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To: The owners of the Old Trafford. - Printable Version

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To: The owners of the Old Trafford. - Nika - 04-08-2019

8th of April, 742 A.G.S.
New London System
[Image: x9xscge.png]

Sender: Commandant Emilie-Sophie de Belmond.
Recipient: Old Trafford administration.
Catégorie: Urgente.


Your outstanding arrogance leaves me under an impression you really expected your meager installation to remain unnoticed behind our lines.
I urge to disappoint you - but your attempt haven't succeeded, neither your defensive modules will save your lair.

You have twenty four hours to evacuate whatever values you have on your modular base - or deconstruct it on your own accord, before Marine Royale comes after it.
The countdown starts now.


Marine Royal Gauloise, Commandant Emilie-Sophie de Belmond.



Transmission Terminée

RE: To: The owners of the Old Trafford. - DSE|= - 04-08-2019


¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤ TRANSMISSION-outwards ¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤

SENDER: Steve Veltman
TO: Commandant Emilie-Sophie de Belmond

Commandant de Belmond


My name is Steve Veltman. CEO of Deep Space Engineers.

Thank you for your correspondence. I am very surprised to see that the content is one of aggravation rather than detente.
This is possibly due to not knowing the aim and purposes of Old Trafford. Let me enlighten you.

The base is owned and operated by Deep Space Engineers (=DSE-). We are a civilian corporation with a primary focus on construction and maintenance of trade lanes and Jump Gates throughout Sirius. We have no authorisation nor intent to repair the Birmingham Wreck. It is not ours and no contract has been applied for nor has there been any requests to even consider repairing the station. It is a total wreck and of no value to us.

We built at the junction of the two trade lanes primarily for convenience. It has defense platforms as is required to protect =DSE- staff, a needed deterrent against attacks from marauding Molly and Gaian militants. =DSE- has a strict non-aggression policy, and do not have any fighting craft at all. Out staff are important to as and we have no desire for any harm to come to them.

I would request detente with MRG, to steer a path to effective understanding and dialogue.

Au revoir pour le moment.

Steve Veltman CEO of =DSE-

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RE: To: The owners of the Old Trafford. - Nika - 04-08-2019

9th of April, 742 A.G.S.
New London System
[Image: x9xscge.png]

Sender: Commandant Emilie-Sophie de Belmond.
Recipient: Steve Veltman, DSE, CEO.
Catégorie: Urgente.


According to my knowledge, Deep Space Engineering is a Libertonian corporation, thus such a turn of events - your will to negotiate - have surprised me, and is taken into account.
Now, that your corporation has the decency of the true, loyal Gallic citizens - i will give you the option of legally registering your modular base. The requirements are described in the modular base registry, The Crown government channel.
You will find the link attached below. Follow the procedure and. i assure you - your application will be properly processed, like that one of any other legally acknowledged entity or individual.

There is no doubt that the base will be put under the keen watch and, should it be found in the breach of the Gallic laws - we shall return to the topic of it's deconstruction - or resolving the possible issues.
Furthermore - make sure you have familiarised yourself with the Gallic laws.

The countdown is put on hold for the next forty eight hours.

Bonne chance!


Marine Royal Gauloise, Commandant Emilie-Sophie de Belmond.


Gallic modular base registry.
The laws of Gallia.

Transmission Terminée

RE: To: The owners of the Old Trafford. - DSE|= - 04-10-2019


¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤ TRANSMISSION-outwards ¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤

SENDER: Steve Veltman
TO: Commandant Emilie-Sophie de Belmond

Commandant de Belmond


Thank you for you considered response. As =DSE- is a civilian enterprise, it would come as no surprise that we are non-combatants. Detente is much prefered over violent actions.

The request to register Old Trafford has hit a snag. Whilst =DSE- is an independent corporation, it is, never-the-less, effected by the pros and cons of politics. The snag is in willingly registering Old Trafford as a Gallic POB, we would incur the wrath of both Bretonian and Libertonian governments who would consider us as treasonous.

Corporations are by their very nature apolitical, no matter what house they belong to. Never-the-less we are bound to uphold the laws in Liberty and Bretonia, indeed all houses. This, of course, puts =DSE- on the horns of a very big dilemma as you can imagine. It would be absolute suicide to our whole enterprise to actually agree to register Old Trafford as a Gallic approved POB until the war is over.

In regards to the above I request to continue our dialogue in a secure channel. Would you agree with this request? If so our communications division will set up a highly secure channel with yourselves to see if we can work towards a solution.

Au revoir pour le moment.

Steve Veltman CEO of =DSE-

[Image: 0GDbcPu.png]
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RE: To: The owners of the Old Trafford. - Val - 04-10-2019

10th April 742 A.G.S.
New London System
[Image: unknown_21.png]

Sender: Commandant Pierre Vaillant
Recipient: Steve Veltman, DSE, CEO.
Subject: Negociations


And nope; I am not the Commandant de Belmond. My name is Pierre Vaillant, aswell Commandant. Madame de Belmond has been quite busy today, so I took the initiative to continue the current negociations.

Your choice is regrettable. However I would like to notice you on something. Bretonia nor Liberty don't need to know about your relations with Gallia. Bretonia forces are exhusted and are unable to siege any base at the moment. And as for Liberty, you are a Libertonian coorporation so it might cause some issue to your group.

Nonetheless, I will keep my warwolfs out of your base for now, as you are willing to pursue the negociations. We can do that indeed in a secure channel. The ball is in your hands.


Marine Royal Gauloise, Commandant Pierre Vaillant.


Transmission Terminée

RE: To: The owners of the Old Trafford. - Nika - 04-11-2019

11th of April, 742 A.G.S.
New London System
[Image: x9xscge.png]

Sender: Commandant Emilie-Sophie de Belmond.
Recipient: Steve Veltman, DSE, CEO.
Catégorie: Urgente.


Your base will remain unharmed - for now - considering you are willing to negotiate further, despite the obvious odds and issues.
I will be waiting the secure channel to be set up by your personnel.


Marine Royal Gauloise, Commandant Emilie-Sophie de Belmond.



Transmission Terminée

RE: To: The owners of the Old Trafford. - Nika - 04-12-2019

12th of April, 742 A.G.S.
New London System
[Image: x9xscge.png]

Sender: Commandant Emilie-Sophie de Belmond.
Recipient: Steve Veltman, DSE, CEO.
Catégorie: Urgente.


It is a shame to see your desire to cooperate is now gone entirely, and the secure channel was not established in the provided time window.
Destruction order will be issued immediately.

Au revoir.


Marine Royal Gauloise, Commandant Emilie-Sophie de Belmond.



Transmission Terminée

RE: To: The owners of the Old Trafford. - DSE|= - 04-12-2019


¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤ TRANSMISSION-outwards HIGH ENCRYPTION¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤

SENDER: Steve Veltman
TO: Commandant Emilie-Sophie de Belmond, Commandant Pierre Vaillant



Please find attached the encryption code and link to a secure channel. HIGHLY CLASSIFIED

Steve Veltman CEO of =DSE-

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