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Ghosts of Ragriz Maltese Spectres - 101st Ghosts of Razgriz - 12-16-2015


Live in truth
Have Faith
Repent of Sin
Testify of Humility
Love Justice
Be Merciful
Be Sincere
Endure Persecution

The Knights of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Malta, Ancient Terra

Vive segun la verdad
Ten Fe
Arrepientete de tus pecados
Da prueba de humildad
Ama la justicia
Se Piadoso
Se sincero
Resiste la persecucion

Orden de los Caballeros de San Juan de Jerusalén de Malta, Tierra Antigua.

Ghosts of Razgriz Maltese Spectres

Dis Archives: Record - Bonello, Mia

We pledge our blood to defend the orange grasses of Malta and the air our children breathe. We are the ramparts upon which the hordes will fling themselves and die. We are the shield and the breastplate that protects the true Children of Hispania. We are the sword and the spear upon which our foes, the fallen children of Crete and those who cannot embrace the Orange Light, shall draw their last breaths as they slide through their hearts.

We are born out of the Chasm of the Razgriz-Abyss.
We are the Knights of Malta, the Guardians of Maltese territory.
We are the 'Hundred and First.
-- Bonello, Mia

Dis Archives: Record - Harolds, Meredith

We had been given a gift and can see further into truth than any man. Human beings are infants messing in the loam of an expansive ocean that stretches beyond the horizon.
The Cardamine has let us see.

We operate on a higher order of being. Many wonder why we take life so easily. It is because life is just a dream of what really is. What human beings cherish is an illusion; there is no such thing as death, only change.
-- Harolds, Meredith

Ever since the 101st Ghosts of Razgriz evolved from a military squadron to the administrative body of the Nacion Maltese, as they took over crucial positions wherever the opportunity let them. Drifting apart more and more from what they have been in the beginning, the Ghosts had been Legislative, Judiciary and Executive all in one for almost over 140 years.

Their reign focussing on the wellbeing of the Nacion Maltese, the Ghosts shifted more into the administrative body they never posed nor felt to be since they first jumped past the unknown singularity uncovering the system that is ever since what they would call home. With origins on Malta, and at first solely composed of pilots from there, over the years Ghosts had quite a number of personnel from all over the sector, all with their very own background and introducing the 101st to methods and play they had not been entitled to before. With their horizons ever expanding, and the constant influx of ressources to develop and encourage their ideas of Nacions next evolutionary step towards becoming the most valuable asset mankind has in surviving this new era lying upon them, the Ghosts lost their connection to the basic needs of those people inhabiting Malta, those not serving in the military, those producing the precious pharmaceuticals derivated from Cardamine, to those regular soldiers fighting every day at the frontlines to secure the Nacions' wealth. The gap between the maltese people and the agenda of the Ghosts became an undeniable fact.

As of recently, with the latest swap on the Administrators position, the Razgriz' Ghosts are backing off from their appearance at planet Malta and cover their operations in a shadowly act of secrecy buried deep within their very own part of Maltese space, restricted to just their own personnel. It is rumored they are calling in for all their former, dismissed and outcasted pilots in an act of transition to once more follow the scientific path of exploration and discovery, paired with the assets of military power, economic prosperity and industrial covering that had been built up over the decades of their ruling. They have been seen interacting with k'Hara entities and those aligned with them, as well as with highly specialised groups on their fields of operations, indicating that the Ghosts found back to their desire for expanding known knowledge past the boundaries of imagination and restrictions their environment setted upon them.

Ishmael they call Malta. Empire they call the Nacion Maltese. There is one saying these days, and they repeat it wherever possible...

[Image: UNDQUJ6.png]

For power. For Ishmael. For the Ghosts.

Dis Archives: Record - Jameson, Dennis

The governors and senators are not the power on Malta. They value the Outcast way of life, yes... and they understand the need for the greater good, however we are still part-human, and as such avarice can still grip the best of us. They spend their time sending their personal guards out to gather exotic baubles, gather wealth or other objects which they can use to increase their status within the higher classes of Malta. Their power is... not as great as some might think... no.

Know this: The true power of the nation lies with the Maltese navy, and a select few senators, business men and... people such as myself who understands what the nation needs to do in order to survive.
-- Jameson, Dennis

Time took its token as preparations for Echelon were worked, time the 'HundredFirst never had this moment and yet their focus was on spot that one project to build the fundament of what once is to inhabit the Dis and walk into the realms of unknown, close to the void, far from hope but knowing of the undeniable truth that impends upon mankind.
Few years passed since the Ghosts had been seen, rumor spread of their disappearance, word called out their infamous past, last leadership and even those shining individuals in power before downfall and tearing into shadows. Corsica, forgotten by most, despite being literally abandoned by the majority of guards and pilots, still stands as a monument of maltese will to endure the most hostile environments. Ran by a holovirtuality, the massive station that was locked down for what must have been over a year awakens again as previous high-ranked Ghosts set boot on it recently.
What had returned to nothing, arises anew. And from beyond the forbidden depths, upriver the Lethe, halls a legendary echo no Maltese can turn away from. Through the Archway out into the world, their one saying is heard again, and they repeat it wherever possible.

RE: [101st] Ghosts of Razgriz Maltese Spectres - 101st Ghosts of Razgriz - 12-16-2015



Nacion Maltese

Battlegroup Auxesia
Bretonian law enforcement and corporations
Golden Chrysanthemums
Reapers of Sirius
Sirius Junkers/Zoners/Freelancers - until proven hostile

k'Hara - neutral until proven hostile
Lane Hackers
Liberty Rogues (status pending)
National Council

Coalition (status pending)
Colonial Remnant
Corsairs and assorted allies (Brotherhood exempt - status pending)
Bounty Hunters Guild
Gas Miners Guild
Hellfire Legion
House of Gallia
House of Kusari
House of Liberty
House of Rheinland
Independent Miners Guild


Outcast-produced weaponry including all types of shields, scanners, thrusters, mines, missiles, cruise-disruptor-missiles, armour enhancements as well as Debilitator-type weapons.
All codename-type weaponry is reserved to the Number- and Codename-series divisions.

Borderworld-/Edgeworld-snubline (as listed) and the Outcast capital shipline. - without variation on lights/engines - new engines are provided by the Armoury.

Commerce ships (as listed) - without variation on lights/engines - new engines are provided by the Armoury.

Equipment-orders recollected:
Outcast-produced weaponry and Debilitator-type weapons - Codename-type weaponry is reserved for special squadrons
standard Borderworld-/Edgeworld-snubline light-setup and engines provided by the Armoury
Outcast-Guard transponder signal
Outcast idendification card


Gabriella Casta

Maltese Spectres Legal Department
Mira Sebat

Razgriz administrative proxy.
Estefania Casta

Soldiers of the Razgriz are accounted as Ghosts.
Ademar Argueda
Serefina Covelli

Individual confidants.

Numbered Razgriz soldiers are accounted as Vanguards by rank. Their orders overwrite Ghosts commands in combat situations. They are following own agenda given by Ghost Administration.

Codenamed Razgriz soldiers are accounted as Freelancers by rank. Their orders overwrite N-Series commands in combat situations. They are free to decide whether partaking at operations or not. They are following own agenda given by Ghost Administration.

Razgriz' bomber squadron.

Dies Irae

Diplomatic Fleet

Commerce/Merchant Fleet

Status MIA
Dennis Jameson
Itziar Leiseka

RE: [101st] Ghosts of Razgriz Maltese Spectres - 101st Ghosts of Razgriz - 12-16-2015