of the forces. Sunny was one of those pilots. He had joined the Liberty Navy because he had no other options. Doing not so well in school and a future career and to top it off being forced to enlist in the war made him not enjoy life in the navy. What he liked however was act of flying in space. Learning to fly, he became fond with the Arrow, an interceptor used to go into the heat of battle and perform maneuvers to dodge fire and take out key targets such as bombers as well as intercept stray battle fleets from escaping. During the war, he and other volunteered pilots were tasked to defending the LNS-Archangel in, an assault battleship that renowned in spearheading the enemy (what was known as the Archangel squadron). After taking leave at age 28, he and his wing-man friends, as well many other retired veterans, found it hard to get back to normal civilian life of a standard routine and job day after day. Nothing seemed the same and the need of adrenaline was always there as there was always the taste for action. Desperate to finding his own place in society, Sunny and a few of his closest friends decided to make a club for the purpose of flying freely in space. The name he chose was The Archangels FC as their club name, in memory of the squadron they had flown in together. As the club started growing, money was made by the club to support and develop its first chapter hosted in Coronado at the Barrier Station by means of small freighting, aiding in escort, and small mercenary work. The public viewed them as good citizens and just minding their own business, though their rowdy and hooligan behavior was known to stir some trouble and result in small brawls especially in bars. Their party-like behavior began to be more prevalent as the club started to loosen up on the military strictness and order and started to enjoy having a good time. The club started to fly together more often in runs, taking drinks and soft drugs with them along the way and hitting up bars to party at. Their runs sometimes lasted as long as several days as the drugs kept them on their feet with minimal rest. With a hunger to party more and stay up for longer periods of time to party longer day and night, the club became interested in higher quality drugs. As the demand for more grew, the club started as well to ‘cook’ their own and gradually become into the business of dealers. The club soon started to make profit off of illegal drug deals and sales and were expanding their products out to clients even outside of the club. Sunny began to see a profit in the underground market trade of drugs and other illegal commodities and formed a proposal to go under the table in illegal business; using the club as a cloak and make more money. The 1%ers were originally formed for these illegal tasks (see The Generic Archangel and the 1%ers for more info on the balance between the two). Racing in the Archangels started taking form from the group runs the members would participate in. The runs would be organized so that the light fighters were sequenced in order of rank with the higher ranked pilots in the front and the lower ranks at the back of the tightly formed flying squad. Their flying was already fast and tight-nit and there was little room for error though some lower ranked members would sometimes try to take over a higher member of the group as a symbol of a challenge for position. These moves to challenge the higher ranked member soon evolved into races outside of the standard runs, where members would bet on their rankings or other possessions to try to prove themselves as better and more qualified for the title. An ego and king-of-the-hill mentality grew inside the club as there were always people wanting to challenge others to prove themselves better than the other and get a higher ranking status in the club. Ranking meant everything from bragging rights to ease of first pick on drugs and attracting women. To still maintain a decent image towards the public eye, the club pushed to acquire their first major contract with the Independent Miners Guild (and later other contracts with other corporations). This, however, did not come as a fluke choice but for several reasons other than to look good escorting lawful traders. The Guild were known to be heavy targets with the Outcasts, colliding with each other in the same system for domination of space. The way Sunny saw it was that what came with escorting the Guild was not only good for the public view, but also gave him more of an excuse to take on the competition of the most popular drug on the market. The cardimine market, in short, could be therefor hit hard and at the same time they’d get a good pay for their efforts. Another bonus was a girl he’d put his eyes on as well, which some would argue is another reason for why the relations with the Guild have grown. The name Funny Sunny comes from rumors of the president always having a smirk on his face before giving someone a punch in the face. Although that is not always the case, most people that know Sunny well tend to back off when they see his characteristic smirk. His nickname also comes from his mood when he is high as he is more careless and laughs. The Colors and Recruitment to the Club ![]() Top Rocker: Representing the name of the club. Middle logo: Colours; Club insignia/icon Bottom Rocker: Chapter/Territory that the member belongs to. FC: Fighter Club ![]() When applying to be a member of the club, the individual applies for a virgin application. He/she may or may not be a hang-around (but it helps). After applying, a background check is done and if satisfied the person is then placed as a prospect. When being a prospect, you carry the starting colors [V] of the club (jacket with top rocker) and are to club members viewed as belonging to the club or ‘club property’. In the initial ‘hazing’ trials, the virgin does tasks and small jobs for the club and higher ranked members. They are through their services proving themselves to be dedicated to the club.This process may be like hell for prospects but in doing so, one learns the culture of the group and it strengthens the brotherly connection. This process also weeds out the people who are not willing enough to join the club and quickly give up. In a sense it toughens the future-to-be member. While flying in space, a prospect is not permitted to have armor equipped and have low level guns; relying only on agility and skill as a pilot to survive. After a time of 2 hours in space, the prospect, after completing and surviving the process is then given membership status and given his/her colors. (while before he/she has only the bottom rocker of the chapter, he/she then gets the top and middle badge which are the name of the club and the logo in the center). Having endured so much for the colors, members live for them and often would choose to die defending them and their brothers. Once a member there is no turning back. Your in, and you can't leave after that. You're a brother. One is ranked Virgin until he/she fully equips his/her Arrow with top quality gear (ex. Cheetah Thruster, Armor, Guns, Lights, etc.) It is also possible for a member to pass this whole process to become a member of the Archangels. In race events organized by The Archangels the leader may accept or offer memberships if he is impressed by the skill of the independent racer. [For Recruitment and in depth process, click here] Leadership and Hierarchy ![]() In the Archangels, ranks and hierarchy are not to allow used for advanced members to have better ships, but rather to showcase the person’s skill among the club members. The club therefore is competitive in nature and tries to best the others that are above. If a member has excelled in the ranks and has completed 2/3 branches of the hierarchy tree, he/she is then able to contest for becoming leader of their chapter. Leading the club is the president who controls each chapter by directing their leaders. The vice president is directly underneath him and helps the president in organising/helping. The leaders of a chapter are known as Chapter officials which may have up to 9 members under his/her wing. They are the best and most skilled and experienced members of the club and can be challenged for their position. A road captain is awarded after getting 2/3 branches completed (Fighter, Racer, Smuggler). A road captain may then challenge their chapter official for their position. The perks of being a Chapter official are the following: ► Have a strong voice in chapter decisions and diplomacy. ► Lead the members under the same chapter and give them special tasks to do for the chapter’s benefit. ► May organize AFC events (including chapter vs chapter events) ► May announce a mandatory run for their chapter. ► May fly a gunboat. ► May organize their own chapter’s shared ships and have their own AFC chapter bank. Obligations of Chapter Officials are: ► Understand completely the full background of the AFC and their chapter’s place in the club. ► Maintain and lead their chapter with good, positive activity. ► Maintain good relations with allies in the Chapter’s ZOI and take care of business where needed. How to rank: ► Collecting Badges. ► Betting someone for their rank that is one higher than their own. ► Event rewards. Culture The Archangels live to party and fly free; away from the law and following their own that are often unique to The Club and may contradict outside laws. The members, regardless if generic or a 1%er, have a brotherhood respect for one another and back each other up. Their relationship is heavily influenced by their moral outlines. The highest of these is the offense of snitching. To the Archangels, snitching is a serious offense and a major sign of disrespect and betrayal. Blurting out to the authorities or anyone else outside The Club on anything internal that can get The Club into trouble is a sure way to get yourself killed; beaten up with fists and wrenches if you are lucky. Another sign of disrespect and a major offense would be the possession of cardamine or slaves. For more information on club laws, click here. The Archangels see others outside of the club as people below them in terms of rank and importance. In general, they call these people “civilians”, as a soldier sees a non-soilder. Besides their colors to detach themselves from the rest, the club members also often have Archangel related tattoos on their body. The tattoos may vary in size, shape, design, etc, but they all share the same common tie to The Club. Some Archangels even go as far as to use them to scare/rebel from outsiders. A Gallic Fleur De Lis is a favorite for pissing off a cop. Popular tattoo designs include wings, women, ‘163’ (AFC letters to numbers), and The Red Lady. The Red Lady is a patriotic symbol for The Club. Seen embroidered into the center of the Archangel’s patch, it represents the spirit of the club. As one member put it: “The Red Lady can be found anywhere. She is the whispers or roars of the engine. She is the flame in the exhaust. Her hand guides a CD just right through an asteroid field and her touch is on the controls. She is the elegance in the dancers. She keeps you up to party hard and takes you to sleep with a midnight spike. She cries when the engine is not just right and her anger is seen through the flames of a burning ship.” An Archangel feels most in tune with The Red Lady when cruising freely and wildly through space, often times taking either Nox or synthetic marijuana to feel an extra high or drinking a few bottles to get a good kick. They sometimes fly for long periods of time or even days as they take stops from one bar to another and party hard. Additionally to add to the wildness, they might take a girl for a ride on their lap; leg-warmers. The Archangels fly wherever they please (so long as they can enter or it is not restricted by allies), and will go as fast and dangerous as they wish. To them, space has no restrictions and no boarders. It is the limitless frontier. Naturally, others outside of the club will not often share the same views, especially the authorities. An Archangel will sometimes loud-mouth a cop, tease them gingerly, or/and run from the law. An Archangel needs to spread their wings, and behind bars isn’t the best place to do so. Sometimes, however, an Archangel may do time in prison for a T.C.B. action (slang: community service). A regular offense that the club members might commit is smuggling. As this act brings the most money to The Club, it is a well secured operation among the Archangels. The members keep note of the territory they control as this brings new clients to sell to. A threat to the Archangel business or territory will anger club members into even a possible turf war. Money fuels the Archangel’s goals of partying and flying and there is a significant party culture in the club that is boasted throughout Sirius. The Club owns several of their own nightclubs and bars that are either located on planets, bases, or ships roaming space. Inside you will find drugs, women, booze, and undercover business arrangements as well as smuggling operations. Aside from this, partying goes on for long hours with club members, hang-arounds, and some guests participating in the fun. While some nightclubs are open to more public people, other places are more exclusive, such as The Black Cherry. As the club is mostly composed of men that like to enjoy themselves, the topic of women is also an issue to be noted. Most women 'come and go' as a result of the partying and are looked on as lower than hang-arounds at times. However if a member is in a relationship with a woman (slang terms called an "old lady") then they are respected by other members in the club as the member's girl. An old lady will be seen wearing as her colors "property of ...". While the public may see this as a sexist move, the intention derives from the fact that no one messes with a man's girl in the club. The rank of a woman in the club can also be challenged (possible RP). (Ex. Female character challenging male character to a races and winning etc.) There are 2 routes a female character can choose here for being a member. The first is the 'old lady' route. The second is is that the female is equal the male as a regular member. (Of course you could have a harder time accomplishing this, though this is the culture of the club). ![]() The Deadly Trinity
Synthetic Marijuana - Nox - Exotic Entertainers
The Deadly Trinity is a slang phrase used by the club in relation to the three entertainment rings that the club has a hold of. The term is also used in referencing to when a party has more ‘members’ of the trinity are present it would get wilder. One element of the trinity would make the party less wild in comparison to all elements present. This may be also seen in a macro scale as well when someone is intoxicated. The Deadly Trinity in full is famously found at The Black Cherry; The Archangel’s Nightclub on Blackport 66. There the party is known to run wild and non-stop as the partiers get exposed to all ‘members’ of The Trinity. Other places may also house all elements including the traveling AFC party ships. [img float=left]http://discoverygc.com/wiki/images/archive/4/48/20090728204454!Marijuana.jpg[/img][img float=left]http://discoverygc.com/wiki/images/archive/4/48/20121106040437!Marijuana.jpg[/img] Mary Jane - Synthetic Marijuana Unfortunately, Alliance sleeper ships did not contain a single seed of [marijuana. However, in 312 AS a previously unknown pharmaceutist and drug dealer Max Cryer from New Berlin, Rheinland created a new drug from a combination of local plants and synthetic components. The effect of the new drug resembled the effect of an ancient drug found on Earth before the exodus and known only from old books and encyclopedias. Therefore pills of new drug were called "synthetic marijuana". Cryer succeeded in forming secret agreements with leading pharmaceutical companies, and marijuana powder was added to many medicines in small dozes. This resulted in 400-600% sells increase for many medicines during only two years. At the same time, Cryer started to distribute the marijuana pills as an ordinary drug. Rheinland police soon found out the origin of new drug and put a stop to its mass production. They even caught Cryer, but at court were unable to prove his guilt. In 330 AS, 10 years after trial, Max Cryer used billions he earned on drug trade to found a new phamaceutical company in Liberty, known as Cryer Pharmaceuticals. Since then, synthetic marijuana became expensive and difficult to find, but it is known for sure that its production continues on some remote places away from House borders. [Link] From the early days of the Archangels, the members have been out riding their light fighters and smoking/taking synthetic marijuana. Out on long runs through house or outer systems, the buzz from the drug would keep moral high, relaxing vibes, and keep the members longer awake to party and go wild. Taken with drinks as well, these riders would be flying intoxicated and enjoying themselves dangerously out in space while enjoying the amazing views. As the drug comes in pill form, they would take it with a swallow of booze, or open the pill from its capsule and roll up the powder inside to smoke. in clubs and bars, it is not uncommon to find it smoked in bongs. There have also been other methods in parties to sniff the drug. ‘Mary Jane’ is the most common drug in the Archangels and is used as a party drug. It keeps the pilots focused on thing or helps them relax and forget about the pressures and drama in life. The mind wanders free and fast and sometimes even travel into other ‘dimensions’ as the member goes on a ‘trip’. This widespread recreational drug can be found in clubs and bars for various entertainment purposes and has been ingrained into the culture and lifestyle of The Club. Obtaining the drug had not been easy from the beginning as there is no simple way to get the drug for recreational purposes from Cryer Pharmaceuticals. Gradually, the club has gotten 2nd hand access from different drug dealers that do regular deals in the drug market; varying from Zoners, Junkers, other Freelancers, and even Corsairs. The Archangels pay a nice buck for the drug delivered in bulk and have also continued the distribution of the drug further with their resources in private clients, bars, and clubs that the club controls. In Rheinland the Archangels are publicly open in the recreational use of the drug as it is legal in the house. Outside, however, the club takes precautions in hiding the use of it though it is not rare that a pilot would be pulled over by a police officer in space and given a fine for illegal drug consumption. ![]() Nox is a highly potent drug that originates from Planet Marseille and is illegal to trade within Gallia. "Nox" translates from Latin as "darkness" or "night", and since precise chemical designation of the substance is impossible, this name is used both officially and unofficially across Gallia. Bacteria known to be the only source of this substance are symbiotic to several relatively rare echinoderm species present in the oceans of Marseille. The bacteria are extracted from their hosts, cryogenically frozen and shipped to drug laboratories, from where the pure Nox is shipped to dealers. The bacteria do not reproduce without their host, and Nox itself cannot be synthesized chemically, being a complex combination of flunitrazepam, psilocybin and over a dozen organic components not used in chemistry or medicine. The effect of the drug also cannot be reproduced by any known drug, making Nox the highest-rated drug substance in Gallia (before the introduction of cardamine). Nox has initial time-slowing and sedative effect, shortly followed by increase of brain activity and hallucinations while the consumer's body is relaxed. In some time, the hallucinations are followed by very deep, nearly lethargic sleep lasting for 12-16 hours, after which the consumer experiences short-term amnesia. While physical dependency caused by Nox is relatively light, psychological dependency develops quickly and is very difficult to recover from. No currently accepted medical use of Nox exists, and experiments on humans that involve Nox were banned throughout Gallia over 50 years ago. [Link] With the drug war against cardamine’s orange dream raging between the Archangels and the Outcasts, nox has been claimed by The Club as the counter drug to challenge the black markets of Sirius. As a worthy contender, the drug has been adopted by The Club to undermine that Outcast’s orange monopoly and make a dent in their profits. With nox being the drug of choice in Archangel territory, The Club would have a raise in profits and funds which would advance club influence into the black market as well as towards other factions. The Club would be able to expand and have their own interests more easily realized. Weakened drug control of the Outcasts would mean larger drug profits, a rise in the exotic entertainer business, a weakened control of outcast and their allies’ hold on contested territory, and a slower transportation of slaves to the omicrons where the IMG as allies face the outcast threat. Nox is not used by the Archangels as only a commodity to barter with and influence the economic and political balance of the black market. The Club additionally takes an active recreational participation towards the drug; using it as a party drug in clubs and events as well as using it on the road in sticky situations requiring an extra limited but much needed boost. The drug may be found in club bars and nightclubs and depending on the local laws, the ease of getting the drug may be very simple or difficult. In areas where the drug is unlawful, precautions are taken to ensure the person who is asking for the usage of the drug isn't connected to the law. In these parties the drug may be taken in a separate room, off in a side booth, or in group-trips. When taking the drug, the users would need to think prior to the long sleep that will hit them, though it is not unusual to have someone on the dance floor collapse into a deep sleep. Outside of parties, the drug may be taken by an Archangels pilot either recreationaly as a special relaxing ‘trip’ off into space or more likely in emergency situations. While riding, pilots might be already taking synthetic marijuana and have a buzz. In the event that the pilot would be in trouble and have several unmatched bogies on his six, the pilot could have the option of taking a stab of nox into his bloodstream to help him pilot back to save haven. In about 5 minutes the nox would start taking it’s effect and with the already evident buzz from the synthetic marijuana, the experience to the drugs amplify. Time slows down with the pilot and they are able to make faster reactions as everything around them seems to go slower and their brain runs faster. The pilot might though experience hallucinations though the whole experience would last in general from 20-30 minutes depending on how well their body can maintain running at a faster pace. After this, the body shuts down and the pilot would go unconscious either in a docking bay of a base or inside an escape pod. The Archangels do not produce their own Nox but import it from Gallia. Relations with the Union Corse were developed after first contacts with the Corse were made in the Taus. Gradually, The Club having been using synthetic marijuana befor nox, had heard rumors of a drug that is several times more powerful in effects and had been able through rumors and later good relations with the corse given access to the drug trade. The Archangels now keep ties with the Corse and aid in pushing the nox forwards into the houses of sirius. The main customers of nox that the AFC deals with are in Rheinland. As Rheinland has legalised the drug, Archangels usually do trips to Rheinland with large shipments of the drug for sales. The Club however are trying to expand into other houses and open dealership on other planets. Exotic Entertainers - ID locked There are different classes when it comes to entertainment, and these Exotic Entertainers set the bar high for luxury and quality. Due to a high price tag they are highly sought after by the wealthy, and envied by those who can't afford their attention. They are found at parties, clubs, special events, and the private quarters of the wealthy. Edge world outlaws are rumored to have a special interest in marketing and controlling access to their services. ![]() Exotic Entertainers can be found in AFC nightclubs or can be rented privately to customers so long as they have the right cash and have a positive background check of no record in slavery, cardamine, or dealings with the Outcasts and members of the Orange Treaty. These girls don't come cheap and are top quality in adult entertainment; matching Archangel standards. The entertainers are therefore highly guarded and controlled in who has clearance to them. Any unauthorized employment (and not limiting to) of these entertainers is an invitation for violence as this is a direct insult towards The Club. The women that are hired to be exotic entertainers do so on their own free will. In nightclubs, bars, or other hang-outs that The Club occupies it is not uncommon to find women, attracted by the bad-boy-f-the-police culture, to hang around and party with the club members. Many women would come from low-income homes and would be looking for work or just plain old fun; attracting someone perhaps with a bit of cash in their pocket. Some of them would after become employed by The Club; attracted by the lifestyle, the smell of leather and engine oil, profit, or other… reasons. These women are either trained before or take their related dance classes to become excellent and fit dancers when performing. While most Entertainers perform in Archangel establishments, some are hired to perform for private clientele. The AFC allows for individual contracts as well as ‘2nd-party’ contracts where AFC is paid a share of the profit of someone else’s establishment’s earnings with the entertainers that they hire from AFC. Sigma-13’s Newport Station is one of the major locations where these 2nd-party contracts are done. Clients may show up at the nightclub and choose who they want to hire, or they can contact the AFC through comms. Newport’s unique location in the nebula's gas clouds offers a good secluded spot to conduct these special offers without much danger or peaking eyes. Clients would be responsible for shuttling/flying the hired Entertainers to the nearest AFC branch location after their contract expires. With their services comes a hefty sum to pay. Their work doesn’t come cheap as they boast to be the best in the business and their price reflects it. While entrance fees to nightclubs, and other establishments AFC controls, come at a reasonable rate, prices go significantly higher with the privatized contract deals. A client may expect to pay a daily rate of 150,000 credits for a short contract, or could get significant reductions in prices for longer extended periods. While the daily rate is usually targeted towards an individual client, the weekly and monthly rates are special deals for business clients looking to hire the club’s dancers for their own establishment. A standard rate starting from 71,428 to 35,714 credits/day (weekly and monthly respectively) are the going rates for the entertainer’s services though these rates are subject to change. The business client is responsible for the safety and well-being of the employed entertainers and AFC may issue fees or other consequences if the client does not fulfill their responsibilities. The longer the contract, the cheaper the rate, but the higher the risk. There are many people who would want access to the exotic entertainers for their own reasons; especially since they are AFC employed. The main groups that AFC looks out for are the Outcasts and the Slaver's Union. These organisations operate on slaves and cardamine as their source of income, and are not shy about collecting any spare work labor walking about. The Archangels are in a drug-war with the Outcasts; competing in the Black Market against cardamine and slaves with their own Nox, Synthetic Marijuana and Exotic Entertainers. The Club looks to stop the Orange Dream from spreading by introducing their own counter to rival against, and as such the two groups are enemies to one another. These groups would love to get their hands on Archangel affiliated Exotic Entertainers and they may very well use non-direct means to do so. AFC therefor looks out for anyone any suspicious activity that might indicate a kidnapping operation. Exotic Entertainers are highly protected! In places such as The Black Cherry, Exotic Entertainers do various jobs. They may work as hostesses, waitresses, bartenders, and dancers dancing on tables, stages, poles, etc. Dressed in ‘appropriate outfits’ to the task, they aim is to lure the eye and give ‘em something to look at and become distracted and entertained. They may even do paid private dances on a request, share a drink, or other nightclub services. When providing privately contracted services, the entertainers can perform these jobs for the entertainment of the client. Exotic Entertainers are no low-maintenance girls either. Their high rate fee reflects the cost to maintain their work [//shown ingame in price of 50,000]. Their dancing equipment, outfits, and other accessories all are top quality standard. Entertainers like their space and do not feel comfortable usually being squished up unless they are riding’ back-warmer style [//show in game as 5 cargo space]. In addition to this, Entertainers do not work continuously and therefore need some breaks to themselves [//shown ingame as 1 hour decay rate]. Note: To allow the entertainers the appropriate amount of time to recover and stretch their legs, please allow them some shore leave [//To refresh the decay, simply sell and buy on a base]. Contrary to popular belief and rumors, the exotic entertainers are not prostitutes or anything related. The Club pushes to make it clear that there is a line that is drawn between adult entertainment and sex trafficking. Crossing that border may result in heavy consequences as it is a direct insult to club business; relating it to actions that Outcasts and Slavers could partake in. As they say: ‘If you want some of that, get out of our face before we blow it off.' AFC clubs have a strict confidentiality agreement where our guests are protected from being exposed to unwanted publicity. That is to say… ‘what happens in the clubs, stays in the clubs’. With the spread of the Exotic Entertainer business into AFC clubs/bar as well as client’s establishments, the Archangels expand their business opportunities further and grab a hold of influence as well as connections. Information collected by Exotic Entertainers is an important asset as it not only alerts the Archangels of any lies behind club members’ backs by their clients but also informs of deals and events that The Club may not directly know about. If a client were to take a contract for Exotic Entertainers and do something or host someone that The Club does not like into their establishment, there is a high probability that it would leak to Archangel ears. Additionally, with the spread of Entertainers to other clubs/bars, the Archangels create a window to smuggle in and out drugs and other illegal items under the table and do secret business dealings. Exotic Entertainers may also be found on Club-Operating party vessels traveling through space. These ships are designed to host parties while cruising through space and self-replenish their stocks to keep the party going; in a way like a luxury liner operates. Guests may come and go as they please and may stay on the ship to rent out rooms as well. The ship doesn't take people on the ship to specific destinations but rather travels around Sirius to random locations, picking up guests as it travels. There are three separate Bustard-class vessels (besides one that is a Kusari Geisha), one for each chapter, and club members may separately operate their own smaller Geisha-class vessels as well. These ships are high targets for any enemy of the Archangels that wish to do terrorist/hostage/or piracy attacks. In response to this, The Club has their 1%’ers close at hand or sometimes escorts as well for additional protection. Party vessels also offer private contracts to clients just like the rest of the AFC, though they may operate and work with different rates than what AFC sets as standard. In short, the rules that party-vessel operators should follow are: ► Report any incidents or suspicious activity that may harm the people inside. ► At all costs protect the guests/workers/crew. Do not take any unnecessary risks. ► Make it clear on the time-frame of the contract. ► Rates established by AFC are subject to change on the captain's discretion. ► Report all contracts to HQ with all information provided. ► It is highly advised not to be intoxicated while doing contract deals. To request Entertainer Services, Click Here. Badges Badges are awarded to members achieving certain outlined tasks that are encouraged by the club or give the member more experience while participating. These badges are sewn onto the leather jacket that each member receives. This is an indicator of how much experience they have and will be used as a system to progress in the ranks. Badges are divided into sections of difficulty and by sub group: General, 1%er, Racing, Smuggling, Fighter, Hard-Core mode. To see the Badges page, click here. The Generic Archangel Generic Archangels represent the majority of the club. Participating in legal activities such as escorting transports, legal trade, and mercenary work against unlawful entities, the Generic Archangels create a positive reputation for The Club towards the public and create a “blanket” over the secretive illegal affairs of the AFC. By creating and keeping positive relations with trading/mining factions such as the IMG, BMF, DHC, etc, the members through their actions show their pleasing and supportive public relation side with also TCB-ing with the local unlawful enemies. Members are also free to conduct their usual business while under the colors of the club. Trading is a popular way to make money and gather needed supplies and export goods such as drink, party services, etc. Members have the option of also conducting engineering services or AFC projects and the most proficient of these can join the Speed Wing. The overall goal, in conclusion, is to keep the public’s view positive about the AFC. The 1%er 1%er Archangels are the members that are the real backbone and support of the group. Through lucrative under-the-table deals they generate the majority of the profit for The Club and are willing to do anything for the sake of The Club and it’s members. It is not rare that these 1%ers will commit crimes or TCB as their tasks include (and are not limited to) illegal distribution of weaponry, drugs, goods, theft and sale of ships, assassination/hit-man jobs and the protection of AFC’s female entertainment business. They are willing to do the dirty work for the sake of the well-being of the whole. If there is a threat then they are the ones who initiate an attack or the first to defend the chapter(s). The 1%ers also take lead in club interests of the drug war and actively hunt any smugglers that are cutting into the Archangel’s profits including Slavers and Cardamine haulers. The harder and more dirtier you are, the more respect you gain, brotherly and/or out of fear. To become a 1%er, a member would be recognized as someone who is willing to do an illegal TCB. If a member has committed an unlawful act and is caught doing so by the authorities, the individual can begin his/her reputation as a 1%er (or try to fix his/her rep). A 1%er will get more recognized after doing more deeds for the club and getting more dirt on him/her. Respect, badges, credits, and sometimes even guns are a possible reward for work. At the top are the Hell Hounds which let only the best and toughest 1%ers join the high ranks. The Races and The Runs Races Races can be an in-club event/activity as well as an out-of-club event that is hosted by The Archangels; outsiders may join if permitted. Participants have the option of choosing to be a racer or better or both. Betting on races is a large portion of the potential of the event as racers can bet among themselves, can be bet on, or sponsored by the wagers for a chance to win big credits with the racers also getting a slice of the reaping. For the club members, races are a major way to make money and reputation. Participants in events usually are the ones allowed to bet on races. If outsiders are spotted betting on Archangel races without consent, The Club might treat this as a theft of credits as The Archangels who host the event gain a portion of the money being used on them. There are various styles of racing that can be organized. Paths can vary in how they are defined by the spacing of established check points. Popular examples include trade lanes or race rings as well as potentially buoys. Other elements in a race may include rounding planets, and going through construction rings. Additionally, there are also different scenarios created to make the race more interesting. In the norm, races are done without the use of guns and armor and are focused on skill of the pilot in flight to win as well as equipment permitted such as CDs, CMs, and mines. On other occasions, guns may be permitted though missiles and torpedoes are banned from races. Races may also not only have to be only for light fighters but can include larger craft. For illegal races such as lane races, from the authorities while racing is a normal action. Races can be set by the President of the Faction, Chapter Official, or by individual members of the group. The higher the rank of the member, the more ability he/she has to organize the scale of the race. The President may organize a large scale faction-wide race. A Chapter Official on his own can make a chapter-wide race event for his/her own chapter. Individual members can make small races against civilians, hang-arounds, and other members. When in a dispute, one my challenge the other to a race. Members that want to bet on races may come and bet on any on the races from one chapter to the next as well. It is important to note that with the approval of the President, a member may be able to lead in organizing a large scale event, though they cannot do it on their own. Runs The term "run" is when (a) member(s) fly for the sake of flying to show off and for enjoyment, often going long distances for a long duration. A run is rarely done individually and is usually a group event showing the club's strength and numbers. In other times a run can be accompanied by trade ships to added protection for the traders. A run can also be considered as just flying from one chapter to another for a visit and/or bar to bar and partying. Members can also be seen high or drunk to keep themselves awake and going strong. In essence it is just a long flight. In group event runs, the most used ship to fly in is the Arrow. In such events, stunts can be done to increase the enjoyment of the flight. An example is to perform free flight formations, flying as close to one another without crashing into each other, and so on. Members achieving certain goals may be awarded by the club and set a record to be broken. (Ex. Longest time without bumping is 20 seconds while really close together in free flight.) Mandatory runs may be issued by the President or the Chapter Official for accomplishing a specific task or TCB or just to party as a group and bond brotherly. Members that are able to participate in mandatory runs MUST do so with very little exception. For additional information, see the Racing Manual coming soon as well as the faction laws.
Ships NOTE: All member's ships must be /pimpship-ed with the appropriate color:
Only one color of lights per chapter:
President: White Coronado: Red Kepler: Yellow Bering: Green Nomad: Purple
CHART COMING IN HERE SOON Weaponry In general, Sirus Civilian guns are allowed and to be used on ships ranging from the Debs to the Purple Goddess and for the Arrow the class 6 Flashpoint or Blue Bell Chain gun. Guns that are looked upon in depth are Class 10 guns. In general, members are not to mount this weaponry unless they are of high enough rank. The Archangel Class 10 gun is awarded to the most loyal and best club members and are viewed highly by others. Missiles/Torpedoes are allowed to be used unless in races. In races, weaponry will be specified or be banned from the race. Any other additional equipment not addressed and available for use with Freelancer ID/IFF is allowed. Chapters have access to their tech as well (explained a little more in Territory section). Territory The bottom rocker on the back of a member's jacket marks the territory the club controls such as the system name. Territories mark the club's base location and informs everyone else their presence in that system. If another faction/group challenges the territory, then a dispute is likely to occur. Territories that the club have presence in and control are Coronado, Bering and Kepler which are linked to Bretonia, Liberty, Rheinland, and Kusari. In these systems the Freeports are a gathering spot for the club. (Barrier Station, Freeport 2, and Ames Research Station) At the freeport, club members must respect the no-fire rule and conduct themselves accordingly. "Freeports are stations that are open to any and all pilots as long as they have not specifically angered the owners. They generally find themselves a host to a wide assortment of pilots from lawfuls to pirates to bounty hunters, though violence onboard is strictly forbidden. They also act as trade hubs for necessary goods like food and fuel in the far reaches of sirius. There is a strictly enforced No Fire Zone of 5k around Zoner freeports, breaking this for anything other than self defense or predetermined lawful police action (with sufficient warning to the owners) is punishable by banishment from that or any freeport. " ~From the wiki These three freeports host the three chapters of the club. (Chapters as in sections) Each Chapter may have up to 10 members in it including in the 10 a chapter official to lead under the leadership of the president. Additional chapters may be added if there is a want to expand and a new chapter official would be then appointed. The new chapter will then have to show their ability to stand as a chapter amongst the others. Therefore: Bering Chapter [B]: Base: Freeport 2 ZOI: Liberty, Rheinland, Omegas Freelancer / Rheinland Compatible Tech Kepler Chapter [K]: Base: Ames Station ZOI: Liberty, Kusari, Sigmas Freelancer / Kusarian Compatible Tech Coronado Chapter [C]: Base: Barrier Gate Station ZOI: Liberty, Bretonia, Taus Freelancer / Bretonian Compatible Tech Due to new allies added or friendlies growing to allies, the ZOI can expand as well for mercenary work and escorting and well as trading. Taus, Omegas, etc, are examples of places where the AFC can operate as well as the boarder wolds and outer worlds in general if they have permission by another faction to do so. Special: The Nomad [N]: Can move freely from one Chapter or another to deal in business other than smuggling/trading. This is "SRP"ed and earned by the player and may only be placed on ONE ship that would need to have their ZoI extended. NOTE ON ZOI: The ZoI for AFC indicates the area of influence each chapter has. They all share Liberty but have their own subgroups in their own "turf". A Bering Chapter AFC member for example would not be able to hunt Outcasts on Coronado Chapter's territory. Even though as a whole AFC is considered Trans-Sirius there are divisions that happen in them that are 'governed' by Chapter Officials. The Nomad basically breaks this system and is free to roam around freely between chapters, usually conducting the President's business or something else that would make it a reason to do so. ZoI has been put in place for RP reasons to make turfs zones inside the group, raise competition between Chapters, have separate zones that different chapters have for their own racing and challenges, have their own group political/bounty interests etc. That being said, the Rank/Leadership system must still be followed. Under emergency situations and races/events ZOI can have exceptions. Reputation: If AFC would meet [Insert Here], how would it be? Reputation has been and is decided with RP. If needed links, please PM. At War - Active Outcasts Gas Miners Guild Hogosha Liberty Rogues Nomads and similar alien entities At War - Inactive Red Hessians SCRA| Hostile Xenos Hellfire Legion LWB Unioners Junker Marauders No Dock -Unfriendly LSF Dock - Unfriendly Neutral House Police Gallic Navy (will demand leave if sighted) The Core (Blackmail + Recent DROP event) Junker Congress Neutral GMG Ageria Molly The Order The Maquis Golden Chrysanthemums House Military House Corporations Everyone else Good Standing ALG Crayterian - Crayter Republic Bounty Hunter Guild Gallic Brigands Kruger Minerals Friendly Freelancers [Star] Union Corse Samura Kishiro Daumann Heavy Construction Lane Hackers Gaians BMF Blood Dragons Allied Zoners Sigma Junkers (s) + T&T Corsairs Independent Miners Guild RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |||| {AFC}- - nOmnomnOm - 12-30-2014 Here is an updated version: Quote: Pilot carrying this quasi-lawful ID is a member of the AFC who: RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |||| {AFC}- - The Archangels Fighter Club - 11-27-2015 Updates: -ID submitted for change -Lore additions being written Charts: Note: Notes to be revisited for editing. Edit: NEW - Revised
RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |||| {AFC}- - The Archangels Fighter Club - 01-02-2016 RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |||| {AFC}- - The Archangels Fighter Club - 01-12-2016 Updated picture old picture here: http://i.imgur.com/PjoAgiH.jpg?1 RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |||| {AFC}- - The Archangels Fighter Club - 01-19-2016 Updated Summary. Old summary below: RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |||| {AFC}- - The Archangels Fighter Club - 01-19-2016 Update Formation of the Club Old write-up below: RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |ABOUT US| {AFC}- - The Archangels Fighter Club - 01-19-2016
RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |ABOUT US| {AFC}- - The Archangels Fighter Club - 04-08-2016 Exotic Entertainers - Lore The AFC boasts hosting some of the wildest parties in all of Sirius. These parties are not some kiddie parties either but rather are filled with drinks, drugs, dancing and music, and of course: girls and dancers. Usually hosted in nightclubs, the parties have exclusive access. If you’re a friend of the AFC then you’ll be on the list. If not then get lost, bud. Exotic Entertainers can be found in AFC nightclubs or can be rented privately to customers so long as they have the right cash and have a positive background check of no record in slavery, cardamine, or dealings with the Outcasts and members of the Orange Treaty. These girls don't come cheap and are top quality in adult entertainment; matching Archangel standards. The entertainers are therefore highly guarded and controlled in who has clearance to them. Any unauthorized employment (and not limiting to) of these entertainers is an invitation for violence as this is a direct insult towards The Club. The women that are hired to be exotic entertainers do so on their own free will. In nightclubs, bars, or other hang-outs that The Club occupies it is not uncommon to find women, attracted by the bad-boy-f-the-police culture, to hang around and party with the club members. Many women would come from low-income homes and would be looking for work or just plain old fun; attracting someone perhaps with a bit of cash in their pocket. Some of them would after become employed by The Club; attracted by the lifestyle, the smell of leather and engine oil, profit, or other… reasons. These women are either trained before or take their related dance classes to become excellent and fit dancers when performing. While most Entertainers perform in Archangel establishments, some are hired to perform for private clientele. The AFC allows for individual contracts as well as ‘2nd-party’ contracts where AFC is paid a share of the profit of someone else’s establishment’s earnings with the entertainers that they hire from AFC. Sigma-13’s Newport Station is one of the major locations where these 2nd-party contracts are done. Clients may show up at the nightclub and choose who they want to hire, or they can contact the AFC through comms. Newport’s unique location in the nebula's gas clouds offers a good secluded spot to conduct these special offers without much danger or peaking eyes. Clients would be responsible for shuttling/flying the hired Entertainers to the nearest AFC branch location after their contract expires. With their services comes a hefty sum to pay. Their work doesn’t come cheap as they boast to be the best in the business and their price reflects it. While entrance fees to nightclubs, and other establishments AFC controls, come at a reasonable rate, prices go significantly higher with the privatised contract deals. A client may expect to pay a daily rate of 150,000 credits for a short contract, or could get significant reductions in prices for longer extended periods. While the daily rate is usually targeted towards an individual client, the weekly and monthly rates are special deals for business clients looking to hire the club’s dancers for their own establishment. A standard rate starting from 71,428 to 35,714 credits/day (weekly and monthly respectively) are the going rates for the entertainer’s services though these rates are subject to change. The business client is responsible for the safety and wellbeing of the employed entertainers and AFC may issue fees or other consequences if the client does not fulfill their responsibilities. The longer the contract, the cheaper the rate, but the higher the risk. There are many people who would want access to the exotic entertainers for their own reasons; especially since they are AFC employed. The main groups that AFC looks out for are the Outcasts and the Slaver's Union. These organisations operate on slaves and cardamine as their source of income, and are not shy about collecting any spare work labor walking about. The Archangels are in a drug-war with the Outcasts; competing in the Black Market against cardamine and slaves with their own Nox, Synthetic Marijuana and Exotic Entertainers. The Club looks to stop the Orange Dream from spreading by introducing their own counter to rival against, and as such the two groups are enemies to one another. These groups would love to get their hands on Archangel affiliated Exotic Entertainers and they may very well use non-direct means to do so. AFC therefor looks out for anyone any suspicious activity that might indicate a kidnapping operation. Exotic Entertainers are highly protected! In places such as The Black Cherry, Exotic Entertainers do various jobs. They may work as hostesses, waitresses, bartenders, and dancers dancing on tables, stages, poles, etc. Dressed in ‘appropriate outfits’ to the task, they aim is to lure the eye and give ‘em something to look at and become distracted and entertained. They may even do paid private dances on a request, share a drink, or other nightclub services. When providing privately contracted services, the entertainers can perform these jobs for the entertainment of the client. Exotic Entertainers are no low-maintenance girls either. Their high rate fee reflects the cost to maintain their work [//shown ingame in price of 50,000]. Their dancing equipment, outfits, and other accessories all are top quality standard. Entertainers like their space and do not feel comfortable usually being squished up unless they are riding’ back-warmer style [//show in game as 5 cargo space]. In addition to this, Entertainers do not work continuously and therefore need some breaks to themselves [//shown ingame as 1 hour decay rate]. Note: To allow the entertainers the appropriate amount of time to recover and stretch their legs, please allow them some shore leave [//To refresh the decay, simply sell and buy on a base]. Contrary to popular belief and rumors, the exotic entertainers are not prostitutes. The Club pushes to make it clear that there is a line that is drawn between adult entertainment and sex trafficking. Crossing that border may result in heavy consequences as it is a direct insult to club business; relating it to actions that Outcasts and Slavers could partake in. As they say: ‘If you want some of that, get out of our face before we blow it off.' AFC clubs have a strict confidentiality agreement where our guests are protected from being exposed to unwanted publicity. That is to say… ‘what happens in the clubs, stays in the clubs’. With the spread of the Exotic Entertainer business into AFC clubs/bar as well as client’s establishments, the Archangels expand their business opportunities further and grab a hold of influence as well as connections. Information collected by Extotic Entertainers is an important asset as it not only alerts the Archangels of any lies behind club members’ backs by their clients but also informs of deals and events that The Club may not directly know about. If a client were to take a contract for Exotic Entertainers and do something or host someone that The Club does not like into their establishment, there is a high probability that it would leak to Archangel ears. Additionally, with the spread of Entertainers to other clubs/bars, the Archangels create a window to smuggle in and out drugs and other illegal items under the table and do secret business dealings. Exotic Entertainers may also be found on Club-Operating party vessels traveling through space. These ships are designed to host parties while cruising through space and self-replenish their stocks to keep the party going; in a way like a luxury liner operates. Guests may come and go as they please and may stay on the ship to rent out rooms as well. The ship doesn't take people on the ship to specific destinations but rather travels around Sirius to random locations, picking up guests as it travels. There are three separate Bustard-class vessels, one for each chapter, and club members may separately operate their own smaller Geisha-class vessels as well. These ships are high targets for any enemy of the Archangels that wish to do terrorist/hostage/or piracy attacks. In response to this, The Club has their 1%’ers close at hand or sometimes escorts as well for additional protection. Party vessels also offer private contracts to clients just like the rest of the AFC, though they may operate and work with different rates than what AFC sets as standard. In short, the rules that party-vessel operators should follow are: - Report any incidents or suspicious activity that may harm the people inside. - At all costs protect the guests/workers/crew. Do not take any unnecessary risks. - Make it clear on the time-frame of the contract. - Rates established by AFC are subject to change on the captain's discretion. - Report all contracts to HQ with all information provided. - It is highly advised not to be intoxicated while doing contract deals. RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |ABOUT US| {AFC}- |NEW! Exotic Entertainer Lore (#9) - The Archangels Fighter Club - 05-05-2016 Reputation: If AFC would meet [Insert Here], how would it be? Reputation has been and is decided with RP. If needed links, please PM. At War - Active Outcasts Liberty Rogues Nomads and similar alien entities At War - Inactive Red Hessians SCRA| Hostile Hogosha Xenos Hellfire Legion LWB Unioners Junker Marauders No Dock -Unfriendly LSF Blood Dragons (not officially FR5) Dock - Unfriendly Neutral House Police Gallic Navy (will demand leave if sighted) The Core (Blackmail + Recent DROP event) Neutral GMG Ageria Molly The Order The Maquis Golden Chrysanthemums Junker Congress House Military House Corporations Everyone else Good Standing ALG Crayterian - Crayter Republic Bounty Hunter Guild Gallic Brigands Kruger Minerals Friendly Freelancers [Star] Union Corse Samura Kishiro Daumann Heavy Construction Lane Hackers Gaians BMF Allied Zoners Sigma Junkers (s) + T&T Corsairs Independent Miners Guild |