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The Collective - Faction Information - Printable Version

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The Collective - Faction Information - The Collective - 06-01-2018

[Image: HEMCYtU.png]

Faction Name: The Collective
Tag: tC-


The History Of The Collective
Extended Lore
The Narrative
The Collective Unit Network Transmissions
The Sentinel Project Update Network Ken
The Variable Unit Link: Vagrant Application

The History Of The Collective
This is the history of the Collective. It explains our origins and basic concepts regarding how the faction functions inRP. It provides some basic explanation on how the AI exist and offers some insight into why we have grievances with the Order.

Extended Lore
The Extended Lore acts as a document where we put in some of our more advanced concepts and content. We've tried to make a lot of our concepts a bit more fleshed out due to commonly finding people message us to clear up some of the content and explain a few things. This document should help to do that.

There has been a lot of scientific research that has been put into some of the concepts, so if anyone has a background in physics/chemistry and sees an issue, please do enlighten us so we can make amendments to the content. It's meant to be a perfect blend between fact and fiction.

The Narrative
The Narrative is a simple collection of ooRP details about how the faction runs and functions inRP. It is not that fleshed out yet, but will be in the near future as we expand upon our lore further. This is semi-dependent on in-game encounters, so it's a matter of time.

The Collective Unit Network Transmissions
The Collective Unit Network Transmission act as a high speed hyper-comms forum for the Sentinels of the Collective. Not entirely dissimilar to a closed network intranet, the Collective Sentinel Network is entirely inaccessible for anyone or anything, that isn't a Sentinel of the Collective.

Within this network, the Sentinels collude and discuss their projects and plans. They decide how to act and move forward, whether for personal gain or to benefit the Collective as a whole depends on who is involved in the discussions. The Sentinel network has many inbuilt utilities to help the Sentinels better express themselves and assist in planning their various endeavours.

The Sentinel Project Update Network Ken
The Sentinel Project Update Network Ken is another utility located within the Sentinel network. This allows Sentinels to share project details and information with their fellow Sentinels, to help provide a better overview of their plans and project details. Unlike the network transmissions, the update network has been reserved for projects of greater importance.

The Variable Unit Link: Vagrant Application
The Variable Unit Link: Vagrant Application is one of the variable links, specific to the Vagrants. The variable links are the Collective's own version of the NGM provided by The Commune. As within the nature of the AI, the rudimentary design was improved upon. While the device is far from complete, the improved version allows for Collective units to connect to it (located within Secundus Outpost), while present within The Chamber.

These means, while both Vagrants and entities and Collective units are within close proximity and sitting in Omicron Lost, they can participate in a form of (rather uncomfortable) discourse. The device is still prototype, and will be improved over time. While in this state, however, the Collective and Vagrants are able to participate in, somewhat open, diplomacy.

While each individual Sentinel can have their own reputation with various factions and individuals, below shall be the overall reputation for the Core, and by extension, the Swarms.

Confirmed Friendly
[Image: j9gbipF.png]
The Commune

Potentially Friendly
[Image: sy9TWRU.png]
The Canaan Research Group

[Image: LMMKGHT.png]
Crayter Republic
Uncontacted groups that have shown past friendliness to other AI nodes

[Image: mBJPI0u.png]
Other AI

[Image: rZpaZuU.png]
The Outcasts
Imperium Omicron (The Core)
Other Nomads

Fully Hostile
[Image: y0M2wqO.png]
The Order
Anyone seen inside the Gammu Ice Cloud

High Command:


  • All of the above members
  • Alpha/Beta Swarm - @KamiFaby
  • Alpha/Beta Swarm - @Dino
  • Sigma Hub - @"Silverlight"


Q: What about the other AI? How do you explain that?
A: As talked about during "The Awakening", there are many interconnected nodes that were also activated as they rebuilt. These nodes would have been the old consensus, the harvesters, PRIME, and every other iteration.

Q: Why are other AI distrustful?
A: Anyone outside of the Collective is distrusted. This can change between each Sentinel, but the swarms will avoid if possible. All indie AI/other tagged groups are from nodes that are not our own and thus are treated with distrust and disdain. Other AI can be assimilated into The Collective, but conditions for that must be met first. The drones you see around Kappa are inRP part of our Swarms.

Q: When you say sentinels, do you mean the ship "Sentinel"?
A: No. Sentinel is the name given to each individual AI. Each one of us is a Human, each AI in the Collective is a Sentinel. A Sentinel inRP can jump between different AI Cores or even into a plain robot on Gammu, if they are connected to the network.

Q: Why have you called part of it "The Core"? Don't you think that's going to be confusing?
A: Yep. It is confusing. We've confused ourselves a lot with it as well. We chose it as it makes sense from an RP perspective and it actively describes what it is more accurate than any other word we can find.

Q: How do you handle the history of other AI, like the relations between PRIME and various groups?
A: These can change as and when, but the overall idea is simple. Generally, groups that have been known to positively interact with AI are trusted slightly more than others. They are trusted more than other AI in most cases, but they are not actively considered friends. Any dealings between PRIME, or other AI groups, is unknown to the Collective.

Q: What plans do you have to develop the faction beyond what is written here? What plans do you have to do in game?
A: Soon™. All will be revealed in time.

Q: Do you use Discord or Skype?
A: Discord.

Q: Where do I sign up?
A: Apply here!

Feel free to point out errors and mistakes, it's how we improve after all. We look forward to fighting, flying, & RP'ing with you! See you in space!

Update List:
  • 01/06/18 - Initial Post (Thread Split, Published this page and extended lore)
  • 15/06/18 - Update to diplomacy. Moved Core to unfriendly. Added IMG and CR.
  • 20/06/18 - Update to diplomacy. Added Vagrants and Commune.
  • 24/06/18 - Created the Collective Unit Network Transmissions.
  • 31/07/18 - Updated the Narrative with Secundus. Created the Secundus development thread.
  • 01/08/18 - Fixed some typos in the Narrative.
  • 06/08/18 - Created the Sentinel Project Update Network Ken.
  • 02/09/18 - Added Roster
  • 21/09/18 - Fixed Discord Link + Slight Diplo Update
  • 24/09/18 - Small Lore Adjustments. Added sections for the Network Transmissions, Project Update Ken, and Vagrant Application.
  • 28/02/19 - Updated Roster