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To: The Gallic Royal Navy - Printable Version

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To: The Gallic Royal Navy - Lythrilux - 06-27-2015

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ID: Erik Nodtviet
Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
Subject: Cooperation in 'Berne' (Omicron-80)

Greetings Marechal,

Originally AP Manufacturing contacted the Gallic Government as a means to find a way of conducting business with the house of Gallia. Unfortunately things didn't go as planned.

The Crown suggested that we try to prove ourselves to Gallia by assisting the Gallic Royal Navy in keeping Omicron-80, also known as the Gallic Border System of Berne, free of Outcast pests. We have a small, but highly trained squad of ships stationed in the Taus for small raids against the Outcasts. Their directives will be adjusted to patrolling Omicron-80 and fighting the Outcast menace.

I look forward to working with the Gallic Royal Navy, if you accept us reaching out for cooperation.

-E. Nodtviet
Guildmaster, The Core
CEO, AP Manufacturing

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RE: To: The Gallic Royal Navy - Miaou - 06-27-2015

Battleship Valenciennes, Gironde System
27 juin, 738 AGS

Sender: Grand Maréchal Leon Dupont, Royal Gauloise
Recipient: Erik Nodtviet, The Core
Topic: Re: Cooperation in 'Berne'


After one of the Crown's members saw your message, he informed me of the situation.

It's quite interesting, actually. You make the same ships that are banned in Gallia. Why? Because the people you feed them to decided to engage the navy with them. I'm talking about the so called "Bounty Hunters Guild". Perhaps you should think twice before doing such things, non?

Though as it stands, the Crown is pushing me to allow this. I'm not sure why you have your ships stationed in our space, but I'll put that aside. I'm going to extend the Crown's suggestion and include the Tau-37 system, as you call it. I am guessing you are going to use those odd ships of yours to do it. At the timing of this message going out, you are allowed to operate within the two mentioned systems using your crafts. Respond with something of note.

Leon Dupont
Grand Maréchal of the Roi's Royal Navy

Transmission End

RE: To: The Gallic Royal Navy - Lythrilux - 06-28-2015

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ID: Erik Nodtviet
Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
Subject: Cooperation in 'Berne' (Omicron-80)

Marechal Dupont,

Looking through the archives, the Bounty Hunters Guild (back when the Core and BHG were one) approached Gallia asking for cooperation and business negotiations. Your predecessor instantly refused their proposal and declared them hostile. I'm quite sure that if Gallia was to contact the BHG today, they would be willing to undergo the same negotiations as us.

The Bounty Hunters Guild has never been an organization to meddle in the affairs of house politics. The first and last time they did on their own accord did not do any favors for their reputation and the damage still shows somewhat today. In regards to Gallia the Bounty Hunters Guild rarely fights back, and if they do it's often out of self-defense. The Guild has always been more concerned in dealing with criminal elements in the houses - not fighting house wars for any side. Our organizations are no longer joined however, and so I can only speak in terms of pre-split attitudes. I am not entirely up to date on how frequently the current Guild may partake in operations against Gallia, I would like to imagine it is not frequent though and is avoided whenever possible.

Our organization however is preoccupied with fighting it's own wars and meeting it's own objectives. We have no desire for hostilities with Gallia, or any house for that matter. House politics are something we do not concern with, we simply wish to reduce the evils of the Edge Worlds to ruin.

Thank you for your offer in allowing us to conduct our operations in Tau-37 and Omicron-80. When sighted, Core personnel will be instructed to treat the Royal Navy as friendlies and provide them with assistance whenever possible. If the Crown or the Royal Navy wills it, we can provide reports of our efforts in those two systems.

-E. Nodtviet
Guildmaster, The Core
CEO, AP Manufacturing

:::[Closing Transmission]:::

RE: To: The Gallic Royal Navy - Miaou - 06-28-2015

Battleship Valenciennes, Gironde System
28 juin, 738 AGS

Sender: Grand Maréchal Leon Dupont, Royal Gauloise
Recipient: Erik Nodtviet, The Core
Topic: Re: Cooperation in 'Berne'


I said respond with something worth noting, not with you trying to defend your ex-lover. How you guard their actions makes me think they aren't as separated from you as you imply. Insult me again and you can consider this over.

Leon Dupont
Grand Maréchal of the Roi's Royal Navy

Transmission End