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To: Solitare Metropolis - Printable Version

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To: Solitare Metropolis - Wesker - 08-15-2016

[Incoming Transmission]

Source: Vogtland Base, Dresden
Encryption level:High


[Image: HppktY8.jpg]

Subject: Concerns

Sender ID: Brigade General Anna Heinrich

Guten Abend,

You know, I was willing to be lenient with you missing a payment. However you've missed... 3 now? That isn't quite acceptable, neither is letting a Daumann miner dock at your base. If I see this again, you will regret it, but I'll give you one chance to explain yourself now. It'd better be sincere.

[Image: 50px-Hessianlogo.png]
Signed, Anna Heinrich


Closing message...

[Transmission Terminated]

RE: To: Solitare Metropolis - Xenon - 08-15-2016

[Image: Mark_Hamann_TB.png]

Transmission: Online
Receiver: Anna Heinrich
Subject: Re: Solitaire Metropolis

Guten Tag,
Brigadegeneral Anna Heinrich,
It's me Mark Hamann again and i am here to discuss your previous reply, It's very obvious to me that you forgot your own words and our conversation and deal at the first place, so let me remind you of some points which are mentioned in this transmission already. Actually, you didn't ask me to stop daumann vessels from visiting my installation and i never heard that you even want that. Also i would like to tell you that this will never happen. The Solitaire Metropolis was built to serve the rhienlanders and as i mentioned before, i will help your cause by the donations and by being a good working source of supply to the revolutionary armee. What i see now is different, and actually it draw lots of questions. Actually, i don't understand how exposing me would help at all ? actually if the military know about the donations i give you, then i will be shut down and no donations will come after because there will be no more business to supply you from. I sometimes feel that you don't understand this point. I saw you sending your 2nd in command along with some guards to break into my installation by force and try to cause some noise. I don't understand from which prospective you think this is safe and bring more advantages to the revolutionary armee? Then some of your [RHA] members start harassing my suppliers and customers, although our deal was to let them go since they work with the Solitaire Metropolis which serve your cause by donations. I don't understand your actions truly!!... Now you ask me a new thing, you ask me to stop daumann from landing on my installation and threaten me with your tone. I think there is an end to every closed road and you are running toward the end as fast as possible. I am paying the donation regularly and i wasn't forgetting and you wasn't lenient at all. I actually mentioned also in the old transmissions that you must send your representative to collect the cash or send me a direct transmission so i can wire the funds as soon as possible. I would suggest for you not to deal with me like an enemy, because i am tired from explaining to you that i support the revolutionary cause by my donation although lately, i have seen crimes happening by the [RHA] which shakes my belief and make me think twice now about your real identity... but let's keep that for another time. Have a good day.

[Image: Mark_Hamann_TB2.png]

RE: To: Solitare Metropolis - Wesker - 08-15-2016

[Incoming Transmission]

Source: Vogtland Base, Dresden
Encryption level:High


[Image: HppktY8.jpg]

Subject: Concerns

Sender ID: Brigade General Anna Heinrich

Guten Abend,

I never intended to expose anyone, this was brought to my attention by one of my pilots. I don't actively seek out things such as this. Working with Daumann officials was only a part of the reason I contacted you, the main reason was the fine. I was -and still am- thinking you're working with those corrupted fools.

My second in Command? You're a bad liar, my second in command is stationed in an Omega system very far from Stuttgart. We haven't been harassing any members or suppliers, in fact thats the first time I've seen one of my pilots near your station in MONTHS.

If you think I'm threatening you now, you'll be in for quite a scare when I DO threaten you. I was being lenient, I could've left your base in rubble for not paying I could've threatened you and been more hostile but I decided against it. I'm not looking to expose you working with us, when was that ever even assumed? Why?

Please do not whine to me, if I was treating you like an enemy, I wouldn't be talking to you. I'd be shooting you. You think it's "tiring" to make false assumptions and not even listen to someone who's giving you a chance to explain yourself? I'd love to see you take job.

I do hope your take some time to think about how you reply to me, because I'm not being nearly as hostile as I can be.

[Image: 50px-Hessianlogo.png]
Signed, Anna Heinrich


Closing message...

[Transmission Terminated]

RE: To: Solitare Metropolis - Xenon - 08-16-2016

[Image: Mark_Hamann_TB.png]

Transmission: Online
Receiver: Anna Heinrich
Subject: Re: Solitaire Metropolis

Guten Tag,
Brigadegeneral Anna Heinrich,
You say that you never intended to expose me and your 2nd in command never came to my base and call me liar. I am surprised that you are brigadegeneral and don't know what your members are doing, so let me help you with some documents so you can believe that i am not a liar. Now, let me explain something to you, The Red Hessians Armee do not own Solitaire Metropolis, and i pay donations to help your cause only, Which means, that you have no rights to tell me who should dock and who shouldn't. The money you receive every month is coming from the business that i do with daumann and other customers and suppliers. You already know that since day one, when you noticed the installation and come ask me for 500 million credits as unreasonable donation. I am not thinking that you threatening me now as you say, Actually i am SURE that you are threatening me on every transmission you send to me. Since day one and you threaten to destroy the installation and terrorize it's suppliers. If you think that your [RHA] members don't stop my suppliers and customers then re check again, and i will send to you some documents proving my words. I hope you check your info before replying back to me. At least ask your members because you don't have the full information. In the end, If you still want your 50 million donation of August then send me a bank account information so i can wire the cash. Have a good day.

[Image: Mark_Hamann_TB2.png]

RE: To: Solitare Metropolis - Wesker - 08-17-2016

[Incoming Transmission]

Source: Vogtland Base, Dresden
Encryption level:High


[Image: HppktY8.jpg]

Subject: Concerns

Sender ID: Brigade General Anna Heinrich

Guten Abend,

"You have no right to tell me who can and who cannot dock on my station." Oh ok, now you've angered me. Not only do you assume who my second in command is, make up lies and what not. But you constantly reply as if I'm being hostile deliberately. I wasn't then and I am now. I don't have the patience for this, I'm done showing you mercy. I strongly suggest relocating yourself.

[Image: 50px-Hessianlogo.png]
Signed, Anna Heinrich


Closing message...

[Transmission Terminated]

RE: To: Solitare Metropolis - Xenon - 08-17-2016

[Image: Mark_Hamann_TB.png]

Transmission: Online
Receiver: Anna Heinrich
Subject: Re: Solitaire Metropolis

Guten Tag,
Brigadegeneral Anna Heinrich,
So you don't even look at those documents and ignore them, and now showing more hostility without a reason. Alright, I was sure of it. All this time and i was sure that your true colors is not the revolution. You are bunch of terrorists who install fear and hate in the hearts of rhienlanders. You rob people and force them to pay cash to your organization claiming that you are a true rheinlander. You are a liar, and a thief and i don't care about your crap anymore. Do yourself a favor and go to hell.

[Image: Mark_Hamann_TB2.png]