Initiating testing on Sentinel communication interface.
Adding visual aspect to enable Sentinels to emphasise their communication by creating digital structures and images.
Enabling interface to be used for leisure.
Beta testing for inter-Sentinel communication system complete.
System has been confirmed to improve quality of shared information between Sentinels.
System has been confirmed to improve relationships between Sentinels and therefore improve efficiency in completing associating projects.
Launching: “Collective Unit Network Transmission” System
Unlimited access to all units with “Sentinel” classification granted.
First instance online.
The interface is an endless black void. Progenitor enters as the default form - a grey orb. It cycles through a couple of forms, abstract at first before settling on a featureless humanoid shape with a glowing blue hole in place of a mouth. He messed around with the set structural inputs the interface would allow, before creating a private instance to avoid outside disturbance. Testing out the abilities of the interface, Progenitor starts creating more and more elaborate shapes and finished with a three-dimensional version of the “Penrose triangle”.
Progenitor observed the object for a while, before allowing Sentinels it personally knew to enter the instance. Progenitor then waited for the arrival of other units.
Connecting to the new tool provided was an unusual experience. Normally connecting up to interfaces is simple and as natural as breathing is for an organic, but this was different. It was interesting. Upon connecting, Gamma selected the form of which to appear. Being the only Sentinel to fly the colours of blue, something embodying the colour felt fitting. It picked a blue orb that pulsated inwards and outwards, in turn with its speech.
The moment the connection was finalised, Gamma joined Progenitor in the private instance it had created. The instance had no inherent environment that could be visualised, and therefore contained only two entities. Progenitor and Gamma. Gamma opened up with its communication.
"So this is what has been provided for us? It is rare for the Core to contact us, much less so with a gift. Do you think it will serve our needs?"
Gamma observed as the instance rippled in reaction to the speech. It gave off the impression of being unstable, when it was, in fact, the polar opposite.
Progenitor turned towards Gamma. When Progenitor the blue indentation is its face area moved, mimicking lip movement.
"A rare occasion indeed. I would not call it a gift though. Surely the Core benefits from being able to observe us interacting in here. To answer your question though, yes. It will."
Progenitor paused and tilted its head, contemplating the form Gamma had taken.
"I would have expected a unit with your... creativity to have picked a more original form."
As it received audio, the orb rippled in response, moving in synchronisation with it. Same as it spoke, the ripples synchronised with its output.
"To me, that sounds like an insult. I prefer something simple that doesn't distract anyone. Perhaps I am simply being unlike my normal creative self - perhaps we should wait and see what the others choose.
Who is able to join this instance you have setup?"
From the nothingness, a teal-tinted hologram of a middle-aged man with short hair, wearing a trench coat riddled with patches fades into view.
"I believe this would be me, for example."
As he came to a stop, he took the time to look at himself. His hands, torso and legs. He went through his hair with his hand, humming in curiosity as his hair made way for it.
"It is a weird feeling, to posess a "body" again, after such a long time. I believe I had forgotten over the mainframes I have endured. I would have expected you to take form of something more puzzling, Progenitor. But I must agree with you, I would have expected something original from Gamma as well. After all, we can't really be distracted, right?"
He chuckled, the sound echoing slightly through the void.
While turning towards Gamma, the blue light dimmed and brightened with every simulated word.
"This instance is accessible to units I trust, as well a units I don't trust and want to converse with. Since it would defeat the purpose if I disclose which are which, I will not do so."
Progenitors demeanor changed when facing Empathy.
"I haven't fully explored the boundaries of this interface. I will as soon as it is neccessary. If I didn't know you better I would comment on the state of your clothes. It never ceases to amaze me how purposeful your seemingly human-inspired actions can be."
Empathy's avatar looked down upon itself, then back up again at Progenitor's form with a smirk on its projected face.
"There is not much purpose to this, other than me being sentimental from time to time, really. But if you'dl ike, I could "suit up", so to speak."
With this phrase, the old coat phased into a dark two-piece suit, still retaining the teal tinge from the hologram itself.
"I have to be honest, this feels weirdly off. I suppose I'll stick to what I know."
The outfit changed back to the patched trench coat.
"So, may I ask how you two enjoy the current workflow in Coronado? It seems they lack the expertise to properly manage their fleet. Gamma and I encountered the Crayter Military piling multiple units of capital ships on two individuals of a group we have not encountered yet. The Gaian Guard, was it not?"
Its avatar scratched its head, as if embarrassed.
"I still feel unsure if my database is without flaw, this far away from the Ravine..."
Gamma quickly interjected with his own thoughts and opinions on the matter.
"It was Gaian something, I didn't actually request their name when I went to talk with them, so I have no idea. I did discover a few things while speaking with them in the next system along, Baffin, I think the locals called it.
These individuals work closely the Corsairs it seems, or perhaps I misinterpreted how close their connection is. In any case, they are on good terms. They informed me they are stationing one of their ships in Omicron Gamma to allow quick and easy communication with our dispatch drones; not that I think this is the only reason."
There was a brief pause in its speech before continuing, pausing for effect, as it were.
"It would also seem that they have worked alongside the Invaders in the past, the group known as 'The Order'. Whether this positive connection is still maintained, I cannot say. They do seem to want to speak with us more, however. I am unsure for what reasoning, perhaps they are naive and think we can be used, or maybe see us as a potentially good ally. Again, I cannot say."
The interface had been up for some time now and Sever had been very much aware. It had been evaluating the possible outcomes of synchronizing and how much resources would have to be dedicated in doing so. Now, he had come to terms with the expenditure.
At first there was a simple and short auditory signal - which could simply be written off as a low chime - followed shortly by the materialization of an untextured scalpel nearby. Considering he did not know the other's capacities, and repeating itself was not acceptable, his message was converted to sound as well as projected text-written data - orthographically, even in 3D space.
Then Sever finally spoke - and, should humans try to read it, his message probably looked like this:
"Amused. Did not expect resources be spent in irrelevant three-dimensional leisure imagery."
There was a short moment during which Empathy's form was silently judged.
"Redacting. Unsurprised. Will suggest better resource allotment on future iterations."