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The Core Personnel and User Ship (Player Assets) Database - The Core - 07-27-2015

The Core Ship And Personnel Database

[Image: TeBsQ5X.png]


Welcome to The Core Ship and Personnel Data terminal. Here you may find information on the ships and their pilots within The Core.

Table Of Contents

1. Erik Nodtviet
2. Cas Casanova
3. Ivy Noire
4. Ken Powers
5. Newton Holt
6. Maya Banks
7. John Darius Guerra
8. Amanda Henderson
9. Nova Hawken
10. Evelyn Sharp
11. Jawdat an'Nuss
12. Adrianna Nevaro
13. Rosalina Romanov
14. Ar Sogan
15. Matthew Ray Bishop
16. Kuno Jowarski
17. Binary.101
18. Tricia "Trix" Reyes
19. Alexander Horace
20. Kalliste Silver 'Reaver'
21. Martin McKinsey
22. Jaysen Bartlett
23. Subject 19/Gabrielle Daniels
24. Augustus Henry
25. Marcus Mekal

1. WV-Fabricant
2. WV-Ediolon Wraith
3. RNC-Weidenbruch
4. WV-Perditrix
5. WV-Terminus.Est
6. WV-Umbra
7. WV-Erebus
8. WV-Honos
9. Anseris Mons
10. WV-Aius Locutius
11. AV-Sailfin


Pilot Forms:
[align=center][color=#FFFFFF][font=Agency FB][size=15]Pilot Entry[/size][/font][/align][color=#FFFFFF]
[img float=right][Picture of pilot here][/img]

[font=Agency FB][size=17][b][color=#24356F]Pilot Name:[/color][/b] [Pilot name here][/size]
[size=17][b][color=#24356F]Current Rank:[/color][/b] [Rank][/size]
[size=17][b][color=#24356F]Date of Birth:[/color][/b] [Birth date][/size]
[size=17][b][color=#24356F]Birthplace:[/color][/b] [House/Region of origin here][/size]
[size=17][b][color=#24356F]Family Relations:[/color][/b] [Family][/size]
[size=17][b][color=#24356F]Vessels Under Command:[/color][/b] [Ships under pilots command][/size][/font][/color]

[indent][color=#FFFFFF][size=17][b][font=Agency FB][color=#24356F]Biography[/color][/font][/b][/size]



[align=center][color=#FFFFFF][font=Agency FB][size=15]End Entry[/size][/font][/align]

Ship Forms:
[align=center][color=#FFFFFF][font=Agency FB][size=15]Ship Entry[/size][/font][/align][color=#FFFFFF]
[img float=right][Picture of ship here][/img]

[font=Agency FB][size=17][b][color=#24356F]Ship Name:[/color][/b] [Ship name here][/size]
[size=17][b][color=#24356F]Ship Class:[/color][/b] [What is the ship? (e.g Bullhead)][/size]
[size=17][b][color=#24356F]Date of Commission:[/color][/b] [Commissioning date][/size]
[size=17][b][color=#24356F]Ship Posting:[/color][/b] [What base/region is the ship posted to?][/size]

[Give crew names/numbers][/size]

[What is the ship armed with?][/size][/font][/color]

[indent][color=#FFFFFF][size=17][b][font=Agency FB][color=#24356F]Description[/color][/font][/b][/size]
[align=justify][Describe any other details of the ship here]



[align=center][color=#FFFFFF][font=Agency FB][size=15]End Entry[/size][/font][/align]

RE: The Core Personnel and User Ship Database - Lythrilux - 12-27-2015

Pilot Entry

Pilot Name: Erik Nodtviet
Current Rank: Guildmaster
Date of Birth: 784 A.S
Birthplace: Rheinland
Family Relations: Mother (Deceased), Father (Presumed Deceased), Ex-Wife (Missing), Daughter (Missing)
Vessels Under Command: WV-Anassi, WV-Athena, AV-Trident, AV-Schwartzvelt

Erik Nodtviet was born on Planet New Berlin in the New Berlin system to an upper class family with an esteemed history in the Rheinland Military. His father was an officer in the military and his father before him. His mother was also an officer in the Rheinland Military Intelligence, also known as the Marinenachrichtendienst. Unfortunately during the height of the Nomad war his mother was killed in action and his father went missing, never to reappear. With his parents either both dead or presumed dead, Erik was adopted by his grandparents. Erik was not daunted by these events however, and still went on to pursue a military career later on.

At the age of 20, Erik enrolled in the Rheinland Military. For five years he served, taking part in all sorts of military operations. Most notably, against Liberty in his later years. On the advent of Rheinland sabotaging the Bering and Hudson gates however, he quit, feeling that the military had become weak and disillusioned. With all the credits he had he left for the deeper Omega systems, taking up refuge on Freeport 5 in the Omega-41 system. He did not identify himself as a Zoner, but as a Freelancer taking escort contracts from the Zoners.

His journey towards The Core started when he was tasked with escorting a Zoner transport that claimed it had recently pillaged an alien artifact from the mysterious Omega-58 system. The Zoner told Erik that the artifact had to be delivered to 'interested buyers' in the Omicron Delta system. Erik was curious about the origins of the artifact and who the buyers were. Whilst during his military career he was informed about minor details of an alien race known as the Nomads, his knowledge was otherwise lacking considerably. After Erik asked, the Zoner told him that the artifact came from an alien race known as the Nomads who were intent on destroying humanity. The artifact itself apparently held secrets of their knowledge and that there were multiple parties who'd be interested in acquiring the artifact.

Upon reaching the Omicron Delta system, they were met by several fighter class ships that Erik had not seen before. The Zoner, some fear in his voice, alerted Erik that they belonged to an organization known as The Order. The Agents immediately ordered the Zoner to drop the artifact, threatening him with destruction if he did not comply. Of course, Erik would not comply with this as he had been contracted to protect the Zoner. With his Sabres guns charged, Erik engaged The Order vessels to the best of his ability. Unfortunately, they destroyed the Zoner and his ship before Erik was able to dispatch the Order vessels. Fortunately though, the Zoner dropped its artifact and Erik tractored it before the Order agents could. Refusing to let them take the artifact after they had murdered the Zoner, Erik fought valiantly against them.

Sadly, fighters were not Erik's strongest ship class. He was hopelessly out-gunned and the Order vessels were fast chipping away at his hull integrity. Suddenly, several Manta class ships appeared on radar. They hailed The Order vessels, before charging at them and destroying them swiftly. Erik was impressed by the powerful display shown to him by these unknown vessels, and thanked them. Eagerly wanting revenge, Erik asked the seemingly Bounty Hunter vessels who their contractor was, so that he could hunt down Order vessels himself. The ships informed him that they were not Bounty Hunters and not contracted per se, but from the Bounty Hunters Guild Core - the elite PMC branch of the Bounty Hunters Guild. They told him that they were the interested buyers of the artifact. Gracious that they saved his life, Erik happily sold them the artifact. Soon after, Erik decided to enrol in the organization, becoming fascinated with their goals to protect humanity, without the needless destruction displayed by The Order and their desire to take alien technology and artifacts and put it to good use, rather than disposing it like The Order does.

Erik quickly rose in the ranks of the Bounty Hunters Guild Core eventually getting the position of Guildkeeper to the current Guildmaster of the time, Lucia Nielsen. He was respected by his peers for his prowess on the battlefield - being able to expertly command a fleet and command a crew. He was directly involved in creating the battle-plan for the siege of Yaren. His wisdom in the use and gathering alien technology and materials was also highly looked upon by his superior. At one point he was also romantically involved with Guildmaster Nielsen, however during the breakdown of the Bounty Hunters Guild Council she would disappear into Sirius with his baby daughter.

When the Bounty Hunters Guild Council had finally dissolved, to prevent Core falling into chaos Erik took leadership and became Guildmaster Nodtviet. He, as well as many others in the Bounty Hunters Guild Core, were not fond of their connection to the BHG. For various reasons, the BHG were seen as having a high ex-criminal presence which would in effect sullied both factions reputation. The BHG Core had also evolved considerably since its inception: it no longer needed the support of Bounty hunting contracts to sustain itself, which furthermore were also considered a very minor source of income. Ship building, exportation of alien materials and technology and Iridium had super-seceded bounty hunting and had become the premier source of income for the BHG Core. Thus, Erik split the factions, although he did absorb AP Manufacturing as their shipyard was within Omicron Rho. The regular Bounty Hunters Guild later underwent its own restructuring and picked a new leader. And so, The Core was born.

Erik decided to slightly alter the direction of The Cores objectives. In the wake of the Battle of Omicron Minor, The Core had become defensive and refrained from pursuing new assets. Erik wanted to change this and thus adopted a more offensive and ruthless policy in The Cores policing of the Omicrons and Omegas. He pushed the message of 'Protectors of Humanity' deeply into the minds of Core pilots, bestowing upon them a new honour of needing to protect those unable to protect themselves in the Edge Worlds. He initiated the start of Cores plans to build its own Empire in the Edge Worlds by capturing Yaren and establishing its firm grip over planet Nauru. He redirected Core assets to conduct successive raids against both The Order and the Corsairs, as well as finalising The Cores plans to attack the Artificial Intelligence of Omicron Kappa in order to acquire their technology. With his new manufacturing and production policies, he was able to further improve the production capacity of Alabama Shipyard beyond its currently operating maximum. He placed several Core assets into the Omegas, in order to assist the Bretonians against criminal threats as they were currently occupied with the war with Gallia. He also set off to further build upon The Cores relationship with the Houses, something which the previous Core had ignored.

Today, Erik Nodtviet still spearheads The Core as its Guildmaster. He's seen as the highly revered visionary that transformed The Core from the dubious Private Military Company of the BHG to a paramilitary that seeks to defend the innocent, protect the weak, destroy the evils of the Edge Worlds and create peace within a region otherwise seen as hostile to the rest of Sirius.

End Entry

RE: The Core Personnel and User Ship Database - luka.ace - 12-28-2015

Pilot Entry

Pilot Name: Cas Casanova
Current Rank: Guardian
Date of Birth: 9.11.790 A.S.

Birthplace:Liberty, Colorado system (exact location unknown and is subject to investigation)
Family Relations: Foster parents (mother Lydia Medes, father Archimedes Medes) Deceased, spouses none, next of kin none, children none.
Vessels Under Command: WV-Prometheus

So, I was born at the age of 3. Doesn't sound right does it? Well, tragedies have a way of writing strange stories and so my story begins. With a tragedy.
So far, what I've been able to figure out, about my unfortunate yet still lucky arrival on planet Manhattan, is that the transport which I flew in on and crashed on a cornfield on planet Manhattan, originated from planet Manhattan itself. It picked up survivors on fort Bush that originated from a station that was heavily damaged and was evacuated just moments before it's fuel deposits ignited and exploded, tearing the station from the inside out. The station is believed to be somewhere in the Colorado system. That is also where my search will continue, when I have time. I am still wondering about my origin. My parents. They must have really loved me to sacrifice themselves for me.
So yes. That's my birth story. In a blaze of glory. In a great ball of fire. In an ejection pod on the middle of a cornfield. That depends how poetic you are.
I was adopted by my foster parents shortly thereafter, with my father Dubbing me Casanova. My father told me my name is somewhat important as it will determine my way of life. I had no idea what the hell he was saying, since I was only seven at the time and I was thinking about what toys I'm gonna get for christmas before it was even august. But now I understand since the ladies around me start to go stir crazy and begin doing strange things. Usually it's jealousy, sometimes it's love, a lot of times I don't care. I've grown used to it by now.
After my father died, I changed my name from Casanova to Cas and put my name into my last name and so, I've kept the tradition of the ancient strength of names alive. As far as I now, my name was meaningful to people in the ancient Sol and everyone knew who Casanova was. Now nobody knows and that's actually the way I like it, since it would attract too much attention.
So yeh. I've started out on a station in New York, started piloting a transport in Rheinland and ended up flying escort for transports in the Sigma systems. Hawaii was nice. I miss them easy patrol days sometimes, but what I'm doing now... wouldn't change it for the world. Making a difference in, as I like to call them: the crazy Omicrons, takes some time getting used to. But once you're here. You never want to go back. There would be simply too much you'd be missing.
After our glorious Guildmaster saw, I can handle command structure and I don't boil out from a fight even when the odds are against me, he gave me a challenge. He put it quite simply: "Cas, if you build your own ship, you can command it and fly under our banner. With our expertise and your daring and tenacity, all will fear the Core and respect us as well."
I figured that's the next step for me and just so, by pure chance and maybe even some luck, I met an old friend on the Hawaii, who told me the Spa and Cruise are looking for transports, for some lucrative runs, that go through all of their installations. Following that run and a borrowed Train from Kishiro (which I now own), I made a hefty profit and so the Prometheus was born.
You will never see me back out of a fight. I don't think about death when I'm in battle. I think about destroying my opponent, or die trying.
The Core is now my home and those who threaten it, will meet my wrath and anger. I will not show you mercy and expect none in return as well. If you meet me on the battlefield rejoice, for you will indeed get the fight you've been looking for.
Gloria Aeterna.

End Entry

RE: The Core Personnel and User Ship Database - Neonzumi - 12-28-2015

Pilot Entry

Pilot Name: Ivy Noire
Current Rank: Guardian
Date of Birth: 797 A.S.
Birthplace: Liberty
Family Relations: Mother (Presumed Missing)
Father (Deceased)

Vessels Under Command: WV-Fabricant

Ivy was born on planet Erie in the Pennsylvania system, Liberty space. Lived a "simple" life with her mother only, whom was an LSF agent, so it was as good as if Ivy lived by herself. But she was a tinker, a calm girl. Never got into trouble, spent most of her time reading through data, learning, studying. She even had access to encrypted and top secret data, borrowing the "access" key to the Force archives. Most of it was about the Nomad threat, and lots of other things like prototype weaponry and advanced ship design. Her mind is something that shouldn't be questioned, she can be a genius when she wants or needs to be, but her mostly, shy nature has her usually just tinkering alone in the corners labs of Eureka, now Durban, or aboard the Wraith, now Fabricant. At the age of 17 she graduated high school, having way above average grades she skipped 1 year, the same thing was with her higher education at the Manhaten Research Institute. Through her mothers connections she was able to get a job at the Security Force with ease. From a mere weapons testing intern, to a laboratory assistant, and over the years to the head of the Research Division 9. The things she has seen and "cut" over the years. Freaky things, some even hard for the most strong willed people to even imagine. Her division was at one moment, appointed to the shipyards, helping in development of an engine, for a top priority project. It was, as far as Ivy knows, a Liberty Recon Cruiser prototype. During the fusion reactor assembling, she messed up the calculations by a tiny bit, and by the time she realized it the engine blew apart a whole Docking Bay. Ehh, the repairs, the cost was high, it would take either her being tossed in slavery or being "booted" from the force, which is rarely the option. As there are many things their agents know, they cant afford any of it to leak out. She moved back to Erie, but could barely whithstand a month there...

Numerous assasination attempts, even attempts to hijack her vessels, it was quite the thing she managed to survive. After some research, she heard about the Core, from an old Bounty Hunter, while hanging around one of the local bars hiding,. The stories about the old Bounty Hunter's Guld Core, and about their work, and them eventually splitting up. It intrigued her, and offcourse all of the stories, of strange encounters with the infected, the Nomads and even advanced artificial inteligence, after a few attempts to escape, under the nose of the Agent dogs, she managed to leave for Kusari and eventually through the Sigmas she made it to Freeport ten, in Delta. Took some time for her to adapt, make a few friends, make some scratch by repairing old fighters, But around a whole year after she met a Core operative there for the first time, not a very pleasant person it was, she doesnt even remember the persons name, just that she was edgy, arrogant, direct, yet somehow sounded very sensible. Ivy was simply instructed to send a small transmission to the channel the person had given her the codes to, and now she is here.

Ivy spent only a little while on the front lines, in battle and doing field research, until after a slightly "traumatic", to her rather intriguing event she had fallen back to the depths of her "flagship" the Fabricant. What has she been doing all this time? With intel gathered she molded and shaped, programed and scripted maybe one of the most advanced Artificial Inteligence adjucants out there.

Project S.E.P.H. codename Sephiron. A supercomputer cell, with the ability to speak as a human, think as a human, and somewhat feel as a human. Things like indecisiveness, guilt or joy, Seph can feel all of them. It takes time to program it in, have it take root tho, like a child learning to say its first words, or take its first step. Ivy has grown really attached to it, and can be usually found having her chip mounted in a bracelet for communication and on-the-walk learning. Seph has somewhat become both her child, and her best friend...

For the future she mostly looks to improve Seph, have her some day safely take her adjucant body and walk amongst others. And to absorb as much information as she can, and maybe make a few friends along the way.

End Entry

RE: The Core Personnel and User Ship Database - Neonzumi - 12-28-2015

Ship Entry

Ship Name: WV-Fabricant
Ship Class: AP-430000 "Thresher" Core Destroyer
Date of Commission: 6/11/822 A.S.
Ship Posting: Omicron Rho-Delta-Kappa

2 Cruiser Cerberus Anti-Capital Cannons
6 APM Cruiser Primary Turrets

Newly built and commissioned, yes on the outside it looks like just a regular APM Destroyer, but on the inside its a highly advanced one man, well woman flown machine. The crew itself is consisted of Artificial Inteligence Adjucants, each with its own purpose in the warship.

The Alpha adjucants are in charge of the weapons grid and the primary defense system such as the shield generator. Alpha one and two, take care of the turret grids and take the duty of aiming them. Whilist Alpha three is in charge of managing the power core's heat, and in charge of managing energy efficiency of the shield generators, along with that it also holds the duty of bringing the shield grid back up in case of it going down and exposing the hull.

The Beta adjucant is in charge of the autopilot and the ships manuvering systems, along with the afterburn and the countermeasureing system.. Its programed to be able to calculate the time of impact of an incoming projectile, and deploy a countermeasure or perform a certain maneuver to avoid it. That includes energy projectiles not just ammo based weapons.

The Gamma adjucant is in charge of the engine cooling and managing systems, its mostly there to turn keep it as fuel efficient as possible, and to manage it running while Fabricant is idle.

The Delta adjucant is in charge of the life support systems, and it is connected to the storage bay AI constructs, along with that it has a vital job of isolating any hull breaches if they occur during combat, and commission Nano machines to patch them shortly.

The vessels main AI is S.E.P.H. which is half controlled by the captain, and mostly controlled by its own will. It is connected to every single one of the adjucants and it is able to give out commands, switch their routines, even commission new software for them if necesary. Along with the obvious job of storing any data collected.

The inside of the vessel itself isnt that spacious, most avaiable space is taken by the laboratory or the adjucant system grid and memory grid.

[Image: gpjFgTl3vIVjkI4P_4QdutZnjc6WbtcxpinLpeIh...2Kk3skbbkQ]

The bridge itself is habited by the Captain, and the main AI Seph, it also hosts the main holo grid along with the master computer. From there, you can controll every part of the ship.

[Image: yWy84P09U3OqyuXOwgJ4J5t_sd_TKWVO970occ5_...Eb9O7aX_0Q]

Even tho spacious enough to host up to ten people at a time, it is unecesary for the ship to function, thus there is no human crew apart from the captain herself.

End Entry

RE: The Core Personnel and User Ship Database - Ryus - 12-28-2015

Pilot Entry

Pilot Name: Ken Powers
Current Rank: Guardian
Date of Birth: 5.14.785 A.S.
Birthplace: Omicron Theta
Family Relations: Father (alive), Mother (alive), Cousin (missing)
Vessels Under Command: Various Snubcraft

The edge worlds suck. I know it, if you're readin' this you know it. Anyone who has ever taken a flythrough of one of these godforsaken systems knows it. They are a series of crapbaskets filled with angry bastard filled bastards with bastard coating. If you ain't getting shot or mindhugged by some stupid squid with stupid tenticle lasers you are getting stabbed in the back by an idiot Order terrorist, or having some half drunk 'Sair try to take all your worldly junk, or flat out ignored by some Zoner moron while the other guys take turns shootin' at you or shootin' at each other. And that is just what the living things do to you. Half of everything out here is some dark cloud of radiation that is ready to kill you if you sit too long, or a fried out star that is microwavin' the entire system.

Like I said, it is one giant hellhole. But it is MY hellhole. I was born out here, and damned if I ain't going to try and make it less of a hellhole.

I was born on Freeport 9 to a nice little Zoner couple, just my luck. They ran out of the houses to try and get away from “The Man” or whatever. Zoners are a bunch of damn hippies. Anyway, they made money running a bunch of useless crap back 'n forth between Freeports, making trips inward to the houses once in awhile to try get the stuff that Freeports need to run. Medicine and crap I guess. When I was old enough I started piloting with my Dad. He was one hell of a pilot, at least for a Zoner. When I think back on it it is surprising he kept that piece of crap Serenity going for as long as he did. We were constantly having chunks of the damn thing blown off by Nomads and Corsairs. Only two groups of people said they ever did anything about it, the Order, and the Bounty Hunters. In my years in that POS transport I only ever saw one of those two groups actually do something. And it wasn't the Order. I knew I didn't want to keep getting my ass singed by aliens and I knew I loved the looks of those APM ships, so I knew I was gonna be a hunter.

I picked up an old Switchblade off of some guy out in the Omegas and started taking contracts. Killed a few Corsairs, some Hessians, picked up a little cash. Bought a second hand Hammerhead. Picked up some more cash. Still have those ships to this day. What can I say, I’m sentimental. I hunted solo for a few years before I hooked up with some pilots for the Core. They told me about how they were gonna clean up the Edge, make it a legit place to live. That sounded like the crap I really wanted. Someone to make this place a decent place to live, using the force that it took. I made my way to Rho and signed up as a secondary. About a year later I joined in with the big boys and started in with the Core proper.

I don't care for the politics of this place. I'm here to enforce the law. And I do a damn fine job of it. I do what I'm told, when I'm told. You know what you're getting with me. And if you are a terrorist, pirate or alien it is likely to be a facefull of antimatter. I work every day to try and clean the crap out of these systems. I said before, this is my hellhole. But really it is OUR hellhole. And we work to make it less of one.

End Entry

RE: The Core Personnel and User Ship Database - Flash™ - 12-28-2015

Pilot Entry

Pilot Name: Newton Holt
Current Rank: Guildkeeper
Date of Birth: 797 A.S
Birthplace: Kusari
Family Relations: Mother (Alive), Father (Alive), Wife (Alive)
Vessels Under Command: WV-Revenant, WV-Armaggedon, AV-Skylark

Newton Holt was born on Deshima Station in the Shikoku system to a fairly wealthy family, who had the background of Bounty Hunters. He was the only child in the family, due to his mother not being able to continue to have more children. Newton was loved by his family very much, but was left to live with his grandparents in New Tokyo at a young age because of the work his parents had to do to make a living. Growing up, he rarely saw them, sometimes once a month, or even three months. He partially grew up without his parents.

His mother wanted him to grow up to be something different from them. They didn't want him to get addicted to the life of a Bounty Hunter. Being the only child, and son, he was you can say, overprotected. The life of a Bounty Hunter was rather dangerous, and you never know what could happen at any given moment. His parents feared he would turn to be like them, instead of running some fancy business like they wanted him to do.

As he got older and began seeing things much differently, he realized his parents are trying to keep him away from Bounty Hunting, and are forcing him to study and become some business owner. He began rebelling against them, he started failing in his studies, started to skip school, and later dropped out of school. He then left his grandparents and went to find his parents to tell them of what he wanted to do.

When he found them and told them what he wanted to do, they were shocked. He was doing really well in school, and was thought to have a wealthy future. His father was not pleased about what Newton told him, and denied his wish to become a Bounty Hunter. Newton was still young at this point, only at the age of seventeen. If he wanted to be one, he still had a lot to learn. For the next few years, his father, despite hating the decision his son made, trained him to become a Bounty Hunter.

Three years later, he began his future, which he saw, to be exciting and fun, while his parents couldn't stop worrying every time he went out to hunt. As he got older, he started to realize that at some point, he should of listened to his parents. After four years of Bounty Hunting, he saw it was pointless. He regretted the decision he made years ago about becoming a hunter, and regretted rebelling against his parents. He later quit Bounty Hunting and apologized for his actions to his parents. He didn't want to go back to school, instead, he decided to travel across sirius, and observe some of the groups that could be out there.

His first destination was Sigmas, although he didn't find anything interesting there, so he moved to the Omicrons. He heard a lot about the Omicrons and the groups that occupied them, such as The Order, who he was most interested in at that time. He went to Omicron Delta, to live on Freeport 11 while observing his surroundings. His interest about joining The Order faded away after he witnessed Order 'Agents' killing a Zoner. He didn't know the reason, but he was sure the Zoner didn't deserve that. He observed the Order for a while before turning his interest to other groups.

He turned his interest to the Bounty Hunters Guild Core. He knew they were some elite hunters who were funded by the Bounty Hunters Guild, but nothing in detail about what they actually do. After a few months, and a few chats with some of the pilots, he joined the Bounty Hunters Guild Core. He joined in a rather odd time. Only spending a short amount of time in the Bounty Hunters Guild Core, before it fell and a new Guildmaster rose to power, creating The Core. Many pilots followed the ex-Guildmaster and her ways and later defected with her. Newton Holt rose to the rank of Guildkeeper, being faithful and loyal to Erik Nodtviet who he saw as a role model when he joined the Bounty Hunters Guild Core.

End Entry

RE: The Core Personnel and User Ship Database - Flash™ - 12-28-2015

Pilot Entry

Pilot Name: Maya Banks
Current Rank: Transport Pilot
Date of Birth: 800 A.S
Birthplace: Bretonia
Family Relations: Mother (Missing/Dead), Father (Missing/Dead), Brother (Alive)
Vessels Under Command: APM-Equinox

Maya Banks was born on Planet New London to a loving family. Her family name has a history of business, literally. The Banks family tree goes back for some time, and everyone was related to some kind of business. Her mother and father were both part of the Borderworld Exports. Her future was practically already set, unless something unfortunate happened.

She went to school like every other kid did in Bretonia. She studied really well, always got the best grades in her class. After she graduated, her parents paid for her to go to a really expensive University on Planet New London, to study her major in business. Her life couldn't get any better, her future looked very bright, she had a loving family who cared for her, and she was studying at one of the best schools possible. Her life would turn around really quickly, when she received a message about her parents proclaimed missing. The message said it could of been the Corsairs who took them, or killed them. She quit school at that moment, took her little brother and went to Omega 3, which is where all of this happened.

Her life went from being bright, to being dark. When she arrived to Omega 3, she was encountered by The Core pilots, who told her about all that happened in detail. The transport her parents were commanding, entered a trap of the Corsairs between the lanes. They refused to drop the cargo, and before The Core could arrive to help, the transport was destroyed and her parents were either taken by them, or killed in the explosion. The Core destroyed three of the four Corsair pilots who were there, and they believe the last one had her parents. She didn't know what to do, and thanked the mighty pilots of The Core for trying. Her brother was only a year younger then her, and decided to join the Bretonia Armed Forces after that incident. She couldn't stay in Bretonia, it brought memories she didn't want to remember anymore.

Before The Core left, she asked if they can escort her to the Omicrons, where after a few months, she joined The Core as a AP Manufacturing pilot. She now commands the APM-Equinox, a 'Bison' Battletransport and imports and exports needed commodities for The Core to prosper and grow in the Omicrons.

End Entry

RE: The Core Personnel and User Ship Database - thisDerius - 12-28-2015

Pilot Entry

Pilot Name:John Darius Guerra
Current Rank: Guildkeeper
Date of Birth: 06.08.799. A.S.
Birthplace: Planet Erie, Pennsylvania, Liberty
Family Relations:Father - Eric John [ALIVE], Mother- Lidya Guerra John [ALIVE], Brother - Martin John [DECEASED], Sister - Freya John [ALIVE]
Vessels Under Command: WV - Oderise (Currently Unavailable)


Darius was born on a small village on Erie a year before the nomad war, which his father participated in. He was always a calm child, never bothered to look somewhere he does not need to. When he was 10 years old, his father started teaching him how to fight, use weapons and at the age of 17 he was even thought how to kill. His father knew he had to teach him this in case he had to protect himself from any harm. In most activities he managed to get to the top of his classes. After graduating, and getting his flying licence he decided to go out to explore unknown space.

It never was a strange thing to say that space was a dangerous place and Darius saw it first hand as he made a daring move to venture into the Omicrons unprepared. Within a few days he had most of the Omicronian factions on his ass, barely running for his life. He was saved by a man named "Joker" who gave him a place in the faction called the Blackguard. He spent a few years there before he was forced to return to Liberty.

After his return, Darius decided to join the Navy, to start working as a part of the secondary fleet. Not too long he met members of the 5th fleet who offered him to join their ranks. He accepted and started fighting for them, meeting new people every day and engaging in unique battles as each day passed. Little by little he got himself to the rank of the Captain and had his Liberty Assault Battle Cruiser assigned completely to him. The LNS-Silent.Claw became his pride and joy, a ship that would survive a thousand battles and so on. In his Rear Admiral days, he got in an accident which he barely survived. Saved by the IRG with a heavy memory loss, he decided to join them under the alias of Seth Wither. A brilliant mind working for a great faction, gave him more than he could have asked for. He found an old AI that belonged to an old friend of his. The AI is named EVE and it would reside within him from that point, on.

Several months have passed and his memory started to come back, bit by bit. After learning what happened, he left the IRG and decided to return to the Liberty Navy, where he was apprehended and locked in Fairbanks for possibly working with the Order and possibly leaking info about naval secrets. Thanks to the Ex-Blackguard members, they have made an escape on an old Defender ship. Everyone dispersed once again for a month until the situation calmed down. Darius was taken to Nauru to join the Core and others went about their business.

End Entry

RE: The Core Personnel and User Ship Database - Ace Razgriz - 12-28-2015

Pilot Entry

Pilot Name: Amanda Henderson
Current Rank: Guardian
Date of Birth: 800 A.S
Birthplace: Liberty, Planet Denver
Family Relations: Mother (Alive), Father (Dead)
Vessels Under Command: Waran Bomber, Manta Fighter, APM-Savannah (Serenity)

Born on Planet Denver to a family of pharmacists, Amanda lived a nice regular middle class life in Liberty. Once she grew up flying ships of her own, she became quite a vigilante around the Colorado System. She'd assist the local police with rounding up the known criminals and she got quite recognized for it in Colorado, even earning herself a job offer from the LPI. However she refused, and after that, set up her own paying job as a transport escort for supplies going out to the Bounty Hunters Guild Core in the deep Omicrons.

Once Amanda set herself up in the Omicrons, it was all an easy life. All she had to do on a weekly basis was escort a simple supply convoy of construction materials out to the Omicrons, specifically Omicron Rho. Unfortunately and fortunately for her, the pilots had no degree of navigational skill whatsoever, she became used to being lost in their route. After a while of getting lost, she switched convoys, but not before being lopst and having to guide the previous convoy left her with an intimate knowledge of the Omicrons. She continued running escort for roughly another three to four months. After this time passed, Amanda wanted a bit more to do, so she headed to a well known base of the Core, Durban Station in Omicron Rho.

Amanda applied at Durban station in a rather quiet manner, speaking directly to Guidlmaster Nodviet about her application. She quickly began her service as promised in her discreet application, and found herself on the front with a Moray Bomber quickly. Since joining Core, Amanda has taken charge, founding one of Cores tactical squadrons known as Wardog Squadron. Her current marital status is unknown, but it is known she has a cute little affection for Oda Shiro.

End Entry