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Coalition International: Description and Relations - Printable Version

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Coalition International: Description and Relations - Sirius Coalition - 04-14-2019

[Image: 17J7H17.png][Image: CoalitionArms.png] [Image: ctdFtU5.png] [Image: nzdGXSj.png]

The Sirius Coalition is an Omega-based state that descends directly from the Coalition of Sol. Although presently small in terms of territory, the modern Coalition holds a degree of primacy among like-minded factions in Sirius and an unusual capacity for force projection, for a state of its present size. With that in mind, the Coalition has connections and interests everywhere, and a deep network of agents strewn across all of Sirius. The Coalition's present combination of size and influence rationalizes cooperation with other parties holding lasting shared interests, or ones with ad hoc "for-profit" motives bringing upon benefit or expansion potential for the Coalition.


The Coalition International (henceforth “Coalintern” or "COALINTERN") is a special advisory office of the executive branch of the People’s Republic. Instituted at the behest of Premier Leon Gutierrez it acts as a centralized focus of diplomatic affairs for the Coalition.

Acting effectively as the extension of the official Foreign Relations Doctrine, and replacing the ad-hoc contact methods of previous administrations, Coalintern provides a forum for parties interested in setting up more formal relations with the Coalition, as well as like-minded parties across Sirius.

Holding firm belief that the Revolutionary Struggle is as important for institutionalised organisations, as for individual revolutionaries, Coalintern's primary communication channel is open to anyone. Given its open nature, the visitors are advised to use appropriate encryption protocols if sharing sensitive information. Representatives from the COALINTERN body itself, Office of the Premier, Revolutionary Army Command, SCEC command, or the Office of the Ministry of Plenty and chair-person of Volgograd Industrial, will seek to respond to communiques in a timely manner befitting the present political situation.

The wider comradeship shaped by Coalintern can expect the enduring support of the Coalition in various matters, for the Coalition is determined to deliver justice, equality, and prosperity to everyone in Sirius, while adamantly opposing any form of tyranny, exploitation, and other predatory practices stemming from flawed forms of governance. We are bound to unite those downtrodden to rise as one in the name of Humanity, and finally put aside our differences for the future of Mankind.


Foreign dignitaries and representatives seeking to contact the Coalition may direct inquiries to the frequency specified, or the neural net forum attached. Attempts to contact on this broadcast frequency will fail to reach either COALINTERN or the government offices.

Current Diplomatic Stance with Factions


Red Hessians (RHA)

Blood Dragons

Molly Republic [M]

Apostatas (APS)

The Order

Temporary Autonomous Zoners (TAZ)


Bundschuh Party of Rheinland (Die Weisse Rose)


Congress Junkers

Crayter Republic







Non-Congress Junkers


Independent Miners

Independent Researchers

Liberty Separatists

Artificial Intelligence

Gallic Brigands

Unione Corse



Individuals shipping to Houses

Independent Pirates

The Commonwealth of House Liberty

Hostile (Reconcilable Hostilities)

Hostile House Military (Liberty, Kusari, Gallia)

Hostile House Intelligence Agencies (Liberty, Kusari)

Hostile House Corporations (Liberty, Kusari, Rheinland, Gallia, Bretonia)

The Core

Golden Chrysanthemums

Farmers Alliance


Liberty Rogues

Lane Hackers


Bounty Hunters Guild

At War (Irreconcilable Hostilities)

Unioner "Syndicate Leagues"

Actively Warring House Military (Rheinland, Kingdom of Bretonia)

Actively Warring House Intelligence Agencies (MND/BDM, SIS)



The True Threats to Mankind

Mobile Nomadic Life Forms

Nomad-infected Personnel (Wild)