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To: Büro der Marineintelligenz || From: Solitaire Metropolis - Printable Version

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To: Büro der Marineintelligenz || From: Solitaire Metropolis - Xenon - 07-27-2016

[Image: Mark_Hamann_TB.png]

Transmission: Online
Receiver: Büro der Marineintelligenz
Subject: Cloak factory & Nomad remains license

Guten Tag,
oberkommando of Büro der Marineintelligenz,
First of all, i would like to present myself to you mien oberkommando. My name is Mark Hamann, rheinlander business man from the New Berlin system. I am the CEO of Solitaire Metropolis found in sector 3B at Stuttgart system. I am sending this highly encrypted transmission because of recommendations that i received from the federal Polizei director Laura Karsten. I did contact the federal polizei about a license for building a new cloak factory on board the Solitaire Metropolis industrial phase. I also mentioned and explained to the federal polizei about our intentions to build these devices for the bundesrepublik authorities, which means, the Büro der Marineintelligenz, Rhienwehr and the Federal polizei. Everything was going fine until director laura had to direct me to your respected office, so i can establish a legal way of transportation to those remains used in manufacturing these kinds of devices. I already attached for you a copy of my negotiation with the federal polizei so you can draw a complete background about the situation. I will wait your reply mien herr about the procedures and requirements i should fulfill so i can register this license. I want also to mention that my plans were to create that factory and make it the number one direction for all the bundesrepublik authorities, so once any of them require a special cloaking device, then our factory will manufacture that and with special prices to help maintaining the bundesrepublik law and control any chaos. I will wait to hear from you and have a gut day mien herr.

[Image: Mark_Hamann_TB2.png]

RE: To: Büro der Marineintelligenz || From: Solitaire Metropolis - Xenon - 07-28-2016

[Image: Mark_Hamann_TB.png]

Transmission: Online
Receiver: Büro der Marineintelligenz
Subject: Revoking License

Guten Tag,
oberkommando of Büro der Marineintelligenz,
After private few minutes negotiation, i ve been informed by the Buro leadership that civilians don't have license for the cloak factories. I revoked the idea and destroyed the plans. Danke for you time and you can mark this transmission as read. Have a gut day.

[Image: Mark_Hamann_TB2.png]